
Monday 25 March 2013

Happy Rudolph Day

Hello There

Happy Rudolph Day to you all!  And a cold one it is here in the UK too!  Almost feels like Christmas except there are Easter Eggs in the shops! 

Here is my entry into Rudolph Day pot today....

Made using lots of  Snippets so I shall be taking it over to the Playground too.

What have I done?  The velum on the bottom layer has been in my Snippets box for ages.  Then on top is a piece of watercolour paper which I stamped with my Hero Arts stamp and then inked with alcohol inks.  I did this when I first started with alcohol inks so you can take a guess how old it is.  I then stamped a Papermania stamp twice, coloured them in with my Copics, cut out the poinsettia on one stamping, curled it a little and then popped it over the other image to make it 3D.  (Sorry, forgot to take a sideways photo for you to see it, but trust me!)  I then put little white spots of Sharpies pen on each berry before adding glossy accents to them and the centre of the flower to make them nice and shiny.  A Snippet of ribbon and hey presto a card!

I apologise now for not being around much this last few days.  We have a new settee arriving at Chez Hettie this week and of course, I wanted the lounge redecorated before it comes!!  So out came the paint brushes and all the fun and frolics of removing the old settee into the Den, pictures taken down, curtains down and everything moved hither and yonder!!  Let me tell you, painting a wall that is 21 feet long and 7 feet high and is a stone wall, so has plenty of nooks and crannies, is not easy.  I have to do the other wall later tonight in order that I can put the curtains back up before the delivery men arrive!  Poor Hubby had the unenviable task of painting the wooden ceiling! Let me tell you, I would rather have been crafting!

I hope you have a good week!  I am glad to see that Lent is nearly finished so I can celebrate the new settee's arrival with a Baileys or three over the weekend!!  Hurrah!! 

Do join in the Rudolph Day challenge with my dear Blogging Friend Sandra!




  1. SUPER Rudolph Day card Sam - nice extra touches with the dimensional poinsettia. Thanks for joining in when you've been so busy too.

    Sarn xxx

  2. Very Christmassy card Sam, love the design and pretty ribbon.

    Decorating is my pet hate so good luck for your last bit of painting.

    Enjoy your new sofa xx

  3. I'm right out of flowers (cos i cut the heads off em all here) so will have to thunk of sumthinck else to use on mine! This is super duper and love the colours. hugd Mrs A.

  4. Beautiful card.
    Happy new settee- hope you get your spot moulded in soon!

  5. Beautiful card Sam, the vellum bottom (not your's I hasten to add) is stunning as is the poinsetta.
    Happy settee to you.

  6. Fabulous card, love the red and green and the layout of the card.

    Kath x

  7. Great work on the Rudolph card, and on the repainted room - you'll be glad you did it when the new settee is in place and the whole place looks brand spanking new!
    Alison x

  8. I sure love the background on this card. Lovely! I do hope you will show pictures of your newly decorated room. Sounds fun!

  9. Beautiful card. Thanks for all the deets on how-to, as well. I love how your poinsettia turned out, and the vellum background was a neat touch. Good luck with your painting. You'll have to share some pics when all is back in order. In the meantime, TFS a lovely card.

  10. Lovely card...I love the little white details on the holly berries.Great idea.
    The 3D poinsettia looks so pretty and the vellum was another great idea.

    It sure is getting popular lately...must have a gander through my "fancy DP" file...must have left in there somewhere!

    Envelope finally off to you! Hope you like...mine is calling to me to WOYWW this week as I am featuring the cards I received this month...yours will be on display!

  11. Oh my word Sam - this is really beautiful, such a lovely result from all your work.

    Hope all the other work has gone well too and that you can soon enjoy the fruits of your labours - lying prone on the new sofa wiv a Baileys to hand :)

    Hugs, Di xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx