
Sunday 15 September 2013

Been Art Journalling Again!

Hello Peeps

I have been having fun in my Art Journal again.  This time I have been trying some wooden stamps that I have been holding for a while without being used, so I gathered them up and put them together on this page.

I first of all gessoed the pages and then painted them with my orange Pebeo paint before using a irridescent red one to create "tartan" stripes.  Love these Pebeo paints.
I stamped the paisley stamp with white acrylic paint, stamped some bubblewrap in yellow paint, then onto the large flower stamp which I bought in Abergavenny Market quite by chance.  First with the turquoise paint, then white acrylic paint and finally red paint, without cleaning the stamp in between!   I edged around the Believe as the stamp was not vibrant enough for me, and then filled in the letters with a fine paintbrush.  
I stamped my Tim Holtz stamp (my favourite sentiment in fact), then brushed over with Perfect Pearls.  I used some irredescent purple paint and a bottle cap or two.
Then I went around the edge with a rope stamp which I bought in Amsterdam and brushed again with some purple PPs.  I love the sheen on the red paint. 

Well that is it from me for now.  This is only my second page and I am loving the freedom of this Art Journal thing.  It is a great way to try out ideas and techniques, as well as new stamps and paints.




  1. Great pages, Sam. Loving the variety of stamp patterns and colors that you have used. The lines add interest to the pages. Can't wait to see more journalling!

  2. Terrific Sam! You've taken to it like a duckie in our duck pond!

    You know what, there's something about the colours and design that really reminds me of New Mexico.

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. WOW - you GO girl . . . great pages with lots of interest and luscious colours.

    Sarn xxx

  4. I love the fact that I can just PLAY in my journal for no reason at all other than to experiment and have FUN. Love what you have done.

  5. Hi
    WOW the impact on your pages is incredible.
    I still haven't dipped my toe in the Art Journalling waters!

  6. Gorgeous pages, love the orange and purple, that rope stamp is gorgeous. I really must try this again, my first go terrified me - too dark for me so will need to try again xx

  7. What fabulous paint layers, and the Perfect Pearls give it a gorgeous sparkle... really great journal pages. Keep meaning to say - your previous pages have become one of my most frequently repinned pins on Pinterest!
    Alison x

  8. These are great, Sam. I love the colours and you've used some great stamps. I really must have a play with art journalling.
    Hugs Lisax

  9. Wow! I agree with Di...there is a certain feeling of the New Mexico, and that general area...perhaps it is the colours your hose.
    Well, let me tell you, it looks fabulous. So far I have resisted as I do not want to have another type of supplies to collect!!!

    But lately have thought about giving it a try just with what I have in.

    Love the stamps you chose!

    That printed design on my last butterfly card was just a fussy piece of Prima Lyric DP. These were very low on supplies cards!!!

  10. Such an adventure at your post this evening. I just did my 1st try with gesso last Fri nite, and such fun. (Not getting into journaling though!) This is a lovely page, and you have so much color & texture. Some great stamps to create patterns too. The paint you mentioned is unfamiliar to me, but I assume it's acrylic? Wonderful shine with your perfect pearls too. TFS & Hugs

  11. I like the rope stamp. That has endless (get it) possibilities. Hugs Mrs a.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx