
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thank You Ribbon Box

Hello Friends

I am still alive, and I have not deserted you all, though I have been a bit neglectful the last few days.  

You see, Mr Hettie and I have been awaiting a new settee to arrive and have been putting all our efforts into getting the lounge all spick and span in anticipation of its arrival, which involved lots of the wet stuff made by Dulux.  However, today the driver of the vehicle in which the settee was being delivered to put his "jobsworth hat" on and refused to come up our lane!  Boo Hoo!  We now have to get it rescheduled and pay a further extortionate sum of money to get it redelivered in a van of its own!  Not a happy bunny after all the work we have carried out and we are now going to be sitting on the floor or Dobby's cushion over the Easter weekend!  I am not even going to mention the fact that I have not been in my craft room since Thursday!!!!!!!  No I am not!

I want to share with you a box I made recently for a very good blogging friend of mine.  I made some as Christmas presents for a few friends, but forgot to take any photos, so when completing this box I made sure I took some pics so I could share my make with you.....
I used some mountboard (a little lighter in weight than chipboard, as I was posting it) and covered it with some Bo Bunny and Basic Grey papers which I hoped my friend would like. I thought they were her colours. I did a little stamping on the panels before punching them with my BIA.   Then came the fun bit.....sewing the ribbon through the holes and putting the box together.   I didn't tighten the ribbons until the box had taken its shape in order that I don't get wonky sides.  A good film and a glass of something usually helps!
Once put together I then went about adding decorative  heart strips, flowers and stickles to the box on all four sides and the top, and adding four large beads to the base for feet!  The heart strips were punched using my then new EK Success punch.  
The "love you" is on the paper but came in a lovely place so I did not want to cover it.  

Here is the back on which you can see some of the stamping and the top "hinge".

And here is what is inside the box.  Some Dolly pegs with ribbon on (and some chocolate but I did not photograph that).  What crafter doesn't like ribbon or chocolate?

Well, that is it for tonight.  I am looking forward to having a nice relaxing weekend, with some crafting time included and of course some vino!  Mr Hettie and I gave up alcohol for Lent and I am proud to say we succeeded in our goal.  

I wish you all a Happy Easter and hopefully a warm Easter!!




  1. Fabulous idea for mountboard....will have to use this idea, if thats ok as its genius!

    Well done on the no alcohol! Enjoy a glass of something over Easter

    Kyla x

  2. Grrrr delivery drivers! Sorry all didn't go to plan for you, it sounds frustrating. I'm sure that vino will taste all the bit sweeter after this situation.

    Lovely ribbon box, you couldn't of positioned the papers any better.

    Happy Easter if we don't chat before. Hope you get plenty choccieness. :)


  3. Oh no... what a horror - jobsworth driver for the sack, say I!! Hope at least you'll get back in the craft room over the weekend, and enjoy a well-earned glass of vino (or two) too...

    Fab Christas box gift - it's really beautifully made, and I'm sure it went down a treat!
    Alison xx

  4. What a wonderful box...your friend must have just loved it. I can see how a glass of something might help with the final assembly!

    Sorry to hear about your poor sofa...that is just not right to be stuck like that over Easter. Do you think you can fannangle a delivery maybe on the Saturday? Here it is not a holiday...

  5. That is so disappointing after all your hard work. Likey your pwetty box. I made one something similar but latticed the wool up the sides and it was awkaward to say the least to keep the sides even. The occupant didn't mind though as he was a monkey I had made for a blogging friend. Keep wrapped up warm. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. Such a gorgeous box I am sure your friend loved it too. Not been in your craft room for a week you had me worried there then I realised you were putting your artistic talents to the walls instead. Hope you manage to get your sofa delivered. Hugs, Amanda x

  7. ohhhh poo to the jobs worth after all your hard work too. i hope a nicer delivery chappie comes back with it. We had a new suite in October and it wouldn't come thru the front door but the lovely men said they would lift it over the shed!!!!!! and bring it in the conservatory door if my Hubby would mind helping. It was entertaining but sofa is now safely in our lounge and lovingly being used every day. Just goes to show it all depends on the delivery men.
    Your friend adores her box and it is sitting on my craft desk just being admired every day. I can't bear to use any of the bits and pieces yet, will save them for a scrapbook page and the choccies are still there...promise. Saving them for when I really NEED chocolate. Oh and yes I love the papers you've used, they are just me. You are such a lovely friend.
    Have a great Easter.
    Hugs Lisax

  8. What a delightful ribbon box Sam. They are very special and will be treasured.

    Bloody jobsworth . . . I really don't think you should be made to pay for the rearranged delivery . . . have you got any trees nearby? I'd like to protest and that seems the in-thing to do at the mo!

    Sarn xxx

  9. The "in-thing" being to live in the tree for a while until forcibly removed while protesting! x

  10. A beautiful box Sam, with gorgeous papers. I love the ribbon ties and colours.

  11. Hi Sam, Oh dear what a shame, those delivery men get bad press, I wonder why? But as Lisa said there are some real good ones out there too, bad luck you won't have chairs for Easter, lets hope it warms up a little and it's good enough to go out and play :D
    Love your brilliant box, clever you, hugs Gay x

  12. Wow. No sofa - you deserve your wine with no seat!
    A lovely box. Your friend must have loved it. A beautiful box AND chocolate AND ribbon!
    Our last suite we had to get the front door taken off to get it in the house. I couldn't believe it.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx