
Saturday 26 May 2012

Friday Snippets - Six Little Snippets Cards All in a Row!

Hello there Peeps

I know it is not exactly Friday but I did need to do my Rudolph Day posting yesterday!  So I am only a few hours late for today's posting I know.

As the title suggests I have six Snippets cards to show you tonight, made partly because I made this one for a friend in work and she asked me to make some for her to purchase as she liked it soo much.

So here they are.....

All made with Snippets which were hanging around on my desk and in my Snippets box.  I am still loving the pop up design.

Feel free to join in the Snippets Playground with the Lovely Di!  You will meet lots of like minded crafters and we have a lovely virtual playground to play in.  Though I should imagine the paddling pool is going to be a bit of a tight squeeze today!  

Hope you are all having a fun weekend of crafting and enjoying this lovely weather.  And I would also like to say Hi to Lisa who has become a follower this week.  Thank you Lisa.




  1. WOW - you HAVE been a busy girl. These are all totally FAB-U-LOUS dahling! Not surprised you sold 'em.

    Oooh, the ice cream van just swung by with a merry chime . . . I'll race you . . . Screwball anyone? (Not ME . . . the ice cream, Silly) xxx

  2. These are gorgeous!!!! Love all the papers and color combos. It's no wonder she bought them. I need to try this fold.

  3. Beautiful! Like Bernie, I too need to try this card template - it's fab! Can't believe you've made all these with snippets, surely your snippet pots must be nearly empty by now??!??

  4. Such pretty little cards. It amazes me how you can make such beauty from snippets.

  5. These are lovely - I love the fact that they are made from snippets too - funnily enough I looked through my snippet box yesterday (as I have actually made a layout!) and found two watercolour pictures I misplaced last November! whoo hoo - its all happening here! Love your pictures of the olympic torch we will get to see on 1st July - cant wait. Good luck making your own frames that sounds very exciting!


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx