
Sunday 29 May 2011

Grungy Monday #8 - Happiness Tag

Hello again Fellow Crafters!!

What wonderful weather we have for crafting this weekend.  Not tooo hot, not tooo cold, can't work outside so let's spend the whole night crafting!!  Yep!  You read that last bit correct!!  My friend Mandy and I, with Rachel for a few hours, have been crafting since 5pm yesterday.  It is now just past 3pm!!  Neither of us have been to bed!!!  I cannot believe that I have been awake since 6.30am yesterday and I am still going!!  Apologies if there are any spelling errors in this posting but I have a valid excuse!!

So far I have made two layouts from scratch, finished a layout, finished a mini album, completed Hels' challenge  (HERE), started a new stamp book album, and finally, without further ado I have completed the Grungy Monday Challenge!  A tag again would you believe!!

This week we were to go HERE and read Tim Holtz's post from September 2008 and produce magic!!!!

I cannot believe how chuffed I am with this one.  I have tried this technique before (albeit with DIs) and was never very happy with the effect.  However, after checking my inks I realised that I only had two Adirondack inks, Cranberry and Lettuce, so had to order another one Latte and I couldn't order one ink on its own so ordered Victorian Velvet DI!!  Oops!!

I have used my lovely Penny Black stamp Flying Stars, I made a tag (by "a" I mean several as I wasn't holding out much hope!) from 200gsm Watercolour paper, took a deep breath and first inked the latte in the middle area of the stamp, the lettuce over the stalks and the Cranberry on the edges, sprayed with my mini mister and stamped.  WOW!  I LOVE IT!!  Dried it with the heat gun, a little bit of masking over the stamped image and I inked it again, and then again. 

The text is from a set of PaperArtsy Hot Picks which I bought at The PaperArtsy event with the Duke himself on 25 February, but I must confess, this stamp was one of the reasons I bought that set, but have not yet used.  I have now!!!

Well.  Don't forget to click HERE and go to the Lovely Linda's blog where other crafters are showing their takes on the challenge this week.

Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday you folks in the UK and enjoy the rest of your weekend those of you who don't have a day off tomorrow.  Me - I will be having a lie in tomorrow!!




  1. Beautiful tag, love the stamped image and embellished beautifully. Tracy x

  2. I love your tag. The stamp, the technique - all of it is beautiful.

  3. Great tag, the colors pop against the white background, Really beautiful.

  4. I hope you weren't using a craft knife by the end! Lovely colours on the tag.

  5. Not only is this one of the most gorgeous tags I've seen, it's also one of the BEST sentiments EVER!!! Sam, you did a magnificent job on the technique AND the composition of this lovely piece, and it is definitely the visual manifestation of "Happiness." I just love it!


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx