
Wednesday 22 June 2011

WOYWW 107 - Not alot happening here!!

Well peoples, here we are on a Wednesday again, and time for WOYWW.  If you don’t know what WOYWW means then (1) where have you been hiding? and (2) click HERE where you will be whisked across to the desk of the lovely Julia Dunnit, the Desk Jockey of a Wednesday night and where other like minded (i.e. nosey!) crafters post pictures of their desks for other crafters to have a look at! 

Well without further ado here is my desk!
Shock! Gasp! Where is everything?  Well it is like this.  I finished my tag on Monday (click HERE to see it) and decided it was high time I cleared as much “stuff” off it as I could.  The sharp eyed amongst you will no doubt spot some more goodies, which were in a box on the floor having arrived last week!  You see, once my desk was clear I decided it was high time my floor was clear, then one thing led to another and I started moving things around to try and make finding things just a little bit easier!!  I even put the ironing board away last night after I had done a pile of ironing (I do wish we were naturists, then I wouldn’t have to waste time ironing so much!!  It would be a bit of a shock to the neighbours if we did though!!)
So that is about it for me tonight.  The little box is now waiting to be waxed and then it will be finished, but again I need as much work surface clear because I know only too well that if there is stuff anywhere near me when I heat my cauldron up and start applying wax on, EVERYTHING will end up with wax on including the box, me, the desk, the floor and something that I no way, no sirree, wanted wax anywhere near!!

If you are wondering why there are two mobile phone case backs it is because my lovely Man bought me a new Blackberry phone.  It is black! Boring Black! So he has bought me a new cover and before I put it on my phone I want to play with some stamps.  These two cases are surplus to requirements as the Man has changed his cover too blah blah blah!  As usual not enough time and too many things to do e.g. work!!
Off to look at a few more desks tonight once I have started the dinner - mmn - Chicken and mushroom pie and stuff - all home made.  I am usually to be found on a Wednesday with the laptop in the kitchen so I can view desks and cook at the same time - multitasking!! 

Please feel free to leave me a comment.  I do love to receive comments.  Last episode of NCIS tonight so need to get moving before 9pm! 
Pip Pip!


  1. I think all the stuff from your desk has landed on mine. My desk is a wreck this week. You are a lucky girl with a Blackberry. Not sure if you are going to stamp on your new cover, or just have too many interesting things to do before you put it on your phone. I am off to watch Waterloo Road, and then last night's Holby City.

  2. You worry about wax all over everything and then take your laptop into the kitchen! The thought of you stirring gravy and looking at desks fills me with glee. Your desk look day I hope to have that sort of a clear up. Didn't realise they were phone covers- but I must say - what a great idea!

  3. maybe not a lot happening, but I bet there's a lot of 'thinking' going on! Happy Crafting!
    ~o~o~HaPpY WoYwW~o~o


  4. There must be something in the water because I swear I have never had a week of so many tidy desks as this one!! Love the look of your box waiting to be waxed... and my ironing board is out and awaiting my attention... urgh!!

  5. Me thinks this week there must be summit in the water!?.lol sooo many tidy clear desks and craftroom!Enjoy your waxing i love it!Have very creative week happy woyww
    hugs judex10

  6. It is amazing the number of overly tidy desks this week. I'm with you about the water being tainted and somehow spreading it around the world. I would bet something is in the offing and we just aren't seeing it. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #107

  7. Hi Sam please come over and tidy up my place too need to do it sooo much. I love the post below too. Also thanks for popping over and commenting on my blog you make my day! and thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  8. Yes, very tidy. It's quite satisfying to have a tidy. Maybe I should do it more often.


  9. My desk is so far from tidy LOL! I love your desk with a project waiting your attention...multitasking indeed, I could not do that, supper would be a blackend mess!

  10. I can't imagine cooking AND looking at desks on my laptop! I would completely forget. Time seems to stand still when I am online, or does it go sooo fast? Patsy from

  11. Hi Sam, I'm still dawdling through the WOYWW links - it's been a busy week - so here I am at your lovely, tidy desk. Now, will it still be like that this Wednesday, I wonder. Loved your tag too. Elizabeth x #74


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx