
Monday 27 May 2013

It's that time of the month again!

Hello Friends

No!  Not that time of the month, but Rudolph Day time with my Buddy Sandra!!  

Normally I make a card or two, but earlier this month, whilst looking for something completely different,  I came across a box from a famous smelly cosmetics shop which did contain some bath bombs and the packaging was popcorn.  Typical crafter not wanting to waste anything, I sat down with some beads, beading thread, long needle and glass of wine in front of a good program (Gibbs of course!) and threaded the popcorn and beads to make a Christmas decoration for our tree, or maybe the Playhouse Tree as it is using snippets of sorts. 

Hope you like....

If you want to join in the fun of Rudolph Day, click HERE for the details.

I also want to apologise for not being around much this week.  I have been a little distracted since my visit to the hospital on Wednesday and receiving some unpleasant news.  Not one for being down for long I shall be around stalking visiting you very soon.  Just bear with me for the moment please.




  1. Oooer, how clever Sam - I love this!

    Email on the way.

    Big hugs, Di xx

  2. Fabulous upcycling and it's going to look stunning Karen x

  3. I do hope you are doing well and that the unpleasant news quickly resolves. Love your christmas decoration. It will look lovely on the tree.

  4. Is that eatable popcorn? If so I will be right over. Hope all can be resolved for you quickly. Hugs Mrs A.

  5. Hope your unpleasant news can be turned around eventually!

    Wonderful idea...waste not want not...think they qualify as snippets!

  6. Blimey . . . that IS VERY creative and ingenious.


    Sarn xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, and I forgot to say THANK YOU for joining in again!

    Sarn xxx

  9. Sure hate that you got unpleasant news, but I hope it is past by now, and you're feeling better. What a clever use of packing products. Now that took some thinkin'. This would look fab on the Playhouse tree I expect, and I can't wait to see it there! TFS & Hugs

  10. Very clever snippets project! Hope all is going well for you :) Cathy x

  11. Clever bit of re-up-cycling-purposing... Wishing you well in dealing with your difficult news.
    Much love,
    Alison xx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx