
Wednesday 6 March 2013

WOYWW 196 - Bet you never thought you would see painting!

Hello Friends

Well Wednesday is here again.  I am sure they come round quicker than Fridays!!  It is WOYWW day today.  In case you don't know what that means, it is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday which is hosted by the lovely but slightly mad Julia!!

So without further ado, here is my desk as I left it last night!  

Yep! I am actually p a i n t i n g!!  I never thought I would be showing you a desk with paints and brushes on there other than covering boxes.  Going from the left you can see the Sheena Douglass stamps I am trying out for the first time.  The red pot has my pva in, which I have been using to make crackle backgrounds.  Some various tester pots with backgrounds drying.  The blue pot is my dirty water pot.  It is an old stilton cheese pot which I meant to put the lid on so you would not see the yukky water, but I forgot.  Some various paints and my test piece using Sheena's techniques.  

For those who did not see my post on Monday, here is my first ever painting that I am not ashamed to show you guys!  I love this Paint Fusion technique of Sheena's!! 
When my retired boss saw my piece above, he wanted it to give to his granddaughter - Daisy.  Knowing some of the works of art he has in his home, I felt pretty chuffed.  So I said I would make one just for Daisy.  Here it is in progress....
I made another similar card picture and painted a small canvas to match.  I plan to mount the smaller picture on to mount board and paint leaves on to the canvas (scary!).  I have ordered the green paints that Sheena uses as I am short of acrylics in greens.  The colours are a little bluey here as I took the photo with a flash!

Right.  That is it from me today.  Thanks for calling by.  I shall be round later to to see you.



  1. Hi Sam

    It is looking like you have found a whole new passion!!!

    Multi-talented you!

    Have a good day.

    Love Jules xx

  2. Yeah I got next to you in the WOYWW queue today, that means we can sit next to each other all day!! Budge over and get those paints out!
    Love the fact that you've made daisies for daisy and is that a lavender I see ready for some paint?
    Have a great day.
    hugs Lisax #55

  3. Forgot to say, help yourself to that award. I've added your name to the post!! I thought you had tons more followers than me!!
    Hugs Lisax

  4. Morning Oh Artistic One.

    LOVING these Daisy paintings. Congrats on your commission.

    Keep painting and having fun.

    Sarn xxx

  5. So pretty Sam.
    A x # 44

  6. Wow Sam, get you! The daisies are just gorgeous, I love that you're working outside your box and loving it..I'm erm, trying crochet. I'm glad you didn't put the lid on the stilton pot, it's reassuring to know tha tyou use water when painting rather than thinking you nibble at whole Stilton!

  7. When I saw this earlier, I didn't immediately click about you and messy paint!! The second piece is equally beautiful. Love the crackle background too. Have a fabulous week. Helen 8 (madly collecting milk bottle lids!)

  8. Love the daisies and that you are making them for daisy is adorable.. Isn't painting fun, I am exploring the world of paint too, with stamping it is just a way to extend what we already have.
    Sandy :) #16

  9. Hi there, thanks for the peek into your world this week.
    Neil # 23

  10. Beautiful daisies for Daisy - great work x
    Happy WOYWW Heather #59

  11. I LOVE paint... glad to see it's working for you too. HAppy painting and happy woyww, Marit #94

  12. WOW WOW WOW how fantastic is that painting and for it to be your first every you really should be proud of yourself.
    I love making the crackle backgrounds they are such fun to do, your colours are fab and your painting is worthy of hanging in anyones home
    Have a great WOYWW thank you for sharing your workspace today
    Ria #39

  13. I love your daisy painting! They are my favorite flower, and against that distressed background they really pop. Awesome! Enjoy the day! Winnie #78

  14. Gosh, your painting is lovely.

    Happy WOYWW Susi #84

  15. lovely first attempt... no really, a first painting are you sure .. it is lovely, very fresh looking, I think we will be seeing mkre paintings from you very soon ... have fun
    thanks for sharing and have a good week
    janet #43

  16. Love your daisies, I think there is a great freedom in painting, it's good fun and no right or wrongs so play and enjoy.

    Jan x

  17. Always so special to be asked for a painting. I love it! The roses on my desk are GIANT versions of the students saw the punch version and loved it but it is rather small so they wanted more realistic versions so I made a line drawing of it and scanned it in and traced it and cut it on my eCraft like a Silhouette. I need to join 3 double strips together and I get 4 strips out of a sheet, hence using 1 and a half sheets per rose!

  18. Your paintings are lovely, your talent for painting is shining through. I love the colours and topic.

    Happy WOYWW xx

  19. Hettie I love your painting, beautiful. Hope you enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, hugs Erika.

  20. …Some lovely work going on here, Sam, such gorgeous daisies well done!
    Had to smile at Lisa's comment too :D

    Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #17

  21. I say, does that mean you are now a commissioned artist? It'll be the Royal Academy next!! :)
    Those daisies are fun and look fairly simple to do! It's a pretty look...there'll be no stopping you now!!
    Hugs, LLJ 32 xxxx

  22. WOW - a commissioned piece of art Sam!! Am not surprised, your painting is fabulous............I might change my name to Daisy.

    Belated Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx #42

  23. Wonderful Sam, I saw the daisy's earlier this week, still love them. And a commission too, ooh err missus!! I like the little sprig of lavender on the desk too. Loadsa fun!

    Brenda 104

  24. Yay so pleased you love this. I adore doing Sheena's fusion painting, got most of the stamps as I said before. It is so good to do something that actually results in fab end products, right from the start. I'm just starting my desk visiting as I rested yesterday so I could go to footy last night. We (Bristol Rovers) won! So I am a very happy Zoe today. Take care Zo xx 92

  25. Should not be a surprise to get a commission. Those daisies are beautiful.
    I'm late visiting for WOYWW as was offline yesterday,
    Have a good week

  26. Your paintings are lovely. I'm sure you are much harder on yourself than you should be. :-) April #145

  27. Awesome paintings. I can see why your old boss would want it for his Daisy! Little late getting around this week but better a little late then never! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #11

  28. Hi Sam, I missed WOYWW again this week, no internet connection due to the builders cutting through a wire! Thanks for visiting me, really appreciate it. The Daisy pieces are amazing! I love this Sheena technique too - yours looks very professional. Hugs, Anne x

  29. Thanks for a quick snoop at your desk - sorry I am a bit late this week - I don't know where time goes. Fab daisies Sam! x Jo


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx