
Wednesday 19 August 2015

WOYWW 324 - Au Revoir Janet Fairythoughts


As I was about to sit down and write this post last night, I learnt from Julia that one of our WOYWW friends Janet Fairythoughts has sadly passed away.  I dedicate today's post to her memory. 

Farewell Janet.  I will miss your funny comments and kind words of encouragement.
Now as it is Wednesday I am taking part in the WOYWW phenomenon with my friend Julia so when you have read my post why not go HERE to see the other desks that take part.

Time to share my desk, which is actually my dining room table, where I have been making a new top for myself. 
A lovely new shop has opened up in Abergavenny - Black Mountain Fabrics, and I found myself wandering down to the shop in my lunch break and saw this fabric and then the pattern for the top and knew I had to have it.  Well, I need to support my local fabric shop didn't I!!
Here is one of the pockets.  I cannot believe that there were 10 tailor's tacks involved in the pockets alone and like a good girl I actually sewed the tacks instead of just cheating with pins!! You can see some of the pink thread I used at the top edges of the pocket.
And for those of you who want to know what the finished item looks like, here is the pattern.  mine is the purple one bottom left.  I will have to get the man to take a photo of me so I can share the finished top.  I am liking it very much and even got accosted in Waitrose on Sunday by a lady asking me where I got it!!  I should have offered to make it for her but I know I had the last of that fabric!!  Hee Hee.
Thanks for calling by.  Now please leave a comment an then off you go to Julia's blog HERE.


  1. Well, isn't that the highest compliment? Your top must look amazing if someone wanted to know where you got it from! I love the fabric btw, I'd have got some of that too. That new shop sounds awfully tempting....I see lots of trips there in your lunch hour :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  2. I was so glad to see the dedication post you gave to Janet, because she was such a wonderful and caring person. The WOYWW ATCs I make each year always include a rocking horse rubber stamp she gave me. I read about her death when I visited Julia' blog tonight and had NO idea she had been ill. Although I didn't know Janet in person, I still felt that I KNEW her. So, so sad. I hope her family takes solace in all the tributes people are giving her today.

    Since I don't pin anything, I am glad that was YOU making that top and not me. If I can't tear it, I don't want to make it (grin). Happy WOYWW from #2.

  3. The news of Janet was so sad but I feel we must all live a little harder now just for her....I'm sure she would have loved that. She touched so many of our lives didn't she? I love your new top and have a feeling there will be more in the making very soon....if you can't find the fabric you want then you know where to come to don't you ;-)
    Annie x # 17

  4. I love that pattern and the fabric. I've known Janet through crafting for about ten years, but never got to meet her, it was a shock to read your post, I have a lovely collection of ATC's from her built up over the years. All our paths cross so closely xxx

  5. Ah when saw your post come up on dashboard Sam, had to come and comment .. sad indeed at the passing of dear WOYWW-er.

    I really love that top and can see why it caught your eye (and others too! :D)
    I am impressed that you tack, I do too in red or similar shade :D when I sew, that is!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #29

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  6. Pretty fabric and a cute design. A storm brewing here with winds and thunder so want to get some more visits in. I've missed a few weeks and playing catch up. Things are getting back to normal here...grandkids start school next week, garden is almost done producing, so I can plan clothes for our trip to visit my son in D.C. in a few weeks. I am soooooooooo excited. 2 yrs since we've been able to visit in real life ! Enjoy the week.

  7. Must admit I always tack.. Old learnt habits die hard!?, Love your pattern and fabric. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Hi Sam,
    my deepest sympathy to Janet's family, and all your WWOYWW friends.

    wonderful looking table AKA desk.
    oooooooooo! that pattern looks sooooooooo! fab, and I love your material.
    I used to dress make when I was younger, but sadly I just can't do it any more as I can't see to thread my needle of my sewing machine.
    I need a newer machine that threads the needle for you, but am reluctant to buy it in case I still can't see to do the sewing.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  9. I used to sew all the time but in past years just got away from it. You make me want to engage again! Glenda #37

  10. Hi Hettie,Love the pattern for that top. Just the sort of thing I'd wear. In black, lol. I may have to have a look for that. How wonderful someone wanting to know where you bought it. I'd have been glowing for the rest of the day, lol. And yes, you are totally obligated as a crafter to support any local craft/fabric shop!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  11. Hi Hettie, oow nice fabric and yes please show us a pic of your wearing your new top. Yes sad news, another of our blogging friends sadly missed. Have a enjoyable week Cheers RobynO#18

  12. Well I love the look of the fabric AND the design of the top. No wonder it has been admired and desired by others.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  13. I think we need a photo of you in the top too!! love the fabric. x jo

  14. Yes we need a photo ..then possibly a wait list for you to make some ;) Really pretty fabric. Have a lovely week.Soojay 23

  15. That top is going to look great. You will have to show us.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  16. perhaps you should make us all one.. we could have a crop uniform.. what a lovely compliment the lady gave you - not surprised, having seen your handiwork!
    Hope you can get Mr Hettie to take a picture of you for next time.

    It was so sad to read of Julia's passing, we will all miss her greatly. Helen 3

  17. My goodness, a blast from the past, Butterick patterns, wouldn't have thought they were still going.
    Can't wait to see the photo of the finished garment, material looks good and so does the pattern.

    Kath x

  18. Love the top Hettie. I thinking of joining a sewing class in Sept - I can sew but going to a class might actually get me doing it again! :-) Anne x # now at 26

  19. Love the top Hettie. I thinking of joining a sewing class in Sept - I can sew but going to a class might actually get me doing it again! :-) Anne x # now at 26

  20. Love the top Hettie. I thinking of joining a sewing class in Sept - I can sew but going to a class might actually get me doing it again! :-) Anne x # now at 26

  21. Wow, hand tacking... that does my head in. Well done you! Hurry and get your man to take a photo! I need to see what that lady saw, clearly it was impressive! #19

  22. What a lovely dedication to your friend Janet.

    The top is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to be able to make clothes like that for myself. That is exactly the type of top I like myself. Barbxx

  23. Your top is wonderful Hettie. I can not sew but I sure enjoy seeing the talents of others.

    Hugs Diane

  24. Love that fabric! And the pattern is great! (hides a multitude of sins). Please show us the finished product! i.e. you wearing it!
    That is a great compliment when someone on the street asks you about your top. Well done you!
    Have a great week,

  25. Ohh! How awesome to get such a complement! Definitely share your "runway" photos! And yessess, you must always support the local shopesess (in a Gollum-ey kind of voice..don't know's been a long day...) and next visit, send the boys to the basement to brew beer...2 floors of separation and a good 4 hours of uninterrupted craft time! LOL!
    And I couldn't have Skype today either; it was nuts!! Next Week..on the calendar.
    Hugs, -K

  26. How sad to lose a WOYWWer.

    I'm loving your smock type top - great shape to it, though I can see that probably means more work for you… look forward to seeing the finished product. I might (just might) be managing a trip to Abergavenny this Autumn - will keep you posted.
    Alison xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx