
Wednesday 24 June 2015

WOYWW 316 - Sat at the Sewing Desk today....

Hello there!!

Now let us see if I have internet for more than five minutes today shall we?

Hello there and Welcome to One and All to my Humble desk today.  Today is Wednesday and I am joining in on WOYWW!!  Today I am viewing life from the Sewing Desk!!  

 What happened was....... I spotted a Pin on Pinterest...... I am having too many of those moments aren't you?  Well, going back to my story, I saw a Pin and Pinned it.  Then I had the opportunity to order more Sizzix dies for the quilting group I belong to and chose some that I wanted including a triangle.  Well, a week last Sunday (15th), when I had nothing better to do I decided to play with the triangle die so that I can show other members of the group a way of using the die and a quilt was born.
 Do you like my new mug?  I love it.  It was a birthday present from my buddie and it is perfect for preventing threads and pins landing in my tea!  For the eagle eyed among you, yes I am using Christmas fabrics!!

After just 9 days I have made 43 blocks!! This quilting malarky is addictive and FUN!!  Here are some of the blocks waiting to be sewn together.  I will share the finished quilt top when it is all stitched together which will hopefully be before Saturday (I want to take it to quilting).

Well that is it from my desk today except to show you a pic of the two WOYWWers I was lucky enough to meet up with on Monday....

Yes, our very own Wispo and Twiglet.  They are as lovely IRL as I hoped.  Can you believe they dragged me kicking and screaming into a fabric shop?  Yep, I really did not want to go in there!!  Thank you ladies.  

I have a photo of someone else at my desk from recent weeks, and fear not I will share that with you again....that camera is not handy and I am losing the will to live to download the photo to my computer and blog!!

Off to join the WOYWWers minus the Leader Julia as she is of on her jolly holidays.  You would think she would invite us wouldn't you!

Catch you later!!



  1. No, of course you didn't want to go into a fabric shop! They forced you! That is torture!
    But you had a super time together. Its great to meet up with other WOYWWers.
    I was intruduced to quilting a few months ago and loved it. I did small bits like two cushion covers. One on the machine and one by hand. Which dies are good for beginners? Can you recommend one that I can have a go at without tuition?
    Have a great week,

  2. Well, it takes one to know one, Minx-wise!! Lol. So glad you had a good time with Annie and Jo....I'm meeting up with them too in a couple of weeks :-)
    If you google Salisbury Barons Trail, you can download a trail map. If you do make it, call in for a cuppa if you want. I'm out until mid afternoon but it would be lovely to see you :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

  3. How fun to get motivated to do something and then just do it and make it happen. How fun that you already have so many blocks made for your quilt. I love it when it just happens like that. I'm so sorry to hear that you were forced to go into a fabric shop like that. And here I thought they seemed so nice.... hee hee Judy #50

  4. Lovely post today and I love the photo of the girls!! how rude of them to take you fabric shopping...!! Helen 3

  5. You look very industrious there, Hettie. I have a quilt half finished from years ago but it remains in bits in a biscuit tin, maybe one day I will have a super duper sewing machine like you to finish it on.
    Glad you had a lovely day with Jo and Annie and fancy them dragging you into a fabric shop, what torture. I also heard they made you eat cake. Sounds like a terrible day, lol!!!!!!
    Hugs Lisax #23

  6. It sounds as if you're having a wonderful time. I'll keep watching out to see the finished result. Barb #33

  7. Hi Sam...I hope you don't mind me using your name, I like to address people when I'm talking to them and thank you so much for the pic of Annie and Jo - it's so nice to put a face to a name. Can't wait to see what you've been stitching up... I love quilting too but cards get in the way, I need to delegate a day for sewing I think. Hugs and enjoy thanks for visiting RobynO#18

  8. Nice sewing machine. Looks like you've been having fun shopping though of course you were forced to do it Lol! Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela xXx30

  9. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Sounds like you're making great progress.
    April #57

  10. So happy to hear you are having fun. Love the new cup. You have been a busy lady. Thanks for the visit.

  11. So sorry for forcing you into that material shop. It was a real pain wasn't it? 😀 ....and I didn't notice that fabric and ribbons that fell into your bag while you were in there either 😀 it was sooooo lovely to meet you...we seem to have so much in common (love of fabric, love of minions, and just a little madness)......and all thanks to WOYWW 😀😀😀😀😀
    Have a fab week.
    Annie x

  12. Fancy forcing you into a fabric shop! Must've been tedious!

    Looks like you all had fun.

    Been there, done that! LOL!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  13. Love the photo Sam - we both looked slightly p..... er rosy cheeked!
    I have been having a bit of dumfing fun since you mentioned your dumfer and now I am hooked again - even ordered some more rovings and fleece today! As if I don't have enough stash! I like the look of your little brother. x Jo

  14. I can only imagine how hard you fought!! LOL! Have fun with the piecing together part. Can't wait to see it finished.

  15. Who's telling porkies then!
    Great work desk and fab photo's.

    Kath x

  16. Sounds like you are keeping busy and can't wait to see your finished design.

    Hugs Diane

  17. Golly - rather you than me with the sewing machine - they and I are not friends! - but it looks like you're going great guns. Love that butterfly mug - is that ceramic, then?
    Alison xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx