Hello there!!
Before I start I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year whether you be a regular to my little blog or a newbie! I hope you all have a pleasant and healthy 2015. I also wish to thank Desiree for becoming my latest follower. It is lovely to have you following me.
Right now then onto my post. I try and follow a little lady called Julia who does this weekly blog hop on Wednesdays called What's On Your Workdesk and even though it is New Year's Eve, like a trooper she is there for us to link up! Hurrah! The other day I shared on my Facebook page this.
Well some of my blogging friends have been teasing me about this picture as I said that it was my aim to clear my Craft Room today and a certain one said I should share before and after photos. I can only share my befores because Mr Hettie and I went out after a bit of a lay in to Hereford (yes Jan I spent a small fortune in Doughtys!) and have not long come back. So today I will share my before photos and then hopefully next week I will share my afters with you....
Here is the desk I am typing to you on.
My regular crafting desk.
My sewing desk...but in my defence I am in the middle of working on a quilt right now which I started on Boxing Day!
My floor! Considerably better than it has been...trust me!
Right then. Now I have shared mine why not go HERE, after leaving me a comment, so that I may come and nose at your desk/s.
Have a lovely celebration tonight whether it is out with others or home with your loved ones!
It's good to see you here joining in but I have to say I really did have hopes of seeing what you bought in Doughtys :-( .....maybe next week?
Wishing you a very happy New year filled with many creatived times and lets hope it's a happy and healthy one for us all.
Annie x # 22
I don't think you intended to clear up at all... like the goodies you bought though, a much better way to spend the day. Happy New Year, and see you soon I hope. Helen #13
Ooooooer thanks Sam. I love the choice of fabrics and will really look forward to seeing what you're going to make with it....or will you be like me and stroke it for a month or two first? :-)
Annie x
You know what my room would look like w/3 desks!!! /shudder! Hmm, now where WILL I be putting my wee new Laptop once I can use it at home??
I think I have a paper pack that matches your new fabrics....
Happy New Year to you & hubby + menagerie xxx
For Hettie, I LOVE those fabrics you got from Doughty's! That's a very elegant selection indeed, it'll be interesting to see how your project progresses.
Thanks for the guided tour of your craft room, it's good to see where you create your wizardry.
Sending you all good wishes for a fab 2015, hope it's full of good things,
Hugs, LLJ 14 xx
Wishing you all the very best for the New Year....here's hoping it's happy, healthy & full of gorgeous creations!
hugs Jo x
How true, I have been sorting mine out the past couple of days and actually discarding certain item.
Glad it is not just me that gets a messy desk.
The material looks gorgeous.
A very Happy & Health 2015 to you and your Hubby.
Kath x
It looks like it would be fun to play in your craft area! I love creative chaos :) Happy New Year to you and yours!
Not only would you get swept away...I am sure you would freeze! I am just chilling and playing on line catch up. Can't wait to see the AFTER shots.
Wow, makes mine look tidy! Tfs and a very happy crafty New Year to you! Xxx
Hettie is just love your crafty space. It definitely is an artists delight.
Wishing you a 2015 filled with tons of love and joy.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
You definitely have lots to play with
Love the fabrics. Happy New Year. Anne x #28
You are so true! I keep saying clearing up is like a shopping tour!
I wish you and your family a very happy and successful New Year!
Gabriele 25
Eh, neatness is overrated. I think a perfectly clean desk is boring... and yours is quite interesting! :-)
Happy New Year and Happy Woyww!
Sandy #21
I do like that poster-it is SO true.
I did laugh when I saw you say you were going to clean up the craft room-well done!
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #5
About an hour from Ditcham. It's on the South Downs and we're North Hampshire.xx
Good to see that you are having fun doing a bit more shopping, but your desk spaces look remarkably tidy to me, certainly better that my battlefield. I am gradually making inroads into the chaos, largely due to hunting for lost items. I have never tried using weetabix but I reckon that mixed with water instead of milk, it would have very similar properties to Grunge paste. Having said that, I think I ought to give it a try. thanks for your comment on my first time canvasses. and have a very Happy New Year. xx Maggie #50
Happy New Year Hettie! Nice to see all the desks and floor looking tidy (well compared to mine).
Cazzy #61
ah spending on goodies is fun and looks like the sewing bug is well and truly bitten you, Sam. :d
Every blessing for 2015.Shaz in Oz.x #15
Hope the clearing is going well... I live by one of TH's quotes: one of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. On checking the wording, I've just discovered it being attributed to Winnie the Pooh, so now I like it even more!!
Alison xx
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