
Saturday 19 December 2015

I would like you to meet my Mum....

This was taken on my Graduation Day in 2008....

Love You!!



  1. Oh Sam. So many memories of a very precious Mum. Thinking of you.


    Di xx

  2. What a lovely photo Sam. They are such very special people aren't they?
    Annie x

  3. A proud day for you both and a treasured memory. Hugs. x Jo

  4. Thinking of you Sam, and I know you have many treasured memories of your beautiful mum. Keep those alive in your heart for that's where your mum will always be. I know that is what I'm doing with the beautiful memories of my sweet husband. Take it all in baby sets Sam. Sending love and big hugs, Brenda

  5. Thinking of you Sam, and I know you have many treasured memories of your beautiful mum. Keep those alive in your heart for that's where your mum will always be. I know that is what I'm doing with the beautiful memories of my sweet husband. Take it all in baby sets Sam. Sending love and big hugs, Brenda

  6. You know I'm thinking of you mate. Sending my deepest sympathy to you and sending LOTS of virtual hugs your way.

    Sarn xxx

  7. Your in my thoughts sending lots of love and hugs xxx

  8. Hi Sam,

    It went through my mind when I saw this, I wondered if your Mum had died but with it not saying so, I dismissed the idea.

    You have my deepest sympathy and love and my thoughts are with you, I always feel that a death in the Family just before or at Christmas is slightly cruel.

    Take care my lovely friend, I was 31 when my Mum died, she was 58, and to be honest I was shocked at my reaction, I wanted to go up to older people and ask why they were still alive and my Mum was not. I stopped going to Church.

    Loads of Love and Hugs

    Kath xxxx

  9. Thinking of you at this sad time Sam lots and lots of huggles Sue xxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that your Mum has passed on! Happy memories will keep her close in heart! Hugs & prayers, sweet friend. xoxo

  11. I also saw your photo' Sam and did wonder what might have happened and did not want to speak out of turn just in case I was mis-reading the situation. Am so sorry to now realise your loss and you have my every sympathy, love and understanding. Love Debbie xXx

  12. What a lovely photo of her, Sam - and how proud she must have been of you. I know Christmas will be so difficult... I'll be thinking of you and sending much love your way.
    Alison xx

  13. Lovely picture Sam, I bet she was so proud of you. Sending love and hugs, Kim x

  14. Oh, Sam, she looks like she was such a love! As someone who never knew a mother's love, I'm so happy for you that you were blessed to have this dear woman be your Mum, a woman who clearly was so, so proud of you! In the years to come you will often take out the memories you hold in your heart and relive them in your dreams. Huge hugs! Darnell

  15. What a lovely photo of your Mum Sam. Sending you lots of love and big hugs.Barbxx

  16. So sorry to hear about your mom. I just adore this sweet picture. What a lovely lady and wonderful memory. It tells volumes of her love for you. Prayers for comfort and peace during this difficult time.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  17. Oh no, I'm deeply sorry to hear of your mum's passing, Sam. This is a wonderful photo. I can feel the love and pride she had in you. I hope your many treasured memories of her will sustain you through the difficult days. Sending love and blessings to you and your family.


  18. Sorry to hear of your loss. She looks like a fun personality and I bet you have lots of wonderful memories that you treasure... and hopefully funny memories as well.

    Had not been following blogs while I was poorly but back into the swing of things again Was just catching up with you and had to stop and comment here.


  19. So sorry to hear about your Mom! What a great picture of her! You must miss her so! My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time!
    Sending you lots of love,


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx