
Saturday 28 May 2011

Sunday Stampers Challenge - Diamonds and Pearls

Good Evening there Crafters

Woo Hoo!!!  It is a Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK which means we get three long lovely days in which to Craft which started with going to my Quilting group this morning and then an "All Night Crop" with my friends Mandy and Rachel!!!!!  Alot of jelly babies, wine and cup cakes will no doubt be consumed and maybe a little Baileys later on!!!  Hic Hic!!!

Tonight's first project is the Challenge from the delectable Hels Sheridan on her blog which is "Diamonds and Pearls".

Here is my little challenge and I hope you like....

Wot?!!! I hear you ask!!!  Not a tag!!!  A girl is allowed to do something different you know!!

Well!!  Cupcake (homemade of course!) and tea awaits (wine comes at 9pm!!!!).

Don't forget to go over to Hels' blog to see what she has done - it is FAB!!

TTFN and don't forget to leave me a message so I know you have been!

Happy Crafting!!! 



  1. OH WOW Hettie this is gorgeous, love the colours and those flowers are just brilliant.

    Enjoy your long weekend sounds like you are going to have lots of fun :) xx

  2. Cor, this is so lush! loving those pretty colours, thanks for joining in with the Sunday STamper... enjoy your crop, and cupcake... and...bailey's! Have one for me lol x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx