
Thursday 2 February 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Hello there Peeps - Look what I have been awarded with.  The lovely Jan at Handmade by Picto has been a Follower of mine for a while and she decided I deserved this Liebster Blog Award.  Aw!  So kind of you Jan.  Fankoo xxx

Now down to the nitty gritty of the Award.  You don't think I can just sit on my laurels do you?

The origins of the Leibster Blog Award are not clearcut but generally it is thought that it it originated in Germany where Leibster means "dearest" or "favourite".  The idea of the Award is to highlight up and coming blogs. The Rules are simple:-

1 - Choose Five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster Award to.
2 - Put their links on your blog and let them know you have done this.
3 - Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
4 - Post the award on your blog.

So here are my choices for this Award in no particular order:-

1  Bella of Bella's Scrapping Space - click HERE to go to Bella's blog.  Bella does some awesome artwork with Tim Holtz products and teaches too.  Unfortunately she lives in South Africa otherwise I would be attending one of her classes.

2  Kim of Kim's Creations - click HERE to go to Kim's blog.  Kim and I "met" through Julia Dunnitt's wonderful WOYWW.  On the two year anniversary of WOYWW we all made a PiF gift and Kim sent me an absolutely gorgeous piece of art and we have been Buddies ever since.  I am hoping to get to New York in the next couple of years and it is hoped that Kim and I will get to meet up - unless Kim comes over to the UK first!!

3  Jan of Lunch Lady Jan's Fabric Frenzy - click HERE to go to Jan's blog.  Another blogger I met through WOYWW.  Jan makes beautiful creations with fabric and appeals to the Quilting side of me.  Jan is another blogger friend whom I hope to meet very soon.  Maybe when the weather is a little warmer.  

4  Elaine of A Distressed Stamper - click HERE to go to Elaine's blog.  This is one blogger I have met in the flesh.  We actually met face to face before knowing about each other's blogs.  We live not to far away and attend a Crop together occasionally, though it seems that we don't often go at the same time!!

And last but not least....... 

5   Polly at Polly Polkadot - click HERE to go to Polly's blog.  Polly is so funny and I always come away from her blog with a smile on my face.  She has the cutest kids who come up with some fantastic sayings or ideas and they must all follow their mum for that.  Polly has lots of ideas in her head and sometimes you just don't know what Polly is going to be doing or writing about next. Hilarious!

Well then Peeps.  Nothing more for me to do than say a huge Thank You to Jan for awarding me this Award.  




  1. Awww, thanks!! Big smile. I'm really touched that you thought of me. It just makes me happy that folk enjoy my ramblings on - cos I'm very aware that my blog does meander somewhat!!! I shall post the award next WOYWW :)
    Hope you don't get too much snow over the weekend - it's blooming freezing here. Went out for a walk with DH and when we turned into the wind, neither of us could speak. It took our breath away. I so enjoyed the cup of tea when we got home!!
    Thanks again for the award *huge grin*
    Jan xx

  2. Congrats on your award hon. xxx

  3. You have blown me away. I really appreciate the award and will gladly pass it on! Pity we live so far away, would be awesome to have you in my classes. Have not had much on line time this week as the days seem to be evaporating before my eyes!
    Love and hugs from a hot and sunny SA

  4. I'm glad you like the award. I like the fact that this Liebster Award is to be passed on to new or smaller blogs. I'm already a follower of one of your choices and I'm off to have a lookee see at your other choices.
    I hope the weather is not too bad for you today.

    Jan x

  5. Hiya, thank you very much I'm very flattered ... trouble is I'm not trying to be funny! I've just been to visit one of my new shops and so now my head is even more buzzing with ideas than normal. There are just not enough hours in the day.

  6. Here is my blog post about the Liebster Award


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx