
Wednesday 3 December 2014

On the Third Day of December.......WOYWW 287

Ahoy there!!

As regular visitors to my blog will know, there is a mad crazy lady called Julia who runs what must be the biggest blog hop in the world* called What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday aka WOYWW, that I occasionally join in on.  It gives bloggers a chance to legally snoop in on someone’s workdesk whether it be the shed, the dining room table, the floor or the garden (though I doubt it in this weather).  Due to working full time and teaching dancing on a Wednesday I am not as regular to this as I would like, but this week my class has been cancelled so here I am.

So without further ado, here is my desk…

Not my usual desk I know.  This is the desk opposite to the one I normally share on which I usually do my cutting of fabric, card and die cutting (mine is usually too full and covered in schtuff for the Big Shot) and of course, sewing.  This is my lovely brand-new-shiny-hardly-a-scratch-on-it Brother sewing machine.  Meet Timmy everyone!  He is my Brother and a bit geeky.  If you are an NCIS fan you will know who he is named after!

I did not realise how poorly sick my old trusty Janome was until I started playing with this beauty.  Timmy purrs instead of chunters!!

Can you see what I am working with right now?  Yep!  Christmas fabrics.  I am making Christmas Infinity scarves right now for Christmas presents.  They are so easy to make, thanks to Pinterest!! Also, a great way to using up those pesky Snippets!

Do you like my mug?  I had it from Laura Ashley years ago and it is huge and I love it!  

Here is mine.  The first thing I made for myself on my Timmy!  The first thing I made ever on my machine is something for my Mum which I shall share with you later.  Whilst I mention my Mum, she is poorly in hospital right now, as is my Mother in Law so if you could remember them in your prayers I would be grateful.  Unfortunately they are 25 miles apart which makes visiting tricky.

Right then.  Here’s what you do now.  You leave me a kind comment below then click HERE and whizz off by the magic of Pixie dust and go to Crazy Lady’s blog and have a good snoop at some other desks.  I cannot guarantee what you will see, (but I guess mine will not be the only one with a Christmas theme) but you will have fun and you are bound to see something that you need to put on your wishlist!

Thanks for your visit.


(legal bit here….I don’t know of a bigger blog hop carried out on a regular basis so if you do, please let me know!)


  1. Hi Sam. I'm so pleased to meet Timmy at last and see he is being put to work well already 😃 love the Christmas fabrics too.
    Annie x. #19

  2. Hi Sam, so Timmy will become another WOYWW regular then. Love the fabric for the scarves. Sorry about your Mom and Mom in Law- all that travelling is hell, I know. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xxx

  3. I didn't know your mum was in hospital too...poor you, you must be worn out travelling between the two. Take care (and Simon too)
    Your Timmy looks a fine, upstanding sorta chap. Hope he performs well, never runs out of power and keeps you know what I mean!!
    Hugs, LLJ 22 xx

  4. I love your new machine. I hope your mother-in-law and mother heal quickl . I will say a prayer for them.
    April #43

  5. I love your new machine. I hope your mother-in-law and mother heal quickl . I will say a prayer for them.
    April #43

  6. Oh, a new machine, how LOVELY. The easy feed, not to mention smooth thread shuttle movements. Thank you for this AHHHH moment. I too am in the sweatshop instead of my 'happy place'. I do love sewing, but tend to paper craft more. Keep smiling and creating.

  7. Morning Hettie from Australia and thanks for visiting my desk. I AM an NCIS fan so I know Tim your new machine and I can see you'll be busy for a while with those lovely fabrics. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#26

  8. Hi Hettie, love your desk and new sewing machine. That mug is fabulous by the way and huge mugs are a crafting necessity in my not so humble opinion! lol! I know you are going to think me crazy but I just sold my fancy dancy Bernina 1630 and now sew on my 1918 Singer hand crank machine, which by the way sews like a dream! I've also gotten into hand stitching, which I had once said I would NEVER EVER do! lol! Never say never comes to mind. My prayers are on their way for both your Mom and Mother-in-law! I hope you have the holidays under control and not the reverse... and will look forward to seeing you again soon. By the way, I'm your newest follower.
    Hugs from a sister in art,
    Beth P

  9. Hi Hettie,

    I hope both your Mom and Mother in law get better soon, must be a big worry have them both not doing well at the moment...
    Love the colours in your fabric I especially love the snowman fabric that is too cute...
    Never heard of an infinity scarf hope you post a photo of one when you make them....
    Lol love Timmy's name also a huge NCIS fan, I met Mark Harmon when I was in the States over 20 year's ago...
    Have a great week crafting see you next week.

    Maria No:17

  10. Hello Timmy! some gorgeous fabrics you're "playing" with.. sorry both your Mum and MIL are in hospital, and especially so far apart. hope they recover soon. Helen 8

  11. Lovely to see how much you are enjoying your new machine ! Hope your Mum & MIL are on the mend soon. Ali #51

  12. Hi Sam - sorry to hear about Mum and MiL - hope they're better very soon. Timmy is aptly named - love him, and the work you're doing is great. Some lovely pressies to be opened soon. Have a good week, Chris # 15

  13. Hi there, Dancing Queen, looks like a lovely machine and love all that Christmas material.
    Hope they both get well soon.

    Kath x

  14. The fabrics look so joyful.
    Sam, I am sorry that both your Mum and MIL are poorly at the moment. Of course I will keep them in my thoughts and sending positive wishes to both of them.

  15. Nice sewing machine, could definitely have fun with that.
    Not seen your old machine, it may just need a good clean and some oil.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 28

  16. Thanks for the visit earlier Hettie. I like Timmy - I had an innovis when I lived in London, he's with my Ma now. I have a Singer that my family clubbed together and bought me for my 40th birthday last year - its amazing! The scarves are cool. I make infinity scarves for myself all the time, super easy and they always get great comments. Hope both Mothers are on the mend soon. Cx #44

  17. Your scarves are going to look very festive :) I will have to go and look on Youtube now :)
    Thanks for visiting too,
    RosA # 3

  18. Wow, a fun new toy! And you'll all be decked out very prettily with these Christmas scarves!

  19. Sorry to hear your two Moms are poorly. We can Face time now that you got a hard fruit with a bite out! Timmy looks like even I could use it! LLJ had me in stitches with her comment! She is on top form today! #24

  20. Oh dear, two mums poorly - will include them in prayer and you also as you must be splitting yourself in two with visiting.
    Love the scarves - and now realise what an infinity scarf is.
    Keep sewing with your bro!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. ROFL at LLJ's comment!

    LOVE the look of your infinity scarf Sam. You are a clever old (sorry, YOUNG) stick!

    Big hugs for all your trubs,
    Sarn xxx

  22. Loks the sort of chap to keep you on the straight and narrow!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  23. So sorry for your mum and mil - that is tough with both of them for you right now. I like the sound of the infinity scarves - looking forward to seeing what they look like finished. Got some Xmas presents on the go and hope to share them soon. Take care and I will add your mum's along with Rachel's hubby to my prayers huni! Karen x

  24. It's so fun to see your desk pop up in WOYWW, Sam, even though I wasn't there myself! Timothy is SOOOOOO handsome!! I'd love one of own. (Well, I have one of my own, but he doesn't sew, alas!) Tim and yourself have whipped up a most festive Christmas infinity scarf!! And why, pray tell, are you not modeling it? You have spoiled us with your prior lovely modeling!!

    I'm very sorry to hear about both your mum and your mum-in-law. Prayers are winging their way as we speak! Hugs, Darnell

  25. Just catching up with you Sam, love the look of Timmy, he certainly looks a purring kind of chap!!
    Sorry to hear about your Mum. You must be worn out with all the visiting especially as you have to travel so far. I hope they are both on the mend soon.
    Thinking about you all. Take care
    Hugs Lisax

  26. P.S. What's an infinity scarf??

  27. Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope things improve soon for both her & your MIL.
    Pretty fabrics & Timmy seems to be performing well. Now I need to k ow what an infinity scarf is!
    Debs x

  28. ooh nice machine (I LOVE NCIS...always good for team management techniques!!).

    Hope the family are on the road to recovery soon.

    ps-ahh...Pinterest the antidote to housework!! (well for me at least!)


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx