Sunday 1 November 2015

Rudolph Day and Funkie Junkie and Snippets Playground

Hello There!!
I hope you are having a good weekend, and have not encountered too many ghosts tonight!!
Our internet connection has been rather affected by all the witches flying hereabouts so it has taken me two hours just to load up my photos of my C Card which I am trying desperately to share before the deadline over at Scrappy Mos.  I also want to share it with the Funkie Challenge as I took my inspiration with Tag 4.
Here is the card.....

I really liked the "tartan" look of Linda's background, but I do not have the stripes stencil, nor a stripe stamp so I used my Wendy Vecchi background stamp and Festive Berries DI and grabbed a snippet piece of cream cardstock that was in the crapalanche next to my guillotine.  Then I took my Forest Green and Mustard Seed DI pen and a ruler and drew on the lines before taking a water brush and going over the stripes.  Once this was dried I took my TH holly stencil and bronze embossing paste and left overnight to dry.

While the background was drying I se to work on the rest of the card.  I took some dark green cardstock and cut the holly design using my Silhouette.  I cut a paler green card stock with a Joanna Sheene Ivy die and then ran my embossing tool over the back of the greenery.   I needed some red berries so I used some snippets of  glitter cardstock and my TH lamppost die to create the berries.

Next the Poinsettia for which I used some cream textured cardstock, edged with Gathered Twigs DI and then layered them, once shaping them.  I used some bronze embossing powder to make the poinsettia centre and edge of the green layer.

Last was the sentiment, which I used a TH stamp, bronze embossing powder, a piece of red MME background paper and my card was complete. 
Let's hope I can still link with the Rudolph Day challenge, Scrappy Mo being in Canada.  I am also linking this with Linda over at Funkie Junkie.  I do need to catch up with the other tags I have missed out.  And lastly, I am linking with my mate Di over at the Snippets Playground.  I hear there is a rather large bonfire party planned.  I am in charge of the marshmallows!!

I have just learnt from my friend Viv that this also qualifies for the Festive Flowers and Foilage challenge over at Sir Stamp Alot.  Thanks Viv!
Have a great week every one.  Don't forget that if you wish to buy any of the goodies I used for this they (and other things) are available at the Funkie Junkie Boutique!!


Karen P said...

That is a really beautiful card Hettie! Absolutely gorgeous, wonderful use of colour, and so much texture too Karen x

LesleyG said...

Wow what a fabulous card, love all the detail. Your crapalanche made me laugh, so did your Friday funny, just caught my eye! Xxx

Mrs A. said...

Fabulous card. After all that effort hope you can get it linked up in time.
Have you got any PINK marshmallows please?
Hugs Mrs A.

MaryH said...

This was a fun read and beautiful results on the wonderful look of your card. So many innovative techniques to re-create your inspiration. And WOWSERS~ It's gorgeous. I have a new word, and realize I have the same phenomenon at my house. I just didn't realize it was a crapalanch. I think I shall add this to Blogitions with your permission and link back to this post! I think it's a world we should all embrace...! TFS & Hugs.

scrappymo! said...

Love the new words coined here. Crapalanch is so

This is a wonderful card...full of texture, colours, glimmer and sheen. Love your take on the tag and love that you made it in time for the October Rudolph Days Challenge. Thanks for taking part!

Sarn said...

FANTASTIC looking card mate. So much detail. I know all about your crapalanche . . . ain't nuffin new there!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Sarn said...

Thanks for the marshmallows at the Coven party last night too! May have had one too many! xxx

Di said...

Absolutely fabulous card Hettie - so much beautiful detail, well worth all the work for sure!


Di xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Sam, love the card, managed to remember to peek at it.
Well Step by step that is for sure, ..

A lot of work to get that great result, love that you didn't quit but persevered with what you have.
A superb card that's for sure.

I have made a tartan using a brayer, put inky pen lines in colour stripes with DI markers or such brayer away. :)
I have my FIFTH blogaversary candy on offer over at my blog now too if you are interested in popping over too, hope you'll join in ... hope your head is being nice and quiet for you too,
Shaz. In Ozx.

Linby said...

What a wonderful card.
Thanks for taking part in Rudolph day.
Lynn X

Carol L said...

This is quite an impressive card with that beautiful layering and color! I love how the poinsettia petals are sponged with color too! Beautiful card!

Words and Pictures said...

Stunning poinsettia and wonderful greenery... as usual I'll be playing catch up (can't start Christmas crafting before November - I guess I'm just about ready now!), but this is a terrific take on Linda's tag.
Alison xx

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful card, Hettie. The poinsettia is stunning and I love the background ... appreciated your really full explanation on how you went about creating it. Elizabeth xx

Diane said...

Morning Hettie, wow what a fabulous design and dimension, the flower really pops off the card.

Hugs Diane

Darnell said...

(Well, first, I love "crapalanche" and will try to remember it so I can steal it!) Your creation is just exploding with dimensional loveliness, Sam! The leaves and white poinsettia are especially bold and beautiful!! See you on Thursday night! I can safely say that because Di has already been by here. She thinks I'm too busy taking the Mister to physical therapy, but she doesn't know I've hired the Gimpmobile to take him!! Hugs, Darnell

Jenny L said...

Hi Sam,
what a brilliant card, and a very super design too.
Super colours, and work on this.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Welcome back, Sam! I'm delighted that you'll be playing along with my little challenge again this year! Your card is stunning. I love the way you stamped the background and your poinsettia is absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful greenery too. Can't wait to see what else you'll be sharing with us this year!


brenda said...

A glorious Christmas creation Hettie and perfect for our seasonal theme, many thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

B x

Dora said...

this is a very beautiful card with the big flower en the leavecorner.
great background stamp.
thank you for joining at stamping Sensations this month.

Eret said...

How lovely Christmas card. Love the background and your beautiful poinsettia. Thank you for sharing your wonderful card with us at Stamping Sensation. I hope you join with us again.
Eret x