
Monday 10 December 2012

I have been playing....

........................With my new toy!!

Hello Peeps

I have been a bit of a naughty Blogger this last few days.  Hubby and I were taking some time out and spending some time together and I have not been playing on the computer.  We went to Bath on Sunday for the last day of the Christmas Market and then Hereford on Monday.  It was lovely that we had a little time with no agenda or requirements.  Back to normal now, whatever "normal" is!  Tee Hee!

On Friday at my friend Lesley's house I got to play with my Memory Box die which I bought at the NEC last month.  So here is a card I threw together using it....

The tree is cut from Docrafts glitter cardstock, which had to be run through the Big Shot a few times.  I grabbed another dark piece of the same glitter cardstock to see the effect and liked it so much I decided that was going to be the background.  I found a Snippet of silver cardstock and then mounted it again on a piece of purple/grey cardstock before adhering it to the card itself.  

I was looking for some suitable brads to add to the corners and came across these snowflake eyelets which I must have had with my Cropadile some xxx years ago!!  

So there it is.  One card with no inking, no stamping, no ribbon, no sentiment, no distressing, no glossy accents - just CAS!!  Not like me at all but I like it!  I did use a Snippet so I can pop it into the Playground for all to see!




  1. I don't think it's naughty to have a real life rather than blogging for a few days - sounds as though you had a lovely time!! And what a delicious card - crisp and glamorous - mind you, anything with a Memory Box die will win me over! Lovely CAS work...
    Alison x

  2. Love the sparkly . shimmery white of the tree! That was a good purchase...I think it will get a lot of use!

    Those eyelets look so know it is so easy to forget about these things...I think I have snowflake eyelets too...teehee...guess I will have to have a look in my eyelet bin...maybe there are even some other Christmassy ones hiding in there!

  3. That tree is gorgeous and elegant!

  4. Lovely and glittery. Glad you managed to get to the Christmas market in bath. Real life taking over blogging needs no excuse.

  5. Very nice - glad you finally made it to Bath!

  6. Gordon and I went to the Winchester Christmas market yesterday = I was a bit disappointed in it, didn't think the stalls were up to much. Was Bath heaving? Bet Hereford was lovelyu - did you get to Doughty's???
    PS Sparkly cards are always a winner in my book :) xx

  7. Well, you know I love this die Sam - super result, I think it looks great on dark blue sparkly card which is my first choice too.

    Interesting that Jan and GORDON didn't rate the Winchester Christmas Market - a little trip off the list :( Steaming an envelope open here BTW :))

    Hugs, Di xx

  8. Oh, love that tree....a gorgeous, glittery, sparkly it!
    Hugs Jo x

  9. Hi Sam . . . I absolutely love this very CAS card . . . but are you feeling alright????? NO stamping; distressing etc?

    Who are YOU and what have you done with the REAL Sam?

    Sarn xx

  10. What a beauty of a card . Love it.
    Now look ere. I'm on all fours like a Donkey at the moment so feeding the blessed playground one is the least of me problems. I gave him a bunch of carrots on Sunday. Little pig can't have scoffed all of em already! No hugs Mrs A.

  11. Good on you, Sam for having some quality time together. It's precious so don't apologise for it.
    Love your card, those memory box dies are just yummy aren't they.
    Hope you are keeping warm, it's been like an ice rink here this morning, all good fun!!
    Hugs Lisax

  12. Well done for getting some "you" time... and I love the card. Simple, elegant,and beautiful. I am sure I'll be back before, but if not, Happy Christmas!!

  13. Brilliant card Sam, I love the tree and it looks stunning against the darker background.

  14. Gorgeous sparkly card! That die is beautiful and the idea of the white sparkly tree on the dark sparkly background is fantastic! Well done you!
    xoxo Karen

  15. Ohhhh so sparkly... And I love sparkly cards. Isn't it great that the Memory Box dies cut the glitter stock. By the way, love your tags.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx