
Friday 25 May 2012

Happy Rudolph Day

Happy Rudolph Day Peeps

Well what a day it has been today!  One of the warmest days of the year and we are playing with - dare I say it - Winter Festival papers (avoiding the "C" word here).  If you are of a nervous disposition look away now as what I am about to tell you and show you may shock some of you.

Over at my Buddy's blog HERE some of us (mad) crafters take part in Rudolph Day, which is where we make something in readiness the BIG day in the Christian calender which takes place on 25 December - hence the title Rudolph Day - being the 25th day of each month up until 25 December.  

Well last month you saw me making Tags and this month continuing on that theme I have made some bows to go on the packages with the tags.  And the shocking part is.......I have NOT used snippets/scraps or parts of papers.  I have cut up WHOLE sheets of 12x12 patterned paper to make the bows.  You see I cannot make them with snippets unless I make them multi-pieced!  Some of the papers I have used I bought some years ago and the purple/grey papers came from a Papermania set and I have used as many as I will for scrapbooking.  

The big thing that happened in Abergavenny today is that the Olympic Torch came through and I and some other work colleagues were able to go out this morning and watch it go through town.  I know there has been a lot of hype and controversy about the whole procession thing but I wholeheartedly support it.  I will not be going to the Olympic event and so really and  truly this is the only chance I have of seeing any part of the whole event.  I can tell you that have never seen Abergavenny town look like it did today.  There is bunting everywhere, shops and businesses have joined in the spirit by displaying stock in patriotic colours as well as bunting, and the crowds lined the street the likes of which I have never seen before.  There was a really good feeling of Britishness that I have not seen for some time. And with the Jubilee following shortly I hope this tide of good feeling will last for a good while longer!

Right, I am off my soap box now!  Off to play with quilts tomorrow!!!  Then I will be back in my Craft Room possibly to make some more Rudolph Day cards to enter into the fun and have some cards ready so I am not rushing in November.  Why don't you join in - you have a week and there are some lovely stamps for a lucky entrant this month.


Patriotic Hugs



  1. Super bows Sam - a labour of love I should think! Di xx

  2. You sure have been busy Hettie and what a lovely result. So pretty.
    My girl friend and neighbor carried the Olympic torch once. What a thrill. It really was something to see and the patriotic spirit swept thru the whole valley. I’m all for anything that gives our patriotic spirit a kick in the behind from time to time.

  3. I can't believe you made these! How cool to make your own bows. I never thought of making these. Were they easy? Did you use a tutorial. Fabulous work, Sam!

  4. Wow Wow and WOW Sam . . . congrats on getting sooooo many bows made although I was a little shocked that you cut up 12 x 12 sheets! Brilliantly creative though and a fab idea. I know they take a while to make, so good on ya.

    Glad you got a glimpse of the Olympic "do".

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Thanks for joining in with my challenge. Good luck in the draw.
    Hugs, Sarn x

  5. Oh Sam these are just fabulous, how do you make them?

    What a great challenge blog as well, think its a brill idea. Will have to try and join in with this one.

    How great to see the torch, hope you are having a fab weekend xx

  6. Congratulations - great stars - decoration! I wish you success!

  7. Those bows are so beautiful! That must have taken quite a bit of time?! Well worth it I would say!
    Fun to see the Olympic torch! I saw it when it came through Canada and it was quite the event!
    xoxo Karen

  8. These bows are fab, would love to know how you made them. Hugs, amanda x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx