
Wednesday 1 February 2012

WOYWW 139 - OMG it is February - What Happened to January?

Hello there Peeps

A late entry onto the desk of the lovely Julia Dunnitt today!  But I have made it...just!!  For those of you who are wondering what I am waffling on about tonight click HERE to be transported by Willy Wonka Magic to the desk of the Desk Jockey Julia for the biggest blog hop in the world (probably!) which happens every - yes every - Wednesday!!

So guys - mystery of the day - what happened to January?  One minute it was clearing up from the night before and bidding my buddies farewell, the next it was taking the decs down, then finishing off the Christmas cake and now we are in February and about to be showered with hearts in February!  Flippin' 'eck guys!!

So, enough moaning, here is my desk......

Not a lot of action I know, but it is kinda the aftermath.  I went out to my Buddy's house (complete with my home made chocolate cake - be nice to the host so that they invite you back), where we were working very hard on various projects.  So this desk was cleared of all the usual paraphernalia that us crafters need, except that particular ribbon, you know the one, the one you didn't think you needed when you were packing, but is now essential when you haven't got it!!  The downside of all this is that you need to put it all away when you come home, hence this week's reason my desk is not very tidy!!!  

I did complete a layout which I will show you later this week and I also finished off this lickle book. You may remember it was on my desk some time ago!  Here is the cover, I want to wait until a nice bright day so I can take some nice photos and then I will post it for you to see.  Taa dah!! .......

Right, that is is for today. Off to join the party.  Don't forget to go to see the lovely DJ (Desk Jockey) HERE so you can join in the mass blog hop! Not before you have left me a comment as a sort of "I woz 'ere" kinda thing!




  1. I love your lickle book. Your desk is chocker with interesting items. Looks very busy.
    Happy WOYWW


  2. Just love your little book, so cute, busy bee desk going on, joined as a follower, HAVE A GREAT WEEK, Hugs May x x x x

  3. You can't be complaining about the quickness of January and February's hearts when you still have Halloween decs on your lamp, lol!! V. cute little chicky book!

    Brenda 115

  4. wow, you have a lot of space to put all your stuff! your little book is so cute!
    happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  5. I had to laugh at what brenda wrote, trying not to nod my head in agreement, but I can say that I totally agree with you that unpacking from the trip is never as much fun, I hate putting it back and I'm leaving for a 3 day scrapbook trip at the end of the month so I'll be doing it soon enough! waving hi from the hills of NC :)

  6. Just catchingup with some desks this morning- yours looks very full! Hope you get it all sorted... the chocolate cake sounds nice.. though maybe not for breakfast, which is what I should be eating right now!

  7. I hate unpacking of all sorts - after a holiday, doing the food shop (ESPECIALLY that one!). Grit your teeth and attack when you're ready :)
    Henry VIII, huh - that's an interesting fixation to have! Did you read a book about him when you were small or something? What kicked it all off?? If you're ever this way, you are most welcome to drop in. The pond is modern, but Wolfhall is still there. It's on the edge of the Savernake Forest - the Seymours used to be Wardens as it was a Royal Hunting Ground. Henry and Jane met at Littlecote House, which is now a Warner's Hotel. Check it out on the Net, it's one of Britain's most haunted houses apparently :)
    Hugs, LLJ ~68 xx

  8. I love your mini book Sam, its so cute :) Busy desk this week although it sounds like you had a fun time crafting with your friend, especially if you had yummy chocolate cake :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karenxx

  9. "I woz 'ere" and I liked wot I saw :-) Love your chook book
    A x

  10. great looking book cover can't wait to see whats inside. Want to come visit me and bring chocolate cake? You are more then welcome to come over! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  11. Good grief Woman . . . I think that desk might be an even bigger disarrrrrrster than last week darrrrrrling! I'm running away!

    LOVE the look of your chook book though . . . can't wait for a peep inside.


  12. awesome cover to the ickle book there Sam, very nice! and love the chook has real character as they really do.. funny have never kept chooks but do like them! I cannot believe you still have your Christmas banner down there - enough to freak anyone out that! took mine off quite deliberately! thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21

  13. I feel a bit like January went in a flash, it makes you realise you have to make the most of each day because they are gone so quick - I was just gonna put I woz ere' but then started to waffle lol, your little book is sooo cute, Didn't manage to get to you on Wednesday, but having another quick peek at desks again this morning, Hope you have a great crafty week Lou @#26

  14. Love the book of Chooks, how fun that cover is. And tell me this and tell me no you scare yourself everytime you look up at your lamp?!!!

  15. wow great creative space! Hope you enjoyed this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  16. That cover is super cute! You wouldn't happen to have any chocoloate cake left over would you?

  17. I think they must have cut a few days off January without us noticing, it flew by so fast!!
    I know exactly the bit of ribbon you mean, I hate crafting away from my space 'cos I always need something I haven't got and can't go any further without it.
    Love your chooks book and can't wait to see more.
    You can come and play at my house any time you like if you bring cake!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax

  18. I don't mind unpacking, it is the putting away that I hate. Don't worry, Sam, I shall be turning up on a regular basis for Rudolph Day. I tried Picas a couple of times, but it takes up much more memory space than my more professional package, and actually caused me a lot of problems as it was fighting with other programs I needed to use. So I binned Picasa totally. Roxio is far better for what I need as it does photos, videos, BluRay discs and lots of other things. See you soon. xx Maggie #112

  19. Oh I have to agree about the putting everything away... in fact it has been known for me leave a set of stuff in my crop bag and not touch it till the next one!! ;)

  20. I always wonder if going on holiday is worth-it for the fall out afterwards.

  21. I'm always amazed by the stuff I find when I put stuff away- usually don't even remember buying it either, lol.Have a great week( whats left of it, lol) Shaz

  22. wow! loving the book
    what a fab space you have!
    Lisa (19) x

  23. Your book is so cute and I love looking at everyones mess!
    I'm working my way through this weeks WOYWW - I’m finally on the home straight!


  24. ohh poo, sorry, I know I'm late but i WAS HERE, HONEST!! I must have got pulled away and forgot to press the button! Love your book and Have been peeking at it above too. Love the little 'door' WE can't have chickens, it's in our deeds, meanings, coz the people in the next road...with older and longer garden do have chickens... did you know they like mice!?! (and apples) happy late last weeks woyww (Lyn..)


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx