
Thursday 6 December 2012

Tag 4 - A little bit of Country

Hello Friends

Brrrrrrr!  My phone this morning says -3 feels like -6!  Yep!  It certainly feels like jumping back into bed cold this morning.  I just wonder how my girls are in their coup!  

Over at The Funkie Junkie Linda's Tag 4 has a little Country feel to it.  So as usual I will show you Linda's tag first.....
Isn't it just divine?  I love how Linda displays her tags and I am trying to find a new way of displaying mine for photographs too, but I have to take the photos in my bay window in the lounge as that is the best place for light.  Let's see ey.

So here is my tag....
I changed the background colour as I wanted to try my new Festive Berries DI out that was screaming to be let out of the cellophane and so I stamped the background with my Wendy Vecchi stamp.  Love it.  So then I had to think which embossing folder I wanted to use and the Christmas Tree kept coming to the forefront as I was going through my embossing folder drawer, so out it came.  I used Cordinations cardstock and then sanded the edges a little and inked a little Vintage Photo for the trunks. I stamped the Crafty Individuals Believe stamp and tore the individual word out, inked the torn edges with Vintage Photo DI, added some Stickles on the dot of the i, and adhered it onto a rosette that happened to be in my Snippets box.
Whilst I was rummaging in my Snippets box I came across the mini reindeer which I had cut when my friend was up some time ago (note to self, get this mini die).  I stamped it with my TH flourish stamp and Festive Berries again and then swooshed some gold perfect pearls on there. I then had an idea to get the Rock Candy Distress Stickles on top, which I did and also the trees.  Unfortunately I am not sure the photo picks this up very well.  A little Snippet of lace at the bottom and a piece of holly cut with my TH Lamp post die and the tiniest Snippet of red SU pleated ribbon on the left.  Instead of using the berries from the die I wanted to add glass beads to give a little more dimension to counterbalance the rosette.
I stamped my TH Post Card stamp with Archival ink then quickly decided to add clear embossing powder to make it stand out a little more.  I distressed the edges using the TH distressing tool, and inked with Vintage Photo DI,  added some Snippets of ribbon and hey presto Tag 4 was complete!

So that is now 5 tags done, just 7 to go.  As I have some play time tomorrow I shall try and maybe do another one or two tags.  I will be very happy once I am over the half way mark!

Don't forget there is still time for you to join in this Challenge.  The Funkie Junkie Boutique are sponsoring this Challenge and if you win I know you are just going to love going shopping there!  Lovely goodies there!

Thanks for calling by and hope you like this tag.  Please let me know you have bee by leaving me a comment.

Hugs and wrap up warm.



  1. I love your take on the tag. I have the pleasure of sunshine most days so photos are not really a problem unless I want to take them at night...

  2. Oooh its lovely - I love your sparkly holly.

  3. Your tag is lovely - those trees are my favourite so thin and elegant - you make lovely stuff!

  4. Another fabulous tag Sam, every ickle element is just gorgeous. I've been over to check out the future ones and am sure we have some absolute delights to come from you :)

    And no dancing in clogs in the Christmas play please - if the stage is to be erected over the duck pond as I think Mrs A suggested then perhaps snorkels and flippers would be more appropriate.

    Hugs, and it's even colder this morning, Di xx

  5. ANOTHER gorgeous tag here Sam. Your take on it is fab.

    Sarn xxx

  6. You have a Wendy Vechi stamp? Were'd you live I will be straight over to collect it. Now let me see its 6th today so take from 17 leaves 11. Yep plenty of time to go yet. I'm not worried at all. Hugs Mrs A.
    p.s. Have cancelled the ice and fake snow making machines for the cnocert as I don't think we will be needing them.Brrrrr.

  7. Lovely take on the tag... your background is beautiful, and the vivid colours are so fab together! Yup, also tempted by the little deer, but I'm going to see if there are any post-Christmas sales of Christmas stuff - and hope that I'm still crafting this time next year!!
    Alison xx

  8. So cute! Love your embossed trees and rudolph!

  9. Wow! Did this ever come out fabulous. LOVE the red stamped WV background and the embossed trees look terrific. I like your tag a lot better than mine - LOL! Beautiful entry into Tag #4. Thanks do much for sharing it with us all!


  10. Great tag! You are doing some lovely work on these! The skinny trees look great here...I think i might have that folder...will have to check!!!

    The deer is just the right you can pick it up for a song after Christmas!

    Off to check out your next post as I see you have done another...


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx