
Wednesday 29 May 2013

WOYWW 208 4th Anniversary Special - And a Reveal!

Hello Hello Hello

Welcome to my Lickle Blog
Come in Sit Down Converse
It doesn't always look like this
Sometimes it's even worse!

Yeay today is the day of the Fourth Anniversary of WOYWW!  You know WOYWW where a bunch of 150 or so peeps from around the world take a picture of their desk and pop it on their blog so that other WOYWW members can have a legal snoop peek into their craft spaces.

So without further ado, here is my desk as it stood last night.....

This is the aftermath of my Anniversary ATCs for the swap (nowt for you to see as I cleared them all out of the way!) and the start of another project which I will reveal soon hopefully.  Not finished yet so you have to be patient.

The Wedding photo is there as I am planning a layout for it.  The card to the right is one from my friend Mo - isn't it gorgeous!  The cream things to the left of the calender are cup cake holders from the Wedding.  Want to try to use them as masks! At the front of the desk to the right are the covers for my latest project.  White pot to the left is a pot of gold embossing powder waiting to go home after embossing the dividers for the project.

Now then.  Some of you will remember that on previous WOYWW posts recently I have been working on a Wedding Garter for my Nephew's Bride to wear at their forthcoming Wedding. As the Wedding took place a few weeks ago I am now allowed to share it with you.....

Right.  You know what to do now.  Click HERE to be whisked away to the Hostess Julia's blog where you will be able to catch up with all the other Blog Hoppers.  

Happy Anniversary Julia and thank you so much for creating this Wednesday phenomomonon!  If it wasn't for you I would not have dipped my toe into this blogging malarky!!  

Hugs and thanks for visiting.




  1. Great work space, thanks for sharing!
    Kaitlynne #46

  2. Happy WOYWW to you the little rhyme!!!
    The garter turned out beautifully, the bride must have loved it, soooooo pretty :-)
    Hope you are ok, been thinking about you this looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
    Happy 4th WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  3. Gorgeous garter!! See you Saturday, still deciding what to bring, lol!! Helen, 39

  4. Your lace garther is stunning Sam. I'm certain it will be loved and treasured.
    Happy 4th Birthday celebrations and here's to many more.
    Annie x # 5

  5. Wow, the lacey garter is beautiful, bet she was thrilled! You seem to be planning and working all at the same time..mucho impressive! See you saturday - think I'm actually looking forward to it!

  6. Hullo there Sam,
    A truly creative space today, just love the garter and yes the atc's am sure are just as lovely :D!
    Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy 4th anniversary of WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #37

  7. Have you got the kettle on? right I'm coming for a nosey them. Sugar and milk please!!
    You are far more organised than me, I'm still on with my ATC's but they will get done today, I am determined!!!
    Your garter is stunning. I am in awe of your talent and patience with lace making.
    Have a great day on Saturday, I know you will and I want all the details!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #95

  8. Loved the little ditty Sam!! What a pretty garter - clever you! Happy 4th WOYWW! x Jo

  9. Hi Hettie
    loving your desk today and that garter is so pretty I bet the bride loved wearing that on her special day.
    Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
    Ria #49

  10. We love your little ditty, it made us chuckle. Happy WOYWW 4 from the bears @#101 this week

  11. The garter is gorgeous, bet the bride was thrilled. Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#36

  12. Great makes and work in progress.
    Happy WOYWW 4th birthday.


  13. Your lace work is stunning. See you Saturday! Take care Zo xx 79

  14. Such a neat and tidy desk you have on display and the wedding garter is so pretty! Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Annette #2

  15. Great workspace! Super crafting too.
    Happy 4th anniversary of WOYWW which I'm glad I'm a part of.
    Jo x 73

  16. OMGoodness - the garter is stunning. What a beautiful piece. I hoped she loved it :-)

    Happy WOYWW 4th Anni :-D

    IKE xx #124

  17. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    A nice busy desk this week Hettie but it’s still nice a tidy too… do you manage it? The garter is really pretty, it turned out well.

    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  18. Look at you; rhyming so early in the morning!! And the garter is AMAZING!!
    And Happy 4th to you too!!

  19. Hi ya Sam . . . creative desk there mate!

    Happy 4th Anniversary WOYWW honey.

    Sarn xxx

  20. For 4 years now i've been dropping by,
    To view your desk and see what I can spy,
    Will it be a card, some stash or ATC,
    whatever it is, thanks for sharing it,
    Have a Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary

    Hugz Minxy #60

  21. That garter is beautiful!!
    Great looking creative space too.
    Krisha #140

  22. Happy 4th ...that garter is beautiful xx71

  23. Gorgeous garter! Love it. I'm bringing some ATC's to the crop, as I got a bit carried away with my first ever attempt- I think I have 20-odd, lol. See you Saturday, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx

  24. Lots of interesting things on your desk.
    The card is fab. The photo is waiting to be scrapped.
    The garter is wonderful. A definite heirloom for future brides.
    Happy WOYWW 4th Birthday

  25. I NEED those pink scissors! Desk is awfully neat and tidy! Good on you for sewing, if I made it, it might not have stayed up! Posting tomorrow. Hugs #8 Thanks for the visit and BBM message already...I have had a pear shaped day!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hettie I left a comment but everything disappeared when I hit publish so I don't know if it made it there or not! Just said it was a great desk and I loved the garter! Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  28. Gorgeous garter. Can't wait to see the layout! Thanks for sharing. Have a very happy 4th WOYWW birthday. Caro x (#67)

  29. Hi Hettie
    oh you are a tease not showing the ATC's still I like surprises I will e mail my address or if you are going to the crop you can bring it along. Love the garter i'm sure the bride loved it
    janet #32

  30. What a great space and a lovely garter! Happy 4th Woyww Birthday and thanks for sharing. I'm very late to the party today!! Liz@161

  31. Oh my goodness...that garter turned out fabulous! Bet she was really honoured that you made her something so special.

    Thanks for dropping by the plant sale update...we were really pleased. But I learned that next time I will stick to selling the half gallons or gallon pots. We basically sold all the half and full gallons and yet only just over half of the 6 inchers.

    The number cruncher/tally guy quickly figured that out and wants to dig a trench at the top of the garden and tuck the babies in a row so they grow bigger and sell them on the following year when they are half gallon sized! Yep, I'd say he liked the dosh from the day to plow back into the garden! If we do it again we will use it for a water feature!

  32. Ooh, I love your craft mat! All those measurements look super handy. And your desk looks like it gets plenty of your creative attention, too! Always good to see a desk so well loved and well used. :) Thanks for leaving me a comment and your email and I hope you enjoy the rest of this special WOYWW! :) Deeyll #29

  33. That garter is incredible. Very lovely. Your nephew's new bride is quite lucky.

    Like your tidy work area, too.

    Happy WOYWW4 from # 17.

  34. Superb work on the garter - an heirloom which will be handed down I'm sure! Happy WOYWW swapping anniversary etc etc!!
    Alison xx

  35. Happy WOYWW 4 your desk looks kewl with those burlap and your garter is adorable hugs Nikki #145

  36. Just saw your comment on my blog...Yes would love a trade...
    I was surprising you with an ATC anyway and mailed it this morning!

    DH had to go into Langley for a mooch around Chapters...he was cleaning out his wallet and found a gift card the kids gave him at Christmas! Got him to take me to the worlds crabbiest post office where the lady nearly had a fit that i was mailing such small items!! teeheeehee

    She is always cranky so I just smiled and said but that's the size they are supposed to be! teeheee
    Hopefully you have them in a few days.

    My door is always open if you are serious about planning a trip. DH is very reserved (not like me) but is the most wonderful tour guide. He knows all the local places as he grew up in the city itself...I was a farm girl who lived in the countryside!

    So keep right on planning! We can even take you up to the lake!

  37. Nice garter (I think that's the first time I have written that on a blog!).

    Looking forward to catching up on Saturday
    Kyla x

  38. happy 4th WOYWW anniversary!
    i'm delighted to be part of this fun group
    and happy to get a chance to peek at your desk today!
    it is looking neat and tidy!
    the blue garter is sweet!
    peggy aplSEEDS@11

  39. Happy 4th Anniversary! Thanks for popping over! and yes....I do have a desk somewhere! Yours is nice and tidy....never seen mine like that! Nice lace too!
    Happy WoYwW! ((Lyn)) #19

  40. Hi Hettie - Happy 4th WOYWW Birthday... Mxx #137

  41. Hi Sam, that garter is gorgeous - bet the bride was chuffed to bits with it. I look forward to seeing the layout you created with that beautiful wedding photo, and the cupcake holders :) Have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #155

  42. That garter is stunning - did you handmake the lace?
    Have a good week.
    Margaret #70


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx