
Wednesday 20 March 2013

What's On Your Workdesk 198 - Paint and Lace!

Hello Friends

It is Wednesday again and in the Blogging World that means it is time to show off your desks for the biggest nosey blog hop that takes place every week in the world!  As the Boss herself says, gotta keep this brief!

So without further ado here is my usual desk......

I am in the middle of creating some more backgrounds for my paintings.  On the left are some chipboard pieces (recycled of course) with their first layer of paint and in true Blue Peter style, on the right are some after they have had their crackling done!

Unfortunately though I am spending less time at this desk at the moment as I have another major project on the go which has a completion date loooming every closer.  That is my Niece-to-be's Wedding Garter.....

I love the fact that it is now on a roll, as that means there is some length there.  I have completed about 12" so far and at around 2 1/2 hours per inch, it takes a fair amount of time to complete.  Hopefully the Bride will like it when she gets to see it.  Michelle does not want to see it until she gets it!!  That makes me nervous!   Need to find some blue silk ribbon at Ally Pally next month, so don't let me forget!

Right then to work....then dancing....then I will be back to visit desks later and most probably tomorrow.  Have a great nosey day! And don't forget to join in with the Hostess HERE!  Thanks for calling by.



  1. that lace is stunning, there's going to be a happy bride

  2. Happy WOYWW.

    There's great 'work in progress' on that desk this week Sam. But, wow and double wow, that lace work is stunning. How on earth do you know which dobbin goes where, l'm in awe! Your niece-2b is going to be so pleased with it.

    Have a good day ❤ xx

  3. I am so loving seeing your lace in the making Sam.....I stripped my lace cushions right back to pack it all away and hope to start something new once we have moved houses.
    A x # 62

  4. I am so impressed..... what a skill! I am sure it will be treasured forever by the bride. Hope to see you (amongst the crowds!) at Ally Pally. Helen, 8

  5. Wow just wow! Your lace is stunning, clever you, it's real skill, am sure I said I once had a go as my school friend did and still does make lace. Those bobbins are super hard to control! Enjoy desk hopping. Take care Zo xx 87

  6. Oh my, that lace is gorgeous- what a labour of love you have going there. Your first pic reminded me that somewhere I have some sheets I made with crackled paint a year or more ago, and got 'filed'- thats my posh word for ' buried in my craft stash', lol.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #77

  7. Aho there, Sam!
    ... well quite takes my breath away that beautiful, exquisitely detailed lace - no need to worry about the bride not liking it I can tell you that now... thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #25

  8. Yeah . .. I'm with Rach on the AWE front!

    Happy WOYWW xxx

  9. Your lace making is going very well - love the pattern you are doing - I really admire your patience! Are you going to Ally Pally??? I am on the Saturday! So if you will be there lets meet up for a little chat!
    Lots of hugs,

  10. Oooh Sam, that lace is bee-oo-ti-full!!! You must have so much patience!

    debs #85

  11. Oh my! The lace is absolutely stunning - you have no need to be nervous! The bride will love it. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@106)

  12. that lace is stunning I think anyone that can do lacing is soooo clever as it takes hours and is a real skill. This will be loved and kept forever I am sure.
    Loving your crackle backgrounds I have just bought some of the new indigoblu crackle medium
    Wishing you a very Happy WOYWW
    Ria #44

  13. Wow - that is so beautiful - you are one very clever lace maker!!! x Jo

  14. Double WOW from me - your lace is absolutely wonderful Sam!! How the heck to concentrate and don't lose track of all those bobbins is beyond me - there's going to be a very happy bride! To match the blue you should bring it to AP - only sayin' :))

    Hugs, Di xx....OMG, I just enlarged the piccie and it's even MORE beautiful than I realised.

  15. You must have the patience of a saint, Hettie but that garter is looking gorgeous. What a keepsake she will have.
    I like your before and after desk. you have made me want to get my PF out again but there is always something else to be tried first, like those dies, love them!! Have a look at Ally Pally, I got mine for £15 each, a bargain.
    I usually grow annual foxgloves in the garden but as they are bi annual and I forgot last yr when I get some going if Summer ever arrives I'll send you some.
    hugs Lisax #71

  16. OMGoodness - what a totally AWESOME piece of lace !!! I actually spoke to myself out loud when I opened your Blog. !! How amazing this is :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. Now I understand where the expression, "Oh my garters" came from, Sam! I am enthralled and amazed and in awe that you are able to work such magic and create such delicate and intricate lace art. Seriously. I am agape.

    Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of this process. The bride, too, will look back and be stunned (unless she tats, is that the right word from my crossword puzzle days?) at the love and effort that went into creating her special garter. Sigh.

    Have a wonderful week! Darnell #42

  18. Wow that garter is fabulous. How on earth can you remember what all the bobbins are for is beyond me. Fantastic work. How patient you are.

  19. My goodness Hettie that is a labour of love! Have a creative week MMx #50

  20. wow the garter is looking good,very time consuming but it will be worth it. you are going to be busy and dancing before WOYWW, where are your priorities? he!he!
    have a good week
    janet #28

  21. Good grief, Charlie on earth do you know what bobbin goes where?? You must have patience in abundance! The bride is going to love it!
    Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

  22. stunning lace work, its such a fascinating craft.

    Gill x #54

  23. Wow. Your lace is stunning.Beautiful
    piece of craftsmanship.(Are we allowed to say that these days!).
    Hugs Mrs A.

  24. WOW! I am speechless. The lace is gorgeous. I have never seen anyone make their own and it looks incredibly complicated. What a special, special gift. Amazing talent. Happy Wednesday! Sue#126

  25. Wow that garter is beautiful she will love it!

    Happy (belated) WOYWW!

    StampinBoots x #144

  26. I'm literally open-mouthed in awe... I've seen people do this in real life and it makes my brain go fuzzy!! I have no doubts at all that the bride will be absolutely blown away by it! Utterly exquisite work, Samantha...
    Alison x

  27. Thank you for visiting me today and for the comments on my work. :) I appreciate you stopping by for a look around. Hugs, Sue#126


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx