
Wednesday 5 December 2012

WOYWW 183 - Busy Busy Busy

Hello Friends

Today is Wednesday...yeah!  That means several things ....half way through the week....nearly the weekend....dancing.....only one working day left this week....oh yes!  It is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday Day!!  Click HERE or on the button on my side bar to make your way over to to the Hostess of this Wednesday fun and frolics.  Here is my desk.....
Yes it is a little untidy but it is because I am in the middle of a project...two projects in fact.  I am making two books which I need to complete by Saturday.  One is for the Quilting Bran Tub and the other is for my friend Stephanie.  She usually tries to ensure she gets my gift out of the Bran Tub so I have made her one of her own!  The paper lace you see is to go on the pages for decoration.  In the jar to the left of the blue tool pot is my distressed clothes pins (pegs to us in the UK) which I bought from The Funkie Junkie.  Lovely colours of string in there!  You cannot go wrong with a bit of string! 

I promised I would show you the Christmas Album which I was making at The Crop, today.  Here it is....

 The front is not decorated yet.  I leave that until the end!

Unfortunately I cannot get any photos printed at the moment.  Our new printer seems to have run out of ink despite us not using it much!  I have saved the photos so far on a memory stick so I can play catch up on Friday.  Day 3 is a journal page too.  

I thought I would also show you my first three of my (hopefully) 12 Tags of Christmas!  I am having so much fun making these and they are making me think "outside the box".  Still to join in!
Right.  That is enough waffle from me.  Sorry Julia if it is bit of a long post but it is nearly Christmas! 

I am off dancing this evening but I will join in the fun when I come back and if I don't get to you tonight I will call by later in the week.

TTFN and keeeeeeeeep crafting!



  1. So in love with all those flaps and pockets and envelopes in your gorgeous Christmas album... and it's lovely to see your 12 tags (well, 3 of them) lined up. I agree it's been such fun playing. Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  2. So much detail to see in that little album, it's gorgeous. You really do have an eye for the details in these things, don't you?
    Your friend will be so pleased that you've made her one specially this year.
    All the tags are fab but I really love the middle one!!
    Hugs, LLJ #30 xx

  3. I too love alal those flaps and tags in your album. I am looking forward to seeing the front when it is done as well!
    Your tags are looking great. You have a real talent for those tags!

  4. your tags look great, I have four to go and am loving making them..hope you enjoy making the rest!
    thanks for sharing.
    happy woyww trace x #33
    p.s. I have festive candy

  5. The Christmas album is AMAZING! Have fun creating the next two books!

    Happy WOYWW!

    #11 Apryl

  6. Happy WOYWW Sam

    Love the new look blog btw, only a light snow shower at the mo, we may get a white Christmas after all!

    As you know, love the book and those tags look like TH's his self! Well done you!

    Enjoy your dancing, it is on the ceiling?

    Big hugs xxx

  7. Having seen the album in progress it is nice to see it again. Like your new look blog too, very festive! Helen, 5

  8. the christmas album looks fab I love all the little details and pockets etc would love to try something like this ..maybe next year. your tags are beautiful love e the colours especially the snowman one and the hearts oh I cant decide in my fav !!...have fab week and thanks for sharing your work x #25

  9. Your are so busy with such beautiful projects, Sam. How lovely to make a special pressie for your friend.
    Printers can be the pits can't they. I seem to waste so many hours fighting with them. Hope you get your photos printed soon, it's so easy for these December books to get away from you although you are so organised I'm sure it won't.
    Have you got any snow?????
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #56

  10. What a gorgeous Christmas album. Love all the little pockets and flaps.
    A x #42

  11. Hi ya Sam . . . WOW - amazing album thingy here (you can tell I know all the TECHNICAL TERMS can't you!).

    Love all 3 of your TH tags too. They look great displayed like that.

    Snow predicted for midday here! Yikes!

    Sarn xxx

  12. Your Christmas album is gorgeous, love all the little pockets and lovely papers you have used. Well done on getting 3 tags completed too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

  13. You are a master of these albums - amazing how many nits and pieces you put together - really like it - your "funkie junkie" tags are lovely too - I look at them all the time but haven't got the courage yet to participate - maybe next year!
    Enjoy your dancing!
    Lots of hugs,

  14. A beautiful album, love the colours and all the different pockets. Never find time to do the 12 tags but I do enjoy looking at them and yours are excellent.

    Ann B

  15. Great busy desk there - have fun dancing! Sunshine Girl - no 21.

  16. Hi again... just to put your mind at rest, that is the whole quote: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined. The only bit you can't see is who said it - Henry David Thoreau... I love it - have it on a bookmark and a plaque too!!
    Alison xx

  17. I love the burlap covering to your album and the inside looks very cool! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  18. How like you to make your friend an album as well. And the Christmas album is tres lovely... love the journalling pocket and 'bits' are clever. Dancing tonight. Do you ever stop?!!

  19. Hope the dancing was fun! I love the little album - great project. x Jo

  20. The Christmas album is great. Love the pockets and the colours. Thanks for sharing. #76

  21. Beautiful album!!! Don't know where you find the time for all your projects - or the energy for all that dancing!!!!
    Hop over to mine - there's blog candy on offer and I'd love to add your name into the draw!
    Happy WOYWW

  22. What a pretty album!!! The paper you used is really nice!! Tags are yummy too. You have been busy.
    Karen 97

  23. Oh wow Sam

    Those books look fantastic .. .. so many beautiful elements.

    Love Jules xx

  24. Now whats all this about clients then!!! Dun u menshun clogs and scottish dancing. I have me a frog in my throat doing the highland fling in clogs at the mmoment. The construction is in caos. The lounge is being redeocrated. All the furniture is piled up in the dining room like Steptoe's back yard on a good day and The Doc decided on Saturday morning to change the colour scheme we had picked after the Painter had been to the depot and purchased the colour we wos having.
    Anybody want some greeen paint? I can scrap some off The Doc's head if you like. Hugs (on second thoughts scrap that I dun want any ink on me) Mrs A.
    (aka Stressed of Hampshire).

  25. OK OK, I will try to include Wales. We actually will just be picking from the best getaways we see on offer when we are over there.
    DH doesn't mind to drive, so we can just go whereever the best bargains are. If there are bargains in Wales...we could go there too!!

    DH is only 59 and in Canada, the first government pension starts at 60, with the other at we have one year we are funding we are watching our pennies this year so we don't spend too much of our retirement savings!
    I will be on a shop my stash fling for consumables in 2013! teeheehee

  26. So much going on Hettie! Super fun post today. (I do love your falling snow, too, although for a minute I thought I was having a stroke and seeing spots!)

    Your Christmas Album is unbelievable. Just unbelievable. And the tags? Shut up. I love the one "all hearts come home for Christmas!" Precious. You should think outside the box more often as they look so professional and George S!

    Hope you had fun dancing. Wish you could bottle some of that energy and send it to me! Thanks for coming by to visit me earlier. I hope you have a great week!! Darnell #58

  27. A lot of mess is required to create such a beautiful book Sam, it's soooo lovely (said in a Graham Norton voice!). Sounds like you're really busy at the mo.

    Brenda 79

  28. Look at you go!! Love your album pockets. And your tags are amazing! Great job. Have a great rest of the week!

  29. Busy busy busy there I see, lots on the go. Where do you get your hessian (burlap) from? Your mini album is to die for. Reminds me of books we made with pockets and flaps as a child. Oh and the 12 tags, are you just making oyur own or following a blog for it as Timmy isn't doing it this year? BJ#47


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx