Saturday 20 October 2012

Getting a nice pile now....hic!

Morning Friends

I finally discovered last night that I am not the only messy Crafter in my room!  My lovely friend Lesley came up for the evening.  First we ate some fabulous chicken and chorizo "stuff" I had thrown together in the slow cooker then we adjourned to my Craft Room.  

Those lovely peeps who commented on the amount of bags I had on Saturday should see what Lesley had brought and all in boxes!  Of course we had a very nice bottle of Pino Grigio to go with our dinner and once the bottle is opened the wine has to be drunk, so with some Christmas music playing we set to work on making some Christmas cards!

So here is what I had finished by the end of the evening.....

I managed to use Snippets on every card, as well as those cards I am not keen on from QVC kit bought years ago, so I get to join in with the Snippets Girls and Miss!  Did I tell you I met Miss last week at THE Crop?  She is as lovely as I imagined she would be and I did not see that cane once!  Fergus liked her too!  Though do you notice she has no flower in her hair?!!
Right, time to set to with the horrid task of ironing.  You should see how much there is.  I spent my usual ironing night last week packing and then last night I was busy card making so there is quite a pile! I would rather be crafting!




Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Sam, ah your are swinging over the fence indeed Miss might nit be s smiley at that!!
Oh, and yes have nice pile of cards for Christmas too now, I counted 41 yesterday!! :D
I was very pleased did not realise there were that many will stop at 50 I think.. now the card tonight was made before eye up have just made simple repeat cards (hence some of the 41) since the eye op..
Re brayer - do have tips for use of brayer in my early posts - you must use light even even stroke - did you hear LIGHT?? that is where most go wrong, too heavy and not light and dont stop too early some give up when it is just starting to smooth out.. light even strokes and believe the other key is right paper and right ink.
Tips on early post under BRAYER on labels, to give you what is best .. love Shaz in oz.x

Di said...

Ha, ha - almost caught you for detention!! You just made it in time :)
super C cards - and I suspected the white grape juice would be wine!

I almost did wear a flower in my hair Sam! And that smile of mine looks so unnatural - trying to keep the double chins in...... and all it did was make me look like a baby trying to pass wind!!

Hugs, Di xx

Annie said...

I popped over having seen your title to say you can get cream for it!!
I've just read Di's comment and am now grinning about that too.....what a mad bunch we are eh?
Love the C cards....fuelled by wine it seems...hic!
A x

Amanda said...

oh my goodness I can't believe you have crafty friends over and actually make something too, I usually end of talking all the time or loose concentration and make a pigs ear of it lol. Seems like i missed a fun filled day last week, maybe we should have a playground meet up. Hugs, amanda x

Sarn said...

Okay . . . second attempt at leaving you a comment!

Hello you old Lush . . . I know, I know, less of the OLD! Hee hee!

Dunno how you managed to make so many fab cards after a lovely meal and some vino AND with a crafty friend round too! I know I would have hardly made a thing!

Sarn xxx

Mrs A. said...

Nope. Sitting on me hands here. No C word allowed in this house till I say so. May have to give way on making an advent calendar and an elf early like say on 30Th November though. I was so glum at having to pass up joining in the fun last weekend but rather a lot going on here at the moment. A playground meet up sounds fun though. If you put if forward at the next payground break i'll second it. (Then we tell Miss wot we dun and tell her not to worry about nuffin.!!!!!!)Hugs Mrs A.

scrappymo! said...

Well, a productive evening it was then...and they look lovely...I will have to try wine and cards and see if it boosts my creativity!!!

My name is Cindy said...

How civilised your evening sounds! Nothinh nicerthan crafting with friends. Hugs Cindy

Anonymous said...

Dun know how you can drink that winey stuff, one glass and I'm anybody's, two and I'm fast asleep on the sofa, and I wake up with the mother of all headaches too, think I'm allergic actually. Pretty cards, love the birdhouse one, it's great to use up all the bits and pieces init??


Kim said...

Such a fun night, and productive too! Maybe I just don't have the right type of snippets...

MaryH said...

Sounds a most lovely crafting Christmas night. Loved the cards, and so enjoyed the smiling picture of Miss Pixie herself. What a beautiful lady. Thanks for sharing all the cards and the Pixie Person too! Hugs