
Sunday 3 June 2012

Scrapbooking a Scrap 365 Lift

Hello there Peeps 

Have you been watching the Pagent today?  Wasn't it wonderful.  I thought the Queen looked absolutely fantastic and seemed to be enjoying the whole event!  I started a layout just at the beginning of the Pageant but could not take my eyes off the screen so I decided to down tools and watch it.  I wasn't disappointed and typical of the British we enjoyed it even in the rain!

So what am I going to show you today then folks?  As we have an extra long weekend and Hubby is working, I decided I was going to spend the four days working on the garden in the mornings and then scrapbook, make cards or quilt in the afternoons.  However, yesterday morning my neighbour asked me if I was attending the "Do" at the local Village Hall which I had quite forgotten about and hadn't attended the meeting some weeks ago. So I duly made a Jubilee chocolate cake and basically gatecrashed!!  I am glad I did as it really was quite good and at least I felt I was taking part in some kind of Jubilee event!  Here is the cake I made complete with some Jubilee bunting on!! 

(Not the best photo as it came off my phone!)

So when I returned home I set about doing some scrapbooking and here is my first completed layout.

I set myself some Rules for this weekend's crafting.  They were that the layouts were to be made from either kits or to include Snippets or both.  The majority of these papers are from a Cosmo Cricket kit (8x8) which I bought some time ago and include Snippets.  

There is also some spraying of TH reinkers with perfect pearls, punching, stamping, scrunching, string, distressing and die-cutting.  

I have lifted this layout from one in the Scrap 365 magazine, though theirs had 3 photos and a panel of journalling.  My panel of journalling is behind the photo on the left where you can see the tab.  When I saw the layout in Scrap 365 I knew exactly what photos I wanted to use.  
When I laid this layout out first Hubby happened to see it and said that he wished I used different photos as he hated these.  I carried on and did the layout anyway.  When he saw it complete he said he actually liked it.  I then learnt that he used to hate with a passion going to the photographers to have photos taken as his Mum and Aunt used to make a meal of the whole event and it was that which he hated!  Glad we got that sorted.  I love the jumper he is wearing - his Nana made it!  Bless!

Right, tummy is rumbling so I must get off downstairs and feed it.  This layout includes Snippets and as it is the start of the new week in the Playground I will be entering this into the pot. Why not dig into your Snippets box and join us.  We would love to see you there!

Hugs and please leave me a comment so I know you have been.  And before I go I just wish to say Hi to Annie, my newest follower.  Thanks Annie.



  1. I love the rustic looking banner and the paper. I also love how you included hidden journalling. Lovely layout, Sam!

  2. Hi Sam, this is really terrific. Love the bunting and the words are great - of course though, Simon's the star of the show! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    Di xx

  3. Fabby scrap page and great layout. Glad S liked it in the end.
    Can we go play on the swings now? I'm right behind YOU this week! LOL! xxx

  4. Hi Sam
    Love your scrapbook page.I was flicking through a 365 book in Smiths the other day but I didn't prchase it, I will now.

    Audrey X

  5. Hi Sam
    Love your scrapbook page.I was flicking through a 365 book in Smiths the other day but I didn't prchase it, I will now.

    Audrey X

  6. Those are really cute photo's of your hubby when he was a boy and you turned them into a fantastic LO. Hope you're enjoying your time off, sorry I haven't been visiting much lately, really struggling to get back into the groove, too much going on!


  7. Love your chocolate cake plus bunting that you just knocked up!!! Hugs Mrs a.

  8. WOW that cake looks much to fabulous to cut into, Sam! Love your page, fantastic LO great colors and love the banner!

  9. Fabulous layouts, love the pages and wonder what hubby's thoughts were when he saw them. Please can I have a piece of cake?

    Kath x

  10. What a fabulous layout and those progressive pictures are perfect. Hugs, Amanda x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx