Thursday 9 October 2014

Au Revoir Steph...

Hello there

Lovely weather isn't it...NOT!  I took Dobby out for a walk last night.  It didn't rain on us, it just poured with water!  Both of us looked like drowned rats when we got in!!

Never mind, perhaps my colourful lickle book will cheer you up?

Whilst on leave from work, one of my colleagues left the company to join another firm a lot closer to home and nearer to her small children's schools.  So, as has now become a tradition here, I made her a lickle book for everyone to sign...

Our company colours are orange and purple so I chose the orange as one of the main colours and mixed it with black. Perfect colours for this time of the year me thinks. The covers were made using MME paper.  The large flower to the bottom right is the last one of a pack a friend of mine brought back from France for me.  The others are a mix of Papermania, Prima, Kaisercraft and die cuts.  

The two leafey fronds are cut using a TH die.

I fancied making some windmills to compliment the design on the paper, no idea why, and just fiddled with a square of paper until I was happy.  I attached them with the glue gun (which I managed to burn my fingies with - should have had adult supervision me thinks) and poked them into a TH birdcage diecut.

Now on to some inside pages...Now Steph is French, so I used some of my 7 Gypsies stamps which I won some time ago to add a little je ne sais quo (don't expect moi to spell French correctly now will you?).   What is embarrasing is that when using these I realised that some have never been used - eek!

My favourite stamp on the inside cover...

Some of the saying stamps were borrowed,from my matey.  I have also used some TH stamps, TPC Studios and others.
Some of the little strips are Snippets from my London album I made earlier this year.  Waste not want not!

The whole book was sprayed with some TH Heirloom gold glimmer spray.  Very shimmery which you cannot see from the photos.

I understand from the Girls in work that Steph loved her book and was a little emotional to read it in public.  That is nice to know.

I am joining in with Shopping our Stash as they are looking for Fall colours.  After seeing all the lovely oranges of trees last week then I think this is very autumny.

Right, as there are many Snippets in here I am taking this over to the Playground.  Hopefully the smell of damp souwesters will have died down now and there is some hot chocolate on the hob!

Thanks for calling by.



Sarn said...

WOW - love the striking colours of this one Sam.

Fab windmills and quotes and, well, EVERYTHING really!

I'm sure it will be treasured.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Kathleen said...

Wow what a work of art, it is stunning and while I love orange and black I bet it would have looked even more stunning with orange and purple, no wonder she was emotional reading it. Some gorgeous flowers too.
Love your Hubby's nickname lol, I know, I know, it was the dog.

Kath x

Sue said...

Oh this is stunning Sam and what a lovely keepsake huggles Sue xx

Mrs A. said...

I'm coming straight over with a bag of marsh mallows or the chocklit. We have a house near us that keeps chickens in a pen in their front garden. The Doc went past this morning and they were all in their grass pen looking very wet and bedraggled. That is a nice tradition you have going at your works. Lovely ickle book. Hugs Mrs A.

Helen said...

the book is beautiful, what a lovely tradition you have going there!! hope you've dried off now.

Debs Willis said...

What a great idea for when people leave, much nicer than a card. Couloir oombo works really well, and love the riot of flowers on the cover!
Debs x

lisa said...

We've been lucky with the weather here, sunshine for the last two days and no rain!!!! It won't last but I hope it does.
Your book is stunning, Sam, I love the colours and no wonder your friend loved it.
Hugs Lisax

Di said...

Oh Sam, what a fabulous book! Love all the detail and the colours as well.

Hugs, Di xx

Jenny L said...

Hi Sam,
I see what you mean about orange.
Love your superb range creation.
It's really amazing, and very beautiful.
No wonder your colleague cried.
Love your orange wording to go with it.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Donna said...

Lovely project Hettie!!
Thanks for joining the crew at Shopping Our Stash this week for the "Most Colourful Time of the Year" challenge!!

Elizabeth said...

Lovely book, Sam. I love the orange/black colour combination and all those thought-provoking quotes you've stamped inside. Not a bit surprised your colleague was so moved by it. Elizabeth xx

Carol L said...

What a wonderful inspiring, and thoughtful gift to make your co-worker! I love all the thoughts inside, and those pinwheels are too cute! Beautiful idea!

Karen P said...

Another cor and WOW creation - love these and need you to come and teach me how they to make them - a truly beautiful keepsake Karen x

Bonnie said...

What a wonderful parting gift for your workmate! I'm sure she will treasure it always and remember all of you fondly!

karen said...

This book is gorgeous! And what a lovely parting gift for your co worker friend! She will cherish it forever!
xoxo Karen

Greta said...

This is amazing--love the colors & all the elements! Bet she loved it!

Greta said...

This is amazing--love the colors & all the elements! Bet she loved it!

Alica said...

what a cool project! Love all the flowers on the top!
Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

Hugs, Alica :)