
Wednesday 30 May 2012

WOYWW - Happy Birthday - 3 today

Hello Peeps

Welcome to this week's WOYWW which is the lovely Julia's third birthday so we are having a bit of a party this week. Though I do understand our host is living it up in Turkey at the moment (not jealous at all Julia!)

Here is my desk and as you can see it is ready for a stamping and colouring session using my Penny Black Christmas stamps.  I know!  I blame it all on my buddy Sandra and her Rudolph Day.  So far I have only used the Piper and French Hen stamps and I plan to make a complete set for a raffle prize next month. 

The scalloped circles I cut out on my trusty Silhouette and the remaining piece of card will be used to cut tags out so very little gets wasted in this craft room.  Monkey is still loving his booster seat and won't give up wearing his (note it is not "my") WOYWW badge!!

Right then.  I have shown you my desk now let's see yours.  Link it up with the lovely Julia and join in the biggest blog hop in the world that is WOYWW.  This week to celebrate the third anniversary of this desk hopping madness we are having a PIF day and we are having a massive ATC swap.  Mine is all ready to go once I have an address to send it to.

TTFN and I shall be along to see you later once I have done my day job!  I might even have a cake and some vino to celebrate!

Hugs and Happy Birthday Julia!



  1. I like the new background on your blog, is that cos our leader is living it up in Turkey? Happy 3rd WOYWW anniversary or Birthday.

  2. mm, like Bella, I love the new background too! I noticed it as soon as page loaded up.. now thanks for popping over, and saying hi!
    ...and your scallops look interesting, thanks for sharing and happy 3rd birthday to Julia, huh? happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #35

  3. Waste not, want not! I try and use up every last scrap too, it hurts me to throw trimmings away just like I find it hard to thin seedlings out and throw them on the compost - how sad am I?? LOL, don't answer that one!
    Hope you have a Happy 3rd WOYWW - have fun and we'll be in touch soon.
    Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

  4. Morning Hettie The cake to celebrate this momentous WOYWW why didn't I think of that? Happy WOYWW Birthday to you from Helen 83

  5. How lovely that we have all made so many friends thanks to WOYWW.
    Happy 3rd WOYWW birthday.
    A x #89

  6. Happy WOYWW Anniversary Hettie. You have a brilliant workspace and are clearly very busy. I just love your 'Monkey', he always makes me smile on TV. TFS and enjoy the rest of your day....and the cake/vino :)

  7. Morning my friend . . . HAPPY WOYWW to you.

    Still neat and tidy this week . . . are you feeling the heat or something?

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  8. Cake and wine, now that is celebrating. Happy WOYWW - and aren't I the lucky one, my post follows yours so I get your ATC - isn't this fun?

    Will contact you with my address.

    Ann B

  9. Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary.
    We have made some fab blogging friends through our mad blog hop haven't we!!
    Have a great week. x Jo

  10. Happy WOYWW, and I save scraps smaller than that.... Have a lovely day, Helen 8

  11. Beautiful blog background... busy creative desk... enjoy Hugs May x x x#4

  12. I do save scraps, but not as well as you! Then when a need a little bit or another, there is never anything there. I must change my habits!

  13. I do save scraps, but not as well as you! Then when a need a little bit or another, there is never anything there. I must change my habits!

  14. Looks like you are having fun! Happy WOYWW!

    Katie (38)

  15. Happy to send you a dumfling - email me..

  16. Oh, I hope to get to see the other stamps in that collection! I just asked in your previous post if you had a whole set for the 12 Days of Christmas...and it seems you do! I love the design you did for the 3 French Hens card so I look forward to seeing these too!
    xoxo Karen

  17. You have a fab creative desk.
    Happy 3rd anniversary and have a great week.
    Von #20

  18. I am delighted to have the chance to "meet" you through this wild and fun blog hop we take each week. I love your blog banner. I take it from the comments it must be new. Happy 3rd WOYWW Anniversary from #2.

  19. Happy 3rd Woyww Birthday is amazing how many friends, from all over the world, we have made through JD's brainwave.

  20. You are so good using your scraps!! Mayhaps some of mine will find their way to you too!! I just get frustrated digging through them! I love the scallops, and can't wait to see the rest of the cards (my PB set is on the way...)

  21. I was hoping to find time to make a Rudolph Day card too but I'm fast running out of time. Monkey does look really attached to his WOYWW badge :) Too late to wish you a happy WOYWW so instead I'll wish you a great holiday weekend. Elizabeth x #94

  22. I notice monkey also hides the clock - is that by agreement between you both?

  23. I love your blog background, too! I love a beach with nobody on it (apart from me, of course lol!) Really like your scalloped circles, and glad nothing goes to waste!

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and for your birthday wishes. I had a lovely day out with my hubby. So glad you like my latest art efforts. Pop back and see the little box I've altered for my friend - it is colour-co-ordinated with the card and also has a seaside theme, which I love.

    My best friend from school and her hubby are keen bee-keepers living in London! The honey from their bees is absolutely delicious. I have always been fascinated by bees (see my beehive explosion box on my blog if you haven't already lol!) but we can't keep them because my hubby is very allergic to bee stings and has to carry an emergency syringe with him at all times. We both love honey!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #60

  24. Hettie, your silhouette cutting machine sounds just wonderful. What a fabby toy! Gosh I'd love to have one. Thanks for popping by and leaving a nice comment!! *smiles* Norma

  25. Hi Samantha just popped back to say I am now your newest follower so I can see what you are creating in this fabulous workspace. Wanted to thank you for lovely comments too. Love your blog header, very very creative. Crafty hugs......Annie : )

  26. Lots of stuff on your desk, but all goodies. You sure get the most out of a piece of paper! I save a lot of the scraps for punching and the like. Love me some Penny Black!

  27. Definite creative desk there, am a bit worried about monkey, just don't put him on that tub next to the accents bottle coz he might use it for a toilet. LOL He is so cute and dedicated to working on your desk.

    Happy crafting
    Eliza #140

  28. Shame on you making Christmas cards at this time of year.... never catch me doing that!! No midges in Michigan just bloody big mosquitoes!


  29. I love Rudolph days - I didn't get involved with any this year, but I might have to next year! I have that set of Penny Black stamps too, and I'm ashamed to say it, I've not used them yet. Maybe this year, eh?

    Sorry to be so late getting round this week - the Queen's Jubilee got in the way!

    Happy WOYWW!

  30. Christmas already?! :lol:

    Thanks for sharing a peek at your desk - and happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86

  31. Christmas already?! :lol:

    Thanks for sharing a peek at your desk - and happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx