
Thursday 1 November 2012

CC2C - Challenge 26 - 'Tis the Season

Hello Friends

Linda over at Studio L3 has asked us to turn to P 41 of the Compendium of Curiosities Boo II for this week's Challenge and this week the Challenge is sponsored by The Funkie Junkie Boutique with a prize of a $25 shopping spree.  Now who wouldn't like a chance to win that with all the new goodies that Mr Tim Holtz and Ranger have released in recent months?

I am sneaking in by a cat's whisker as time seems to have passed me by this week for some reason!  As usual we are not able to share the technique in respect to Mr Holtz but you can, of course, buy the book and join in the last 10 challenges of Linda's.  

So without further ado...

Not done a tag recently for my challenges, but I do rather like this one. I think it will lend itself to going on a card for someone, but someone I am giving to as the post will be horrendous!  

I have used a few new goodies on this tag.  
(1) the product which we used for the challenge itself. 
(2) antiqued bronze distress stain - LOVE IT! 
(3) the Poinsettia die - LOVE THAT TOO!  I was lucky enough to have a little go of Helen's die at The Crop and fell in love with it instantly.

I wish you could see this up close as the shimmer from the bronze distress stain and the perfect pearls mist is gorgeous.  The poinsettia itself is made from some book pages which were adhered onto thin chipboard for previous projects and were in my Snippets box, hence the different types.  I can see a french novel and a dictionary page there.  

Thanks for popping by and please feel free to leave me a comment.  I love comments. 



Ingredients:-  Distress stains, distress inks, dies, stamps, ink refresher - all Ranger/Tim Holtz, lace, ribbon, kraft cardstock.


  1. Gorgeous and very autumnal. I can see it shimmering away in your photo.

    Sarn xxx

  2. This tag is will make up into a card nicely or perhaps you will just keep it as a might be fun to make a card to go with it!

    Is that the spellbinders poinsettia die?

  3. Gorgeous tag.. Beautiful colours & design... Love how you have used the poinsettia die.. Brilliant!! Hugs May x x x

  4. Gorgeous tag!! I love that poinsettia die and you used it beautifully! I'm almost ready to start Christmas crafting but I just can't get out of Fall mode - this inspired me to move on soon!

  5. Beautiful!! I'm coveting that poinsettia die!

  6. OOOUUUU!!! I wish I could see this up close, too! I LOVE the texture and the colors! Honestly, PERFECTION!

    I want your flower on the wreath we hang on our door! GORGEOUS!

  7. Its fabulous! Looks like I now need a metallic stain and the poinsetta die too!! less than a week to go........ whoo hoo

  8. It's totally divine Sam - love the poinsettia (of course!) and the new metallic stain is fabulous. I fink you get extra goes on the swings for this little beauty! Hugs, Di xx

  9. Beautiful Tag...and I agree with your bronze stain is soo rich! I've been toying with that die...but I really want the toy soldier...and the big wreath....garrr...Have a great weekend!

  10. Hi Sam ah really adore this tag.. have only made one and that was for WOYWW two years ago can you believe it - used stampscapes and the brayer - funny thing that think I sent it to Morti..just love that swirl and the leaves, Shaz in oz.x
    PS Please do pop over candy over my way :D

  11. oh WOW!! this is beautiful!! =)
    hugs, SannaS

  12. Absolutely stunning! Love the colors and design and pretty much everything. For some reason I have been avoiding buying any of these layered flower dies, and for the life of me I don't understand why!!!!

  13. Gorgeous tag Hettie! That new die is a favourite of mine too! x

  14. Ooooo Sam .. . what a fabulous tag!!!!

    I love the colours and your text print flower!!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  15. Gorgeous tag hettie! Love the colours. Congrats on your funkie junkie win have fun choosing x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx