Tuesday 21 October 2014

Tea on Tuesday...T Bag Anyone?

Hello there

Happy Tuesday to one and all!  I have missed sharing my tea (other beverages are available) with you and Elizabeth on a regular basis.  I must remedy this.

Today I thought I would share some tongue in cheek t-bags with you....

I was given some lavender by a friend of mine and not wanting to waste it I made some lavender t-bags that I had seen on Pinterest - gotta love Pinterest for ideas!!

I happened to have some Snippets of fabric on my desk as I was in the middle of making a quilt which I need to share with you too, now that the Challenge is finished.

I used a tag and drew round it to get the shape.  cut out fabric with some calico for the backs.  I used some paper string for the string with tiny tabs on the tops with a bow stitched on.   Those bows must be nigh on 30 years old.  I had them long before I was married!  

The T Bags smell divine.  I took them over the water to Kim as she was wanting some goodies to sell at her Mum's craft fayre next month.  

And now for the picture of my cuppa...
Fergus drinking my Snapple at Quincy's Market a couple of weeks ago.  I cannot believe that on Saturday it will be a month since we flew out there.  It still feels like last week.  

Now off to share this with Elizabeth and Bleubeard for the T on Tuesday and the Snippets Playground   Why not join in with us - just share your drink of choice for the Tea on Tuesday and your Snippets for the Playground.

Thanks for calling by.



Julia Dunnit said...

Oh they're really great Sam, I bet they'll go down really well at a craft fair. Yup, Pinterest is the bees for these sort of things...the big, life projects I just pass over, bu these quick, good ideas are really helpful.

Sarn said...

They look fun Sam. Bet they all sold.
Hugs, Sarn xxx

TwinkleToes2day said...

What beautiful tea bags!! How very clever of you. Happy T Day! :o))

fairy thoughts said...

That's the sort of 'tea bags ' I like as I don't drink tea :-) I have just made smelly socks with some lavender too
Enjoy your tea

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can't wait for my lavender to grow up enough so I can cut it. These are SO clever, and I love the tea bag concept. I bet they go over great.

Fergus looks like he's really enjoying your drink. What a fun way to spend T day.

Thanks for sharing your tea bags and Fergus (and his/your Snapple) for T this Tuesday. Aren't dates strange coincidences? It shows the small world we now live in.

~*~Patty S said...

Your Lavender tea bags are wonderful and boy will they smell extra nice when you give them a squeeze ;-)
Happy T Day to you

Linda Kunsman said...

I adore those lavender tea bags!! Love that scent too. and thank you to Fergus for sharing the Snapple with us for T day!

Divers and Sundry said...

Sweet! I'll bet that's a popular item :)

Di said...

These are just fabulous Sam! Great use of little snippets with a quirky twist :)


Di xx

Dianne said...

lovely 'tea' bags...I enjoy the fragrance of lavender! Fergus is certainly cute enjoying his beverage...

scrappymo! said...

Mmmm...love the smell of lavender...they are so pretty!

dawn said...

Hello and Happy T Day! How pretty these bags are, love the idea. My mom would get a kick out them I bet too.
Thanks for sharing your drink and your lavender with us. Have a great week.

Rita said...

What a cute idea!!
Haven't had a Snapple for many years. Now you have me thinking about Snapple....
Happy T-Day! :)

Krisha said...

I do love lavender in any kind of bag or loose in a bowl, but these little tea bags are so cute.

Happy T-day

Kathleen said...

What a great idea and they look brilliant. Good idea to take stuff out there as it gives you more room when returning.

Kath x

Karen P said...

They are lovely and it's so kind of you to donate them to a friend! Looking forward to seeing your quilt Karen x

Jean said...

i love these little lavender "tea bags", fabulous idea.
Jean x

Anonymous said...

I am trying to visit a few friends this evening, missing out on my blog visits to everyone.
Those are darling! What a brilliant idea and how clever of you to use fabric scraps. Your friend is so lucky for you to give them to her - there is no doubt they will sell in a flash.
You are making me thirsty!
Have a lovely week.

jinxxxygirl said...

Those are so cute! And what a great way to use up your scraps!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Diane said...

Your Lavender tea bags Hettie are a great idea. What a fun gift to receive.

Hugs Diane

Shoshi said...

Love those gorgeous teabags, Hettie! I've got a lot of lavender from our neighbour and am hoping to make some lavender bags before Christmas but am thinking of using some lace. I'm making lavender oil with a lot of the flowers and am hoping to start soap making classes next month (if I get in) and would like to make up some little packs of mixed lavender products.

Thanks for your two lovely comments! I usually try and tidy up in between projects or I can't move, and I hate mess (although I'm really good at making it lol!). As for my garlic press, I have started looking at everything these days with an eye for texture! Glad you like my work, and my blog background - making that was a totally hair-tearing experience and then my bee-keeping friend in London told me I'd put a bumble bee instead of a honey bee! I told her after all that work, it would have to stay lol! I love all things to do with bees and love using them in my art. Never felt inclined to keep them, though, and even if I did, I couldn't because my hubby is allergic to bee stings.


Robyn said...

wild idea! love it!

Ariel said...

Your tea bag prints remind me of Spring. I miss the season.
Have a lovely week

lisa said...

Your t bags are fantastic, Sam, love them. Yes, you're right, what would we do without Pinterest, lol.
Hugs Lisax

Debs Willis said...

The t-bags are fab! Bet they were popular :-) love lavender bags, we bought some at a local market in Dubrovnik, sewn in the shape of Angels to go on Xmas tree. Lovely!
Hope Fergus stuck to the non-alcoholic drinks!
Ooh you've turned on verification - dunno if u know??
Debs x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Hettie, lovely little T-bags, lavender is so gorgeous, bet everyone will love them. Thanks for the visit and happy crafting, Angela x

Jenny L said...

Hi Sam,
beautiful little lovely scented lavender bags.
I can almost smell them from here.
Fab material used too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Hettie said...


Terry said...

Those are by far the prettiest tea bags I have ever seen! Love them and how clever! Enjoy!

Carol L said...

I love the scent of lavender and these little sachets are really cute! Sorry your snapple disappeared :)

Greta said...

Love your t-bags, Hetti! I've always loved sachets & never see them anymore. Wish I'd been at the craft fair to buy one!