
Wednesday 31 October 2012

It's Spooky Night....Beware!

Hello Ghosts, Ghouls, Witches and Goblins everywhere and Welcome!!

As it is Hallowe'en today I thought I would share with you my latest creation!  It is a long picture heavy post so the cauldron is on, get yourself a cup of Poison, maybe grab a few Dragon's Breath cookies or some Frog Spawn pudding and take a peek. It is not like we are going to see too many Witches out and about tonight!  It is pouring down here so there will be many a fire damped down.  Hope you like....

A Maya Road Post Box which I ordered from USA about 4 years ago "just because" and have been gathering little bits and pieces and ideas waiting for the right time to make this box into something magical.  

Be careful of the bottle of poison on the left.  The Owl at the back is keeping his beady eye on you too!
Some Roses made from the Tattered Pinecone die by Tim Holtz.

And no Hallowe'en project would be complete without a Haunted House complete with rusty railings. 
And inside a little book of Potions ....
Notice the glow in the dark skeleton hiding on the ring?

The box was first painted black with acrylic paint dabber and then papered with flock papers from MME. 

Home made Fimo Bats! 

Here are the feet....two bottles of Witches Brew and two bottles of Hobgoblin Brew were drunk to create this project!  All in the name of Art don't you know?
I am going to enter this project into the following Challenges:-

CC101 - Holiday anything goes!
Snippets with Pixie- anything using snippets
Inspiration Emporium - Spooktacular Decorations

In my haste to post this project last night (technical issues - grrr) I forgot to post it into the Challenge over at Simon Says Stamp. whose challenge is Pearls.  Although the photos don't show them up very well, there are Perfect pearls on the book as well as all being sprayed with both Heirloom Gold and Forever Red liberally.  In fact my Craft room floor is glimmering right now!

Terry has very kindly let me know of another Challenge blog which I have not come across before, and I can pop this piece on there.  Please go and see them there is some fabulous Spooky work over there.  Link is HERE and it is Fashionable Stamping Challenges!

Off you go Trick or Treating and I hope you get lots of healthy treats!!  Honest!



Ingredients:-  Distress Inks, Grungeboard, Grungepaper, Tattered Pinecone die, On the edge dies, memo pins, Archival inks, Perfect pearls sprays, acrylic paint dabber, Rock candy Distress stickles, Alcohol inks, Button, Perfect pearls, Perfect pearls mist, tassel - All Ranger, My Mind's Eye papers, Pink Paisley papers, Bazzill cardstock, brads, chain, fimo, silicone mould, Silhouette images, Stamps MME, DoCrafts, Tim Holtz, Craft Stamper, Rusty embellishments, ribbons, Hampton Art glitter, Glossy accents, Claudine Hellmuth medium. 


  1. Fantastic, the bats are brilliant. Eat your heart out Louis Vitton (I know it's spelt wrong but i don't have any to check with lol). Happy Halloween. Elizabeth xxx

  2. AMAZING, you are one talented lady!

    Happy Halloween xxx

  3. OMG That is Fantastic!!! I love all the details!Your bat rocks! (And put it on your need to show me how to make those roses...mine look like...what you grow them in!LOL!)

  4. That sure is a piece of ART. The amount of work and detail is just stunning.

  5. Fangtastic! It was well worth the 4 year wait :)

  6. fabulous halloween piece, so much hard work especially drinking the hobgoblin. careful with the poisin, would have loved to see your desk after using all those ingredients
    janet @58

  7. What a fabulous job you did on this many details and fine tuning to have everything fit just so!!!
    Love it! Spooky!

  8. Cant believe how much detail you have put on here. Love the mini album and the roses inside the door. I also like the witch on the "flag" very clever project! Hope you had a good Halloween.

  9. Oooh its great - such fun! I have my ticket for next week now too :)

  10. Wow! Absolutely stunning Sam - so much amazing detail. I did spy it last night but was exhausted from answering the door to trick or treaters so waited until this morning for another peek.

    It must have taken soooo much work - snort, including drinking the alcohol :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  11. WOW - this is stunning. Anyone would think you were American with the amount of hubble bubble toil and trubble(!) you've gone to here! It's FANTASTIC and SPOOKTACULAR.

    Sarn xxx

  12. Bloodcurdlingly fantastic! You never cease to amaze me - can't wait to see it in 'the flesh' x

  13. It's spooky-licious - love all the little details..must have taken you ages to make!
    Saw a stuffed chicken (doorstop!) in Marlborough this morning and thought of you :P
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  14. You should link this up to FSC's Halloween/Halloween colors:

    This is a filled with so much Halloween treats and several tricks! AWESOME! You even made the bats and how clever to use the bottle caps from the brews consumed during construction! I just love every little detail!

  15. Brilliant!!! We are so going to have to have one off these for the playground!!!!! Hugs Mrs A.
    P.s. Pink of Course.

  16. Hettie...oh my goodness! SO MUCH TO SEE on this wonderful vintage Halloween mail box! I love it ALL! The outside cover is brilliant and so is the inside! I love the flying witch that is your "flag". So funny! I love your Tim on the edge house die cut across the bottom of the front door. So clever! And your little book of potions is adorable! It's all just fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing your art with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  17. Wow, an absolutely fantastic Halloween project. So many details and things to look at, you need to read the post more than once to absorb it all. Thank you for sharing it with us at FSC this time.

  18. Wow this is great!! I love this project how creative and spooky! I've got lots of Halloween tags that would feel right at home in your mailbox :)

  19. Hi
    This is such a fabulous altered project full of fun and mischief and amazing attention to detail.
    So glad Terry let you know about us at FSC. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  20. Wowzer! This is fantastic! Glad you joined us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  21. That's a breathtaking project, I love every detail on it. Thanks for joining us at FSC this fortnight.

  22. Yep, after chatting about this today.....yep, stunning x

  23. Hettie this is a fab make with lots of techniques and details. A true work of art. Congratulations on being picked as top 3 at SSS so well deserved

    Hugs Annie x

  24. Amazing! What a great idea - love it! Ad congrats over at SSS!

  25. Big CONGRATS Hettie for your Top 3 win at Simon Says Stanp and this is one AMAZING could stare at all these details for hours :)


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx