Wednesday 20 November 2013

Funkie Junkie - 12 Tags of Christmas - Tag 4

Hello There!

We have now discovered why our internet is so slow at home, it is because there is a line fault between us and the exchange!  Like we didn't know that one!  So our internet/phone is likely to be down for the next five working days until they come and fix it.  Hence my postings and visits will have to be done in my lunch breaks!  

So without further ado, I am today sharing my take on Linda's Tag 4 of the 12 Tags of Christmas 2013 challenge.  Click HERE if you wish to see Linda's Tag 4 or HERE if you wish to go to the start of the Challenge and join in!  You still have plenty of time and it is great fun and a fabulous way of picking up hints and tints from Linda and other participants!  The challenge is being sponsored by the Funkie Junkie Boutique, from where incidentally the red hessian came from I have used today and my Artistic Outpost love affair began!

Ok on to tag.  Here it is.......

I took a tag cut from TH die and some manilla card (Recycled from files in work!) and inked it with Frayed Burlap DI.  I then ran it through the TH Tartan embossing folder and then inked it again with Pine Needles DI.  

I took a piece of the Czech book I bought a while ago to alter, trimmed it to size, and stamped with the pine branch of the AO Midwinter stamp set and then instead of running the tag through my sewing machine, I stamped it with a sewing stamp with Archival.  I distressed the edges with Gathered Twigs DI and a distresser and promptly covered it up with gold rick rack which must be ancient!
I took a red rose and inked the edges with embossing ink and then brushed over some perfect pearls.  It looks much better IRL but the photo doesn't pick it up.  Then I rummaged through my Snippets drawer and die cut the poinsettia die from TH, inking the edge with embossing ink and gold embossing powder.  I also used the pinecone die, also from TH to diecut some leaves which I inked with PN DI.  It is all held together with a VOS brad.  
Then for the letters.  First of all I planned to use some grungeboard letters that I knew I had, but got diverted on the way and found myself opening the drawer in which I keep scrabble tiles.  Idea struck and so I used these.  Trimmed some hessian (burlap) and made some small spotty bows and added some gingham ribbon to the top to hang it and hey presto my tag was born.  

Thanks for calling by.  I do hope you like my take on Linda's tag.  I think this is my favourite so far for me!

I am going to see if my buddies in the Snippets Playground like it too!



Belinda Basson said...

Oh dear, so you will be missing a limb for 5 days...know the feeling. I do like the tiles you used for the word NOEL.

Darnell said...

This buddy loves it, Sam! It is like a giant delicious confection with all those goodies and those bright and wonderful colors!! You are out of my league and impress the heck out of me!! Hugs, Darnell

Jo said...

So lovely......and the scrabble tiles are fab!
hugs Jo x

Kathleen said...

Stunning creation, adore the colours and the flowers.

Kath x

Karen P said...

I love it! I've enjoyed seeing your take on these tags - gorgeous work x

Anonymous said...

An amazing burst of joyous colour - fabulous.
Hope all gets ironed out with your internet issues.

Bonnie said...

This is amazing, Hettie! I love those Scrabble letters! Wow!

scrappymo! said...

Love those scrabble tilw words!!!

This tag is all the gold on the rose and the red burlap too. I love the look of elegant things combined and contrasted with the rough textures of burlap etc.
You have accomplished that look so nicely on this tag.

I am going to bake both shortbread, take a picture of how I load the tins and print out the recipe's on a blog post within the next 3 weeks. If you need them sooner, I cqn email you!!!
Both recipes are really good.

Spend the day walking all over the city of downtown Langley. It is not an area i walk through that often but it was lovely...there are a few posh stores and i wandered through and got a few more equestrian ornaments for my sister. There were so many lovely birds and glittery things too.
Across the street was the only place to buy Annie Sloan chalk paint other than one store in the city of Vancouver...
I am trying to pick a colour for an old dresser set in my hard to decide!

Sarn said...

Taglicious Sam. Love all the intricate embellishments you've used.

Sarn xxx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's a gorgeous tag, Sam, completely gorgeous. Btw, you probably haven't seen because of your internet troubles that you were mentioned on my blog this week :-)
Hugs, LLJ xx

Di said...

Absolutely fabulous Sam - really sumptuous, rich and so much gorgeous detail too. Love it!

Hugs, Di xx

Kate Yetter said...

A very colorful and festive tag. The scrabble tiles are a great touch.

lisa said...

Just whizzing round!! Don't talk to me about line faults, we couldn't receive incoming calls, BT said there was a line fault and they would sort it out. It turned out there was a fault on our internet line inside and they are now charging us £130!!!! not happy!!!! Rant over...sorry.
Your tag is gorgeous, it's full of Christmas. I love it.
Thanks for the hug, sending one back at ya!!! It's still cold isn't it but at least it's sunny.
Have a good Sunday.
Hugs Lisax

Words and Pictures said...

Love this one, Sam - what a fabulous poinsettia, and the Noel letters look so cool! Still hoping to play along, though I've yet to do a single tag!!

Do hope they're sorting out your internet for you... I remember from earlier this year what an absolute nightmare it is to be without!
Alison xx

Jules said...

Hi Hettie

I hope they manage to sort your line fault out for you .. .. and that everything become super speedy for you!

When I saw inside the green phone cabinet thingy in our street the other week I am surprised anyone's works at all!! So many wires going all over the place!!

Loving your lovely work of art here. So many different techniques and gorgeous colours .. .. but only 4 points for the scrabble tiles - or did you could on any double word score spaces? LOL!!!

Have a good weekend.

Love Jules xx

Terry said...

Sam, this is Gorgeous! What a great Christmas tag and that poinsettia is so elegant! Love this and hope you are having a great weekend!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

This is such a beauty, a real feast for the eyes! The colors are glorious, beautiful rich Christmas colors. Love the poinsettia and your scrabble letters are the perfect finisher! So glad to see another entry from you, Sam!


Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous tab, Sam - love the rich colour mix and the stamped stitching on the printed page ... I wonder what the words mean :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

MaryH said...

Gracious, if I could do tags this gorgeous, I might attempt one more often. You have so many wonderful elements on this one, it was a pleasure to read the how-to-s and see how you designed it. Loved all the nifty TH you were able to add to make it beautiful...good luck with getting your communication woes sorted. We've been through that too, and it's a hard problem to troubleshoot it seems. Ours was intermittent. TFS & Hugs