Tuesday 14 January 2014

Scrapbook Tuesday - T is for Tantrum!

Hello There

Tantrum I hear you ask?  Yes this morning when our stupid internet would not load photos on to Blogger for me!  I left my puter lined up to upload a few photos for today's post and when I had my shower I popped in my room to find it was still digesting them.  I had my breakfast and only one was uploaded.  I got dressed and was near enough needing to go to work and I only had two photos uploaded.  So if you would like to see some close ups I have to ask you to F11 or whatever you do to make the photos larger!

So today is Tuesday and as is my custom I am sharing a scrapbook layout with you as well as joining in with my friend Elizabeth over at T for Tuesday.

So I started with a sheet of white cardstock and left it clean and took a piece of graduating blue paper with snowflakes on there and punched it all the way round with MS PATP.  I took my new XCut dies which Santa supplied pennies for me to buy and cut a mat in the blue plain cardstock and I corner chomped the photo.  Before I adhered this with foam pads, I layered a beautiful MB cut which my lovely friend sent me having embossed it with WOW embossing powder.  This is my new found favourite embossing powder of choice btw!

I took some Snippets of papers and ribbons and layered the layout with these and VOS ribbons as well as stamping the Theresa Collins calender onto Snippets of white cardstock and AO sentiment.  I used some Snowflakes from my Tin of Shame as well as made some more and layered these up with some TH sprigs too.  Under the snowflakes middle right, there are some stick pins too, which I cannot now show you a close up of.  The skates are from TH die which another friend of mine sent to me.  I embossed them with WOW white and some silver and laced them with quilting cotton before attaching the snowflake and bell with some sparkly twine in black.  Some gems and hey presto my layout was complete.
And my cup of tea?  We have camomile and honey today in my very special Winnie the Pooh bone china mug. Always prefer tea in bone china.

That's all folks thanks to t'internet!  I am hoping that does not mean we are without again for a while now!  I cannot even blame it on the wind as often happens! 

Rightio, off to the Snippets Playground to see what mischief has occurred there today and also to Elizabeth's to see what is happening at the tea table.  

Thanks for calling by.



Divers and Sundry said...

what a sweet mug! pooh would certainly approve your use of honey in it. i like chamomile tea but have never added honey. i never sweeten my tea unless i'm sick, but your idea is tempting me.

Halle said...

Your scrapbook page is WONDERFUL. Blue and white is such a perfect color combo.
I'm not a fan of chamomile tea but the mug is cute. :)
Happy Tuesday!

Sarn said...

Pretty and icy page. LOVELY and perfect for this blinking cold weather.xxx

Karen P said...

Love the shades of blue and the snowflake backing is wonderful. That skating die is a real beauty too. Love the photograph, in fact love it all - beautiful layout xx

Di said...

Wahoo Sam - this truly is absolutely STUNNING! So much beautiful detail, I love those skates and can bet where they came from too, just beautiful. You clever little sausage!

I could have used those skates this morning on the way to the docs - it was sheet ice from the car park into the surgery, Snigger, clutching me w** sample and trying to stay upright at the same time :)

Hugs, Di xx

Darla said...

What a great layout, the blue and white attracted me right away. I like your mug and agree, bone china is best although I admit I use plain old pottery much of the time.


Krisha said...

WOW Hettie! That is a fantastic lay out! I know how much work it is to produce something as beautiful as this, guess that is why I haven't scrapped in a long while. LOL

This should go into a frame, and hung for all to see.
Happy T-day

Craftymoose Crafts said...

What a beautiful page! It says icy Winter fun to me. Love the snowflakes! Happy T Day!

tilly said...

a stunning page with all those elements, boo to blogger

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh, T is for tantrum! I love it!!! That darn internet, such a love-hate relationship there. Okay, I laugh that you have a Tin of Shame. That's too funny. I like what you've done on your page, so many details and layers. That photo is soooooo cold!

Ariel said...

Your page is simply wonderful. That winter blue is one of my favorite colors. That mug looks awesome too. Happy T for Tuesday

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

BRRRR! Made me cold just looking at it. Of course, that makes for a super scrapbook page, when the observer gets involved.

Dawn had a similar experience with the internet and couldn't load ANY photos today. I feel for you because it took me forever to upload mine last night.

But I'm thrilled you persisted and now I'm loving the china mug ANY your frozen page. Thanks for joining, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh the trials and tribulations of life - not the best way to start the day!
Great layout. The use of the skates is a beautiful touch.

Words and Pictures said...

Fabulous frosty layout - the photo is great to start with, and I love your layered snowflakes and those brilliant boots!

Sorry to hear of your tantrums and trials - could be Blogger rather than t'Internet, maybe? It's certainly been behaving a bit strangely for me in the last few days...
Alison xx

Vicki Miller said...

Your scrapbook page is beautiful, but I love the winnie the pooh mug better. I love winnie the pooh!

Dianne said...

This is truly stunning...love the blue and snowflakes and sparkle!

Spyder said...

I had the same problem with photos, not just blogger, my computer would only show me the numbers of the pics and not the pics...I had a shower, beakfast...watched a bit of TV...decided I'd better go to work came back.... still had that circle going round and round! Super wintery page!
Happy very late T day!
((Lyn)) #13

Darnell said...

Seriously, Sam, a Tin of Shame? I love that you call it that, but I can't imagine that you ever have much in it!! Your work is always so amazing to me and this layout in stunning blue is no exception! Such a lot of detail; such a lot of work and it shows! I hope you're having a great week and that Blogger stopped acting up! Hugs, Darnell

scrappymo! said...

Oooooo la la! Gorgoud!

So many fabulous elements on this page. The skates look perfect and the dies and snowflakes are gorgeous. That punch around the page did a marvelous job on the background.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Beauty is the right word to have on that card. It is beautiful. I use a lot of honey if I have a sore throat or a cold. Then I drink lemon juice in a mug of hot water with honey to sweeten and to soothe. It has to be local honey though to try to get some immunity to all the pollens in the immediate area. See you in the playground this week. xx Maggie

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

PS You might feel better for reading my rant this morning about technology. xx Maggie

Rita said...

I hate when blogger or my internet act up. Such a beautiful piece with all the delicate die cuts. Cute cup, too. Happy late T-Day! :)

Brenda said...

Wow, what a beautiful layout!! Great use of the paper punches, love that wonderful picture, great use of your snippets too!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sam, I'm a bit late in catching up but seeing this on Di's showcase prompted me to come and comment ... it's a stunning page ... love the photo of the icicles and the layout is just the perfect showcase. Elizabeth xx

PS: some of my Christmas pennies went on X-Cut dies too :)

Kate Yetter said...

Wow! I love this!

Kim said...

Whew...finally got over to see! Yes indeedy...I do love what you do! I get the perfect sense of winter!