
Saturday 4 February 2012

Brrr! Snippets Challenge

Good Afternoon Peeps

I hope you are all keeping warm and cosy out there.  It is a cold one this weekend and it has been snowing here on and off (more on though!) since about 10 oclock this morning.  However, it keeps changing how heavy or light it is going so am never sure whether to ring Hubby to get him to come home!  He is driving a trusty ole Skoda so he should be ok, though the engine is in the wrong place!! 

I have to apologise to you all for not being around much this week.  But firstly I have a problem with a very flaky internet and secondly as the weather is so cold, by the time I come home from work of an evening and light the fire and get the tea done, when I get into my room it is absolutely freezing in here as there is no heating in here until I switch the oil heater on and then it takes a while. to warm up.  Hence not much crafting being done, though my jumper is coming on a treat!!

As a result of my not coming up here I have almost missed out on the Snippets Challenge with the Lovely Di but miss out I won't!   So here is my card today......

The image and sentiment are from my Buddy Sandra which she sent to me a few weeks ago and I have coloured them in with DIs and Copic pens, and made into a card for my Big Sister whose birthday is on Friday.  Thanks Sandra xx

The papers are a mixture of MME,Daisy Bucket and Basic Grey.  The Daisy Bucket paper is about 4 years old and was from one of the first Crops I ever went to!!  I am like my father (a Virgo) who collects and keeps absolutely everything "just in case"!

Right then.  Off to check on the fire, make a cuppa - herbal tea me finks, and then on with my Grungy Monday Challenge - late as well!!

Don't forget to call by Di's blog and see what the others in the Playground are up to.  I will call by later once I can sit downstairs in the warm with my laptop!!

TTFN and Keep Warm and Cosy!!



  1. Oh you've made a lovely card with the image hon. I'm sure your Sis will love it. Really like the flower embellishments too.


  2. Such a cute card Sam! The image is sooo cute! It is definitely hard to get motivated when it's cold. When the woodstove is up and running you can open the windows but until then one's teeth chatter!
    Have an awesome weekend!

  3. Hope your husband has got home safely. I just glanced out of the front window in time to see and white van end up totally broadside - too much acceleration on a wet snowy road. That is a very smug cat there, he looks very cosy. See you in the playground tomorrow for registration. xx Maggie

  4. Brilliant Sam! I just blew you up - err, the card I mean - and had a good ole nose, your colouring is fabulous. Love the way the mouse isn't one teensy bit scared of the cat - well, who would be scared of a moggy wearing a big bow :) Great use of snippets too. super papers plus you've done some sewing I see! The Playground Button will be sorted out ASAP, thanks for the nudge and nice to have a quick chat earlier! Di xx

  5. A gorgeous card Sam and a lovely cute image. I hope your Hubby got home safely [[hugs]], Keep warm & safe, luv Karen xx

  6. Beautiful card Sam, love your colour choice, !!! keep warm, Hugs May x x x x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx