
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Vietnam Scrapbook Album Part 4

Hello Again

Would you Adam 'n' Eve it!  I made a layout to show you today, but now realise I have not uploaded the photos to my blog, though I had thought I had done so.  Never mind ey!  I get to show you some more photos from my Vietnam Album for Scrapbook Tuesday.

After our second day at cycling, which was considerably longer than the first day, we were all feeling pretty tired in the late afternoon when we all gathered outside a Cemetery in order that we could cycle the last part as a group.  We went down a long winding road with trees either side of us not being able to see much around us, though we did have a sense of sea air.  Then we turned at the bottom of the road to see what can only be described as a "village" of small wooden chalets.  Shelley and I were given the key to our challet and the photos below are all taken from the veranda!  Aren't they just stunning?  This is the South China Sea.

I can tell you that I had never seen a bunch of 20 or so people get out of lycra cycling gear and into costumes and trunks and into the water so quickly!  Boy did we love it.  It was not cold like our seas in the UK but soothingly cool.  Only thing is watch out for the spikey urchin things as they hurt!
The two photos here on the left are taken on our way to breakfast.  If you look carefully you can see a coracle like boat with men fishing and this really is the sun rising.  The photo on the right is our breakfast table view!  I would definately go back to this resort again, and maybe even try scuba diving.  I shall just have to keep doing the lottery!

Here we all are at Po Klong Garai Cham.  Another temple and in a wonderfully good state and in use.  The carvings are beautiful and we were able to fully watch the sun rising here, which is the best time to see these temples.  Inside there were oil candles burning and fresh offerings left.    
Oh to be back there again.   We had to be up very early as this was to turn out to be the hardest day of all.  I will show you why next time.

Thanks for calling by.



  1. Stunning scenery - no wonder you want to go back.

    Sarn xxx

  2. What a glorious place to rest your weary bones after a hard day's cycling (and before another day of it, by the sound of things!)... Fabulous photos, and more of those cute little flip flops - perfect beach embellishments.

    The temple is absolutely stunning... Will keep my fingers crossed for your lottery win and return trip!
    Alison x

  3. Once again I have enjoyed sharing your trip - thank you. Looking forward to seeing more xx

  4. Fabulous photos and amazing memories Sam, that sea view looks so inviting :D Hugs Gay x

  5. Wonderful Sam! The top left piccie on your first layout is exactly the view from the bungalow we stay at in Thailand. I know just what you mean about returning - the Far East has a certain magic about it and you captured that so well in your layouts, not just the piccies but also the wording and other things.

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. More great layouts fot your book with beautiful embellishments. I love that temple. Fabulous!


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx