
Sunday 3 March 2013

I Been Painting! Yes Painting!!

Hello Friends

It has long been a family joke that despite my having an O'Level in Art and Design, I cannot produce prettiness with a paintbrush (discounting walls etc).  So a week or so ago whilst watching a well known shopping channel that sells crafty stuff, Sheena Douglass was on showing peeps her Paint Profusion techniques.  My eyes were out like stalks as I watched Sheena take her stamps and colour the images in using paint techniques.   She made it look relatively easy and I liked her approach to using what you have to try out the techniques.

Well my wonderful Hubby said "why not order yourself a set?"  "You have been a good girl lately!"  Well, who was I to refuse? (I have been on a crafty spending embargo as I am off to BSSBS next month - Yippee!)

So yesterday I set aside some time to sit at my cleared computer desk with some chipboard (backs of chit pads that we use in work - so technically Snippets!).  I took some emulsion and tried out the four backgrounds as Sheena suggests...

Then again using different paints...
I actually got a bit carried away and made some 15 backgrounds!  Loving the crackle one.

Then I picked out the Daisy stamp set and set to work on a little piece....
I know it isn't perfick and I will need to get some more paints (especially greens) but I am chuffin' chuffed with it!!  

Now what can I paint next?  Off to the Playground to share my pretty Daisies until we get the real ones!!



  1. Oh WOW Hettie am so loving these backgrounds. I love watching Sheena and have her Christmas flowers although never used them with the paint. I should really indulge, maybe one day :) xx

  2. Hhmm it's just not fair, why are you so talented heh?

    Are you sure that's your first attempt???

    I'm about as good at painting as not spending money and that's why l only have £2 to take to Ally Pally (it's a £2coin an idea Sarn told me about).

    Love your daisy's Mrs Clever Cloggs :) xx

  3. So yummy - all those backgrounds look great, and your daisies are so pretty. Can't wait to see what you put on the rest of your 15! Um... BSSBS??
    Alison xx

  4. Hi, Samantha - your backgrounds are super and your daisy piece is lovely - wish I could paint half so well. Elizabeth xx

  5. very lovely! You are a Great painter!! Can't wait to see more. The shadow on the daisies is perfect adding lots of depth.

  6. They look great...a whole new world has least a new shelf of paints!!!

    Seiously, they look like a lot of fun ans kind of relxing to create.

  7. WOW WOW and more WOW . . . you have done Sheena proud with her paints. I absolutely adore that Daisy card.

    I'm with Rach . . . you are way too talented!

    PS: Rach . . . the idea was to take MORE than ONE £2 coin!

    Sarn xxx

  8. I love the purple, Sam, it really sets off your brilliant daisies beautifully.
    Hope you have a good week.
    Hugs Lisax

  9. You say not perfect but I say wow. Just my fav colours and oh so pretty so well done you.
    A x

  10. Oh wow you've done a grand job! I love paint fusion and confess to owning most of the stamps and most of the Pebeo paints to go with them. I got carried away, but I did use the techniques to good work and decorated a mirror and a photo frame as presents. Keep going with it, it soon becomes so natural that you'll be painting them daisies in your sleep. The daisies are my fav. I've tried changing the colour under the white petals too, from soft blue to pink. All works and look pretty. Take care lovely. Zo xx

  11. Tis better than perfick Sam, tis brilliant! Does this mean that you'll now be painting everything not nailed down in the playground!


  12. gorgeous backgrounds, and I love the daisies! I adore the Fresco paints as you may have spotted! Hope to see you at Ally Pally next month...

  13. Oh my golly gosh Sam - this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And you're very welcome to paint the tree house and then add those lovely daisies.

    I roared with laughter at Rach taking a £2 coin to AP - won't go very far will it? :) What a crew we are!!

    Hugs, Di xx

  14. That is fantastic for a first attempt. The daisies look wonderful.
    You'll be daisy daft for a while now.

  15. Lovely backgrounds, the crackle is my fave. I've done a few of Sheena's workshops and they are fab, if you get the chance go on one, you will be amazed by what you learn she is great fun and very messy lol. And what a great Hubby, big bonus points for the lad. Elizabeth xxx

  16. Not perfect? It is drop dead gorgeous, and I admire your talent in producing such a lovely piece of work. Thank you for your lovely comment on my Tropical scene, and I need that warm place too. xx Maggie

  17. I think its perfect!!! Something else you'll have to show me!

  18. Hi Sam

    Absolutely amazing!!!

    Gosh I wouldn't know where to start.

    I love the crackled background very, very much.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Love Jules xx

  19. Fabulous hun. I also saw sheena demonstrating these and she does make it look easy.....her leaves are really effective. Love your background and daisies, money well spent I say!

    Hope you have a fab break too.

  20. Oh, me, too, move over, I want a closer look! Ahhh, Sam, that's so pretty. I love the crackle background! You did a marvelous job with the techniques and I have a feeling you've unleashed a whole new sky's-the-limit form of creating. I can't wait to follow your progress!

  21. Sheena is lovely - and her blog is amazing! Your projects have done her stamps proud - your daisies are beautiful!
    #23 at Pixie's Playground :)

  22. Those daisies are fab! I;ve just received mine bot not played with them yet - hope mine turn out as well as yours

    Debs x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx