Friday, 6 December 2013

No Friday Funny Today

As a mark of respect on the passing of Nelson Mandela I will not be posting a Friday Funny today.  

Long may your light shine on the world Nelson Mandela and may you RIP.  The world has lost a shining star today.


Sarn said...


Annie said...

Please link it up Sam as I'm certain your post will make others smile as it did me....he was an amazing man and taught the world so's a better place because of him and I'm certain he would aprove at us trying to make others smile.
Biggest hugs,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Thanks Sam - yes he moved mountains in his life time. x Jo

French Nanny said...

I don't thin Nelson Mandela would be averse to us having a smile to brighten our lives. I'm sure he gave smiles and brightened many lives.


Di said...

So true Sam. An amazing man.

Hugs, Di xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful tribute to such a gentle and caring man. He certainly changed the world by calling attention to South Africa. This put a smile on my face, just remembering his life and how he lived it. Thank you for this.

Karen P said...

This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!


JoZart Designs said...

Hi Hettie, I've done two posts today... one Friday Smile and one other which may interest you.
Love your tribute to Nelson Mandela. Now thanks to Karen , and Nelson Mandela I cannot stop singing "This little light of mine"!!! We've got to smile for all the good he's done for the World!
Love jo x

fairy thoughts said...

Yes to all of the above a sad day

Nan G said...

The world has lost a generous soul.

Words and Pictures said...

Yes to your words, and yes to his.
Alison xx