
Wednesday 3 June 2015

WOYWW 213 - Time to Reveal...

Hello there!!
Sorry I am late but yadda yadda, I am not going to bore you with the details for my tardiness tonight!!
It is Wednesday and time for the WOYWW with the delightful host Julia.  See HERE if you don't know what I am talking about but I am sure you do by now.
So straight in.. here is my desk....
Here is my desk and it is looking the same now as it did when I left it on Sunday evening when I managed to sneak in for a wee while when Mr Hettie wasn't looking. 
Now I know you want to see something else today so here are the ATCs I have received.....
What a plethora of delightfulness isn't it?
Here are the close-ups with names.. 

And here is the one from my PIFfer...
Isn't it gorgeous?  And Angela's first ever ATC.  Loving the words...
And here are the ones I made...

Rightio.  Off to join the rest of the WOYWWers to do some bloghopping.
See you later, or tomorrow if I don't get round you all.  Please leave me a message to say you have been and a huge Thank You to all of those who swapped ATCs with me.  And of course, Thank You to Julia.


  1. Great collection of atcs with your teeny tiny names, lol! Have a good week. Helen 3

  2. What a fab collection of love from special bloggy friends Sam. We are so very lucky aren't we?....and I'm a very proud owner of one of yours :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 16

  3. What a lovely bunch you got they are all lovely, love the desk as well,

    Thanks for the snoop
    N0 24

  4. Your pretty butterfly ATCs are lovely Sam.

    Gosh you received lots of lovely ATCs in return.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  5. I was late too. Gorgeous ATC all of them :)
    Soojay 52#

  6. Hi Sam, haven't all the ATC's been gorgeous? Just had a mooch over your desk, love the stencils. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xx

  7. All so special aren't they. Looking forward to our fun day monday! x Jo

  8. Oh my got some gorgeous ATC's. Yours are so beautiful...they are such a great design. Loved those little dangling tags that said Hello and the WOYWW 6.

  9. Hi Hettie happy WOYWW - I know I'm late-ish but some days one has other things get in the way. Fabulous collection of ATCs - aren't there clever gals out there, such fun to swap too. Have a lovely week Cheers RobynO#32

  10. What a glorious collection of creativity you have there! Looks amazing. Take care Zo xx 33

  11. What a lovely collection you received! And butterflies are wild! LOL!
    Happy belated woyww...and have a great weekend.

  12. What fabulous ATCs you received - and the ones you sent are absolutely beautiful!
    Alison xx

  13. A fabulous collection of mini inspirations love all of these and the fact that each one is so different. I do love this crafting world of ours and how different we all are and the differences between what and how we create. I love your very beautiful ATC's too, sorry it's been so long since I visited, I must try harder! Karen xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx