
Sunday 14 June 2015

Happy Birthday ...NBUS Lavinia Stamps

Did ya miss me?  I took a week off blogging to play catch up with things as well as to see if my headaches that I have been having lately are computer related.  I was working all day on the computer and then again for a lot of the evenings so I decided it was time to ease off.  I am going to limit myself to just a few evenings a week while the summer is here so I can do some jobs that are required outside.

I hope you have all had a good weekend.  Mine was fab, having met up with a Playground friend of mine.  We took a trip to Hay on Wye and had a lovely time wandering round in the light showers that were taking place.   Such a shame as driving down the Capel y Ffin is not as good in the mist.  Ho hum!

Right then onto today's share with you.  I made this card some time ago and am only now getting round to sharing it with you.  The stars stamp was new at the time I made it. 

I masked off a panel in order to ink the green panel with Mowed Lawn, Peeled Paint DIs.  Once dried I stamped the Lavinia Flower Fairy with Archival Ink as was the Penny Black HB. 

As mentioned previously, the stars stamp was new.  I was lucky enough to win a voucher for the Craft Barn where I bought this stamp (amongst a few other things!)  I stamped it with Versamark ink and embossed with WOW Sparkling Snow embossing powder.
I am entering this into the That's Crafty Challenge...they are looking for glittery cards and the stars do sparkle. 
Thanks for calling by.  I look forward to receiving your comments.


  1. Hope you and Sarn had a great time - love your Lavinia make


  2. Hettie, this is gorgeous! I love how you did those sparkly stars and the CAS look is amazing! WB to blogging too ;)

  3. Gorgeous stamp and beautiful card. That fairy theme is have rocked a few of them lately! Well done you.

  4. Gorgeous card - love the simplicity of it!

  5. A gorgeous fairy card, I am a fairy fan. I love the sparkling stars as well.
    Jean x

  6. What a fun and magical card Sam! I love the fairy and those fairy dust starts! The CAS design is perfect. Glad to hear you had a great time meeting up with your friend, it's always fun to get together with a girlfriend and we need it too! lol Hugs, Brenda

  7. Cor, this is GORGEOUS Sam. LOVE it! Very ethereal and I love the inky strip down the side.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  8. I love the sparkly stars, of course, Sam, but I am agog at that gorgeous green sponging you did! Lush!! Enjoy your summer break from the constant computer and I hope your headaches improve!! Hugs, Darnell

  9. This is beautiful! I never get my masking so clean!! Enjoy your weekend and week!

  10. Brilliant design, sharp masking of that fabulous vivid green, and the fairy and stars are just enchanting.
    Alison xx

  11. I am going to pinch this idea! I love this and it's really inspired me to try this look out. I always struggle with CAS cards and it's even harder for me when I want a big block of colour. When I do CASE it will let you know - it's stunning Karen xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx