
Sunday 10 March 2013

Happy Mothering Sunday...

Hello Friends

May I wish all Mothers a Happy Mothering Sunday, whether you be mother to two legged people or four legged people!

I want to share my Mothering Sunday cards which I have made for both my Mum and Hubby's Mum...

As you can see I have put my new found Paint Fusion techniques to use here.  They are ATC size and I have layered them onto hand made cards (i.e. cut from a large sheet of card to fit envelopes, instead of using blanks).  The white cardstock is recycled Dinner Dance invitations and the card base which I have painted the lavenders on are recycled chit pad backs so a truly hand made card.

I went to see my Mum and Dad yesterday to take Mum's card and flowers and they could not believe I had painted the Lavender.  Dad was really impressed with the background too and thought it was some special card I had bought.  I really like the fact that they all come out differently every time!

I also made a couple of ATCs to send to two dear Blogging Friends and they have told me they liked them too.  

I am going to take these over to the Playground as they are made from Snippets.  Why not make use of your Snippets and join in with the fun and frolics of the virtual Playground.   The peeps are very nice and we all play together nicely - well most of us anyway!!  There is even a virtual pond with ducks on!!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend.  Just a shame it goes so quickly!




  1. Well Sam . . . you KNOW I think these paint fusion pieces of art are just WONDERFUL, so I'm not surprised your parents did too. You little star!

    Sarn xxx

  2. So gorgeous, Samantha - the crackle backgrounds are so cool, and your painted flowers are just amazing - fabulous work!
    Alison x

  3. Gorgeous cards for mother's day! The lavender looks just beautiful!

    Lauren x

  4. Oh wow! Pretty, Sam! I love those flowers and the crackly background.

  5. Hi Sam

    Oh wow, these are beautiful and it's easy to see how your parents were blown away. Some real painting skills there honey - is there anyfink you can't tackle? I even showed Len them just now and he's most impressed.

    Playing catch up today - hope you had a lovely weekend!

    Hugs, Di xx

  6. Beautiful cards Sam, I love the cracked background and gorgeous flowers.

  7. Wow...these are stunning! I love that you painted them yourself onto the back of the that crackle technique too...your lavender are painted beautifully!

  8. These are stunning Sam, love the lavender against the cream crackle background. I'm not surprised they were received well.

    Handmade pieces always mean more than something bought in a shop l think, they are treasured sentiments to be kept.

    Big hugs xx

  9. Your Lavender has made really beautiful Mother's Day cards, Sam, they are so pretty. No wonder your Mums were thrilled with them.
    I love mine too and it is still sitting in pride of place. You are so kind and talented.
    hugs Lisax

  10. What a fabulous card, great image and fabulous painting and I also love the way you have done the same cards for each Mother.

    Kath x

  11. Love the effect of your crackle background, really sets off your beautiful flowers :)


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx