
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Christmas Time...Tag 6...and a little of Bath

Hello There!

Gosh hasn't it got cold?  Almost too cold to play in the Playground so wrap up warm and try and keep warm and well.  

Onto today's crafting project.  Would you believe I have a tag to show you?  Surprised?  Yeah right!!

I am on Tag 6 now (yippee) of The Funkie Junkie's 12 Tags of Christmas, and still loving them.  (Let's face it, if I didn't I would have given up by now!)  If you are quick and have all your crafting jobs finished for Christmas you may still be able to get all 12 done before Monday, for the chance to win the prize as it is sponsored by The Funkie Junkie Boutique.  

As usual I will show you Linda's tag first.....

And here is mine....
I was trying to show you the schparkle on the background hence the wonky look!  I forgot to take a straight one but hey ho...I like this angle!

Here is a close up...
That is the top and here is the bottom.
I used a Snippet of a Czech book for the background and adhered it to the tag cut from cardstock with my TH die and once dried I used some packing tape to take off some of the print (distressing yeay!), then I inked the background with Pine Needles and Vintage Photo DIs.  I flicked some water and dried it with my heat gun. I stamped my TH snowflake stamp with clear schparkly embossing powder.  I cut a TH clock with a Snippet of chipboard then inked with Aged Mahogany DI and embossed it with several layers of UTEE before adhering it to the background.  The tree I stamped onto TH Cordinations cardstock using Forest Moss and Vintage Photo DI and edged with Bronze DS.  I then smooshed some Distress Stickles on there too.  

For the Snowflake, I was lucky enough to be given some small TH Snowflake die cuts (will be ordering that die very soon - I have the large one but it was way too big) and I swooshed it with Bronze DS before fixing it together and adhering it in the centre of the clock.  

The bow is stamped with a Sheena Douglas stamp, which I recently won from the Playground, and stamped with AM DI and clear embossing powder before painting it with AM DI and a water brush.  

The flower at the top left are some TH poinsettias that I have had forever, with a tag cut from the TH die and stamped with a SU stamp in AM DI.  The lace was out of my Snippets box too so more of my bits and pieces used up.  

I wanted to share some photos with you of Hubby and my trip to Bath on Sunday for the Christmas Market.  It was a lovely few hours that we spent there and all that was missing was a brass band, though there were lots of street buskers some of whom were fabulous.  (Jan can you be there next time for me!)

Right. That's all Folks for today.  Thanks for calling by and hope you like my tag and pictures. 




  1. Oh wow! This is stunning, Sam! I love everything about it! I see you used that snowflake die and it adds a beautiful touch. Also, I am loving your distressed background. Lovely all around!

  2. Oh my goodness that tag is fantastic wish I could see it in real life to see the sparkle, it just isn't fair how it doens't show up.

    Beautiful architecture on the buildings and captured beautifully with the lights. I have really enjoyed this visit.


  3. Great tag - glad you had a good time in Bath too, its a lovely place isnt it.

  4. Oh wow Sam .. .. how special!!!

    Beats all of my tags hands down!!!

    Gorgeous colours and so many fabby elements and great use of your snippets.

    Bath looks like it was good. Great photographs.

    Have a lovely day and stay warm.

    Love Jules xx

  5. Hmm l think that's the nicest tag so far Sam, l love that TH clock and always say l'll buy it but never do lol.

    Great photo's of Bath, you were lucky with the weather, when we went the other week, Bath was on flood alert and it never stopped raining! The Christmas market was lovely thou and you'll be pleased to know l didn't get my candle holder from there, just a gorgeous hand forged poker for our fire.

    Happy Wednesday, have a good'un xxx

  6. Another fantastic tag here Sam. Love it. You're so clever!

    Great pictures of your time in Bath.

    Sarn xxx

  7. Sandra, I am not clever. I just think that Linda is a wonderful inspiration! Her work is fabulous and I just love it!

  8. Bath looks lovely and festive. Those tags are beautiful. x Jo

  9. Another fabulous tag Sam! This tag has so much texture and the colours are so beautiful! Love it all!
    xoxo Karen

  10. Lovely tag and some great photos too

  11. Gorgeous, Samantha! Your background came out sensational - love the colors you used on it as well as the color of the weathered clock. An all-round fab take on tag #6 - so glad to hear you are having fun with the challenge. I'm delighted you are playing along!


  12. Fabulous tag! I love the swirly bit of background colour.
    When you say DI, do you mean distress ink? All ranger products are on sale today only at my scrapbook store...I want to try tags next and a couple other bloggers have inspired me...
    I have a few TH ink pads but what do i need to buy to make these gorgeous swirly backgrounds. They have:
    distress inks
    distress stickles
    I am not sure which to purchase!
    Any advice gladly appreciated!

  13. Wonderful Sam! Hugs, Di xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx