
Wednesday 25 May 2011

WOYWW 103 - All Change This Week!!

I cannot believe how quick these WOYWWs are coming around.  I am sure the weeks are quicker since I have been taking part in them.  If you are not sure what I am talking about click HERE and you will be transported by izzywizzey magic to the desk of our Hostess Julia Dunnit where you will come across lots of other likeminded (aka Daft!) Crafters who take part in an official “Nosey” around other crafters’ desks!  

Hurrah Hurrah!  I finished my Scotland album on Monday night so that means that I have changed what’s on my Workdesk this Wednesday!!  Phew!!  I haven’t posted it yet as I am going to try to learn how to make a slideshow of it otherwise the posting will be HUGE!!  

Here are some piccies of it finished though for you to see.

Look at my desk now!!  Almost clear.  More about the light box later.

As I mentioned on my posting on Saturday, I went to Malvern Quilt Show on Sunday and there were some fabulous quilts on display. 

I hadn’t been to Malvern for quite some time so it was nice to go again.  My very nice friend Steph drove up and I made us a lovely picnic which we had to have in the car though as it was far too windy to sit outside. 

Whether it was the inspiration from the Quilt Show or guilt, I decided that it was high time that I took the cover off my sewing machine and got on with a few sewing projects including taking up of Hubby’s jeans (hate that job – hate that job!), try and join the pieces of my quilt to finish the top, make a dress for which I bought LUSH Amy Butler fabric on Sunday, make a cover for my feather bolster which I bought about a month ago from QVC and also to join in with a Challenge at the quilting group I go to!!!  Gonna be a long "week" me thinks!! 
I will probably have to carry the week over to two weeks as this weekend is a 24hr crop with my friends Rachel and Mandy at my home!!!  Lots of wine and jelly babies will no doubt be consumed!!!

At the show on Sunday I saw a gorgeous quilt which had Sunbonnet Sues and Overall Sams on it and it gave me the idea of making my Challenge piece for our quilting group which is to make eight 6” mini quilts reflecting the seasons (i.e. two of each season) and then joining them together by loops and buttons.  I remember that when I first started quilting Sues and Sams were very popular and as it was pointed out on Sunday I am an “Overall Sam” I thought it was very appropriate (I had my dungarees on at the time!!).
Here are some of the fabrics which I will be using. I have been using my light box as I want to make the Sues face the opposite way to the pattern I am using so have drawn the pattern on the bondaweb having flipped the pattern over.

Well, that is going to be it for this week.  Will be coming around to seeing you all later today Blogger permitting.  Been having issues again this last week hence my not being able to visit as many desks as I wanted to again last week!
Thanks for reading my ramblings and please leave me a message!!

P.S.  The Chooks are doing well and starting to look like chickens now! Will post some up-to-date piccies later this week!!


  1. What is up with blogger this week???? Nice light box and great pictures of your Scotland album. TFS

  2. Hi there Hettie you have had fun and you remind me of my UFO too must think seriously about attacking it again love the materials there! Happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  3. What I see of your Scotland album here looks very beautiful, some gorgeous layouts, I'm sure. You asked about the photo in the header of my blog - it's the coast of Northern California, along Highway 1.

  4. Well done on finishing the book - I went to the quilt show last week too it was good wasnt it - spent far too much on new materials etc so now have lost my mojo to scrap! oh well have plenty of sewing to be getting on with I guess! I know the Sunbonnet Sue quilt you meant it was on the end of the first row wasnt it.

  5. Ooo another chook lover!! so its all julias fault that time is whizzing by!!

  6. Busy looking work space. Your Scotland book is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing the quilt pieces you make. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  7. Lots of crafting going on there. Hope you enjoyed yourself at Malvern. You have reminded me again of the bits of quilting I have stuck in the cupboard - must get it out again.

  8. Good idea about meeting up at the Festival of Quilts - the only thing is is that I am not sure I am going yet! My girlfriends definately are but its my Dads birthday so I need to check with him first what is going on and whether I can go - I will let you know as soon as I know as I am only 10 mins away from the NEC and can just buy a ticket on the day if necessary. Have lost my papercrafting mojo this week and have been busy sewing up some stuff - will blog soon!

  9. Well there's just no stopping you huh!! I hate taking up jeans too - but I don't whip up a dress and finish a quilt and start 6 more while I've got the machine out!! And I wonder how many LOs you'll do in 24 hours?


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx