
Tuesday 14 October 2014

WOYWW 280 or What's New On Your Workdesk Sam?

Hello there Peeps

It has been a while since I joined in on this weekly blog hop with our Hostess Princess Julia.  For anyone who has been missing from the blogging world for a while this is where you show your desk in all it's glory or mess and link up with Princess Julia so that other nosey crafters can come and compare your mess with theirs.  Obviously there are a few divas who have neat and tidy desks but we don't all have fairies who clear away after us now do we?

So here is my desk...

 Can you see what is new on there? Can you? Can you?  No I don't mean the knitwear stencil or the stamp you can see - both of which are new.  Yep it is this little beauty....

Ever since I started following Kim due to PIF 2011 I have been fancying one of them twirly -whirly - craft - tool - thingemyjigwotsitss and then when Kim got a second one I thought that was just plain greedy unfair.  So whilst we were out in the States I had two choices....pinch one of Kim's and lose a great friendship or see if I could (a) find one and (b) get one in my suitcase.  Guess I did right?  Here is how it was when I got it out of the case...

I just know you nosey people will want to see what was inside....
I had to lose a lot of the packaging to save weight and space but boy it was worth it.  I still had a half kilo spare too but really I don't think I could have wheeled the case let alone pick edit up!!  

Right, now you have had a good rummage on my desk time to link up with Princess Julia and show yours.  Now I may be a little late as I have my dance class tonight but I WILL call round if you leave me a calling card!

Whilst I was on holibobs I also gained a new Follower so Hello to Lesley and thank you for following me.  I hope to be back to my usual flow very shortly.  Unfortunately MIL is in hospital so most evenings I am being a good DIL and visiting.



PS Before you ask...I had a few things in Hubster's case too and a stamp, some leaves  and teeny tiny pumpkins in my handbag!  They were the last things I bought.  Well it would have been rude not to have bought stuff from a Paper Source shop which was only 1 1/2 blocks from where we were staying now wouldn't it?


  1. You just bought one or two things then!! Lol...well, it's gotta be done, eh? That twirly caddy looks amazing, I bet you can keep all your important stuff in there. Worth the effort of getting it home!
    Hugs, LLJ 23
    PS Now here's a funny question - do you work Fridays?

  2. Brilliant accomplishment, good on you for getting what you want and all the trimmings to go with it. You will never regret having the whirlymajig and whatsamacallitthingymabob I have a Kaiser one and love it to bits. I would of also stuffed more stuff into hubbys bag and thrown out clothes to do it. LOL

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan #42

  3. Hi Sam, lolled at your post! I can just picture the sorting/discarding/ stuffing going on to get all this in the case. Great tool for your desk though, and so much stash in it.Have a great week, Hugs. Shaz #38 xxx

  4. That be some good shopping! And well done for making use of hubby's suitcase too :D
    Happy WOYWW

  5. Lovely stuff, Hettie! I like you twirly -whirly thingy! I hope you went for option #2 and didn't lose a friendship over it though! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #50

  6. Sounds like time and money well spent!! I would love one of those too, but there isn't room on my desk for one. Enjoy!!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #21

  7. Brilliant Sam, just a few things to bring back then, lol. Did you take a spare bag to bring all the goodies home? Think that's what I would need to do. You whirly gig is gorgeous.
    Hope you Mil makes a speedy recovery.
    Hugs Lisax #31

  8. Oooh wow - you did have a spree didn't you! Did I spot a Gelli plate in amongst your haul? Hope it was a bargain! Very clever packing in the whirly carousel :))


    Di xx

  9. Forgot to say, hope your MIL is recovering fine.


    Di xx

  10. Sounds like you had a fine time collecting crafty stash - love the whirligig thingy whatsit. x Jo

  11. So glad you got your twirly wotsit!! Looks like you a great time. I'm doing what I said I would and am making an album using a blank one I bought as a present for someone. I'm also doing fold down flaps etc like you do and have said on my post I'm inspired by you lovely!! Take care Zo xx 52

  12. I can't get a closer look at the last photo...blogger meanie won't let me blow it up! Am dying to rummage through your shopping!

  13. I knew putting a Lojac tracker in those babies would come in handy....just in case! LOL!
    And look how nicely you've filled it up! Maybe you too will acquire a 2nd one on your next visit--you can never have too many.

  14. Oh my! You certainly filled the twirligig!! I turned my craft caddy into one by standing it on a Martha Stewart circle cutter. Spins a treat!!
    Debs x

  15. Great shopping - and well done for getting it home undamaged! Hope you had a great time (apart from the crafty shopping!) Helen 5

  16. Hi Hettie - great storage idea, and so many lovely goodies to play with! Glad you had a good time. Hope MiL improves quickly. Hugs, Chris # 16

  17. That's great! I think if i went to the USA I'd go with an empty suitcase! (and fill it up with goodies of course). Lucky you!
    Thank you for letting me peep over your shoulder.
    Have a good week,
    a hug and God bless,

  18. Good grief, I thought mine was bad enough but this takes the biscuit, l
    think you need about 10 of those storage thingy's lol. Kidding, well maybe not!
    You should consider buying a couple of those lightweight suitcases, what a difference it makes, don't tell anyone but I actually managed to get two 3ltr boxes of wine in ours and still well under the 20 kgs, flying on a P&O cruise, so all Evening wear and day wear and everything. Always struggled before. Naturally the use of the wine made way for the return trip.

    Kath x

  19. Good job men have their uses. They always have room in their cases and it's better to fill them up if you can. Have fun with the new stuff and a great week, Angela x 41

  20. Oh my, someone had a fun holiday. I would love to dig through that pile of goodies on your desk. Gelli and die and stamps, oh my! I can't believe it all fit in the case. Enjoy the whirly thingy. Just don't get dizzy spinning it around. lol Peg R 77

  21. Hope your MIL is on the road to recovery soon!
    Clever, clever, so clever! I want one of those and I love how you got everything packed into it - all space was utilised to it's best advantage - love it!
    Am green with envy for your carousel and looking forward to see what you create with your new stash and yes I agree with you - it would be rude not to take advantage of a trip and not bring loads of stash home Karen x

  22. Hi Hettie,

    Oh nice! I noticed the carousel right away. I found one at the local thrift store and was beside myself with joy!!! Mine doesn't have the thing to hold scissors, however. It looks like your holiday was quite successful shopping-wise.

    I didn't participate this week -- as a matter of fact, today is the first day I've turned on my computer all week long!

    Happy belated WOYWW

    PS Yeah, I wish I could cut my hair and lose 30 pounds too! tee hee

  23. So a little light shopping was in order LOL. Glad you had the opportunity. I know I'd be doing the same thing on holiday over there LOL Prayers to your MIL. Creative Blessings! Kelly #56

  24. Congrats on the "twirly -whirly - craft - tool - thingemyjigwotsitss"! I have one and can't imagine not having it now! So handy! Looks like you brought back all sorts of lovely crafty bits! Sorry, I haven't been blogging lately but you were so sweet to visit my blog and leave a comment :))
    xoxo Karen

  25. Argh, couldn't enlarge the picture for a real magnifying glass type close up!! Love that you've finally got the carousel of your dreams and very impressed with the haul you erm, hauled home..right down to festive coloured velcro!

  26. woo hoo awesome visit I see. I love the whirly storage thing and actually bought one of my own a while back. I bought the wire thing that holds bling packs like the Clip It Up! I love it too! Lots of fun stash there. I can see why you were pushing the packing limits. Have fun playing with the new stuff. Vickie #76

  27. I am certainly jealous, that is a lot of wonderful stash you have there Hettie.

    Hugs Diane

  28. Truth is haven't used my Martha circle cutter since I put it under my craft caddy - about 2years ago lol!!
    But it's there if I need it!

  29. What are hubbies for on holiday if not to carry all the stuff we can't cram into our suitcases because we've done too much retail therapy lol lol!!! Love the twirlywhirlythingie - I used to hanker after one of these (far too expensive here in the UK) until I got my little spotty fabric one for about £3 at a village fete - it sits on top of my Martha Stewart Circle Cutter which doubles up as a lazy susan base. Works a treat.

    Anyway, what fun you had getting all that great new stash! Love the other things on your desk, too. That knitting stencil looks amazing, and is that a huge cutting mat on your desk, all marked out?

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshii #37

  30. Looks like you managed to get some lovely stash while on holdays!
    Your turning tool holder is fab...I have a similar one and love mine too.

    Enjoy your new goodies my friend and look forward to seeing your new projects with them.

  31. Gosh I'm so late the new woyww has gone up today! Love your twirly holder thingy and I'm impressed that you're using it so quickly, I've had one for almost three years and have yet to put anything in it! I'm also impressed that you got it in your suitcase as I know how heavy they are!


  32. Hettie, this is truly awesome..nice work. I got mine from TJMaxx and it was my first craft related purchase when we arrived in NYC last year..don't kinow what I did without it before. I spy a wink of stella brush pen in your stash - if you haven't used one before you will become addicted. I am hoping to get to meet Kim before the year is out, we really don't live that far from each other. Cx p.s thanks for the visit.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx