
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Tea on Tuesday....T stands for PoeTry!

Hello There

It is Tuesday and, as I am inclined to do on a Tuesday, I am sharing a drink over with Elizabeth.  Traditionally it is supposed to be a cuppa tea but when I took my photo in readiness to share with you I had a glass of South African Vino at the ready so I thought I would share it anyway.   

If you happen to have read my previous post, you will know that I mentioned that I went on a Creative Writing/Journalling course on Saturday.  To be honest I was not sure what the day would entail but it was a really good day.  I had to engage my brain in a way that I haven't done in a while and also write more than I have done for a long while but I felt very good (and shattered) when the day was finished.  

The general theme of the day was Spring.  We were all asked, around the table, what Spring meant to each of us.   We were then split into groups of 2/3 and we were given a set sense (taste, sight etc) and time (3 mins) in which to talk to the other/s in the group, listing down any ideas.  The next 4 mins were spent in writing down our lists then picking out two items that stood out and write some words about each.  Bear with me here!  Rebecca then picked each of us at random and asked us to read out our words.  She then wrote all of them down and a Group Poem was born.....

Rebecca has kindly allowed me to share this poem with you and I would just like to share this with you know, whilst we are still in Spring.  I hope you like it...

Spring is when wet petals cling to you,
Rain heavying petals and wisps and making
Them earthbound.
Spring is the excitement of the new,
Inspiring an energy surge.
Spring is the bees buzzing,
Blue skies and sunshine,
Swifts screeching over the river,
Bringing back memories of
Warm Italian evenings.
Sniff and recognise the hedgerow smell
As a compot of the flavours of spring,
Forming an olfactory soup,
And let the smells inform your appetite.
Spring is the real New Year,
A time of new thoughts and new beginnings.
It is the sun warming, creaking, waking things up.
Watch the vast lawns of bluebells
Swaying in the wind.
Spring is the smell of the earth after rain,
A sense of awakening,
The bleating of new lambs,
And voices longer into the evening.

Group Poem
Spring Creative Writing Workshop, May 10th 2014.
Arts Alive, with writer Rebecca Loncraine

I hope you like it.  Off now to see what other cuppas folks are up to and drinking over at Elizabeth's.  Hic!



  1. Never heard of group poetry before! It is awesome! Happy T Day!

  2. Ooh - get you Missus! Sounds like a VERY creative day. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  3. What a fantastic poem, and lucky you to get to attend a day like that.
    Thanks for the visit, come back next week and I'll try to explain the BBQ competition......grin

  4. Oh what fun Sam - group poetry eh?

    Err, I just took a big slurp from your glass, but I did wipe the rim afterwards wiv me handkie :))

    Hugs, hic!


  5. thank you for sharing lots of good things like red wine which is healthy...exercising your grey matter always a good thing and
    group poetry writing = wowee fun!
    Happy T Day to ya

  6. I've been patiently waiting for someone to share wine with us, and I was thrilled when I read your post today. Truthfully, I thought it would be Halle, but I was glad you shared yours.

    That group poem is incredible. Such imagery. Very impressive.

    Now what's this about the girls? Are they missing? Is there a story I should be reading on your blog? I certainly hope no one took them. That would be a disaster, especially since I enjoy their presence on occasion.

    Thanks for sharing your vino and poem for T this Tuesday. And whoever took your girls, I hope they bring them back.

  7. oh my, what lovely word pictures! so sweet and truly a description of Spring. Love it!

  8. Hi Hettie, cheers to your glass of vino! It's always fun to see a different kind of drink on here. And what a great group poem on spring! Thanks for sharing. It was such a fun, fresh look at the season. Happy T-day!

  9. I've never heard of group poetry writing either. Turned out well though. It must have been a fun and challenging day.


  10. wow- what a beautiful visual that poem brings-great collaboration! That sounds like a really fun class. Happy T day!

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! :)
    Happy T-Day!

  12. Happy T Day! Thanks for sharing your group's poem. I enjoyed reading it. I'm just so happy that spring is FINALLY here. :)

  13. Yes well, I can tell it is wine and not tea.
    Computer went down on 2nd of May so not been able to comment nothing personal sorry.

    Kath x

  14. The class sounds so inspirational and it is incredible to imagine that you all write your thoughts and they are composed into this beautiful piece of poetry.

  15. I love this poem and the class, what a great idea. The theme "spring" is perfect for right now too, YAY!!
    Thanks for sharing it with us!
    Happy T Day!!

  16. Happy T-Day!
    Sounds like an incredible class and what a great group poem. Thanks for sharing that.

  17. Love the sound of this class and grisly enjoyed the group poem . What a fab idea!

  18. Oh, my, this is sensational, Hettie! Thank you for sharing. I would buy a book of poems by Group!! Hugs, Darnell

  19. Just in case you were wunnerin', I called you Hettie, b/c that's like your own personalauthor Sue D. Nim!

  20. What a wonderful way to create a poem - it sounds as though it was a really profitable, profound day. Thanks so much to you and the group for allowing us to share the words.
    Alison xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx