
Monday 28 May 2012

Rudolph Day - Round 2 - 3 French Hens

Hello Peeps

As you may know, my Buddy over at Stamping for Pleasure hosts a bit of a Christmas Challenge known as "Rudolph Day".  The idea being is we make a Christmas card for the 25th of each month so we have a nice little stock pile when the season comes.  If you saw my posting on 25th May you will have seen my gift bows which I made, following on from my tags last month.  Well, I couldn't not make a card so here is one I made yesterday in the heat! 

Whilst making this card I hit upon a great idea.  As you may know I belong to a quilting group and each year we have our annual Summer Lunch and the Committee each make or buy a raffle prize.  Well for the last few years I have made some sort of book and on Saturday I was asked what I was going to make for this year's lunch raffle prize.  Here's where my idea has come in. Why not make a set of Christmas cards and put them in a decorated bag ready for someone to win.  I just need to figure out how exactly that comes under "Quilting"!!

Anyways, the card itself has been made using Snippets so it is eligible to go into the Playground with Auntie Di.  I could just do with a drop of that Chicken's vino but I guess he won't share it with me.  Will have to make do with this cup of funny herbal tea which has no label any more! 

Don't forget, there is still a few more days to join in with a Rudolph Day card and this month there has been a set of stamps donated so you could win those as well as have Christmas card/s ready!

Woo Hoo!

TTFN and thanks for looking!



  1. This card makes me smile, Hettie! I love that image and the fold is such fun.

  2. Brilliant card Sam - I adore that image, as you know and you did a great job!

    Don't some quilts have chicken feathers in - or is that too obscure for your excuses/ needs?

    Have two trips on tlhe roundabout, but I'm still istening for any revving or smells of go-kart fumes :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. Bwaarrrrrk!

    Great chikkin Rudolph Day card hon. I love that you love that springy card style so much!

    Good luck in the draw.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  4. How about you make the Christmas cards using Christmas paper in pieces to represent different quilt design patterns. I'msure your group would soon cotton on to what the theme of the cards are. Happy card quilting . Mrs a.

  5. Lovely card! Is that a Penny Black image too? I think the background looks like a quilting square...and I'd definately take a chance!

  6. Hee hee! I love this stamp!! So do you have a whole set for the 12 Days of Christmas then? I can't even begin to imagine what the other images would be!
    xoxo Karen

  7. Fab card, I have these stamps and an ashamed to say I have never use them. Time to change that I think. Off to check out yor other creations for rudolph day. Hugs, Amanda x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx