Friday, 5 December 2014

Friday Funny

I may not be great at bird identification but I do know that there are four females and one male..

I am linking with my friend Annie for her Friday Smiles!


Kathyk said...

Think I might agree with your identification!!! Tee Hee

Happy Friday


Annie said...

Love it. Thanks for my morning chuckle 😃😃😃😃
Annie x

Sarn said...

Snigger! xxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

A smile indeed !! They learn more being quiet! Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Great image, great caption. Of course, he could have been up before his sisters, and caught the early worm.

Debs Willis said...

Funny! Took a second to work it out - bit slow on the uptake today :-)
Debs x

Kathleen said...

Not really sure I agree with this as the 5th bird is more like me when it involves photo's.

Kath x

fairy thoughts said...

He he 😃
I haven't forgotten about the pot tree on Pintrest ... Just haven't had time to send you the link...... Could work out how to do it will try in a mo

mamapez5 said...

I love your interpretation of the photo. Kate x

Carol L said...

Darn you're good! Who would have known? *snort*

Granmargaret said...

Fun photo, thank you

Robyn Oliver said...

Ha ha ha ha....yes I agree Hetti, super photo. Happy Friday Robyn

Laura said...

Haha! I was getting ready to go all ornithological on you until I saw the photo :)

Darnell said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I love it!!

Bonnie said...

hehehehehe! I love it too! hehehehehe!