
Wednesday 10 October 2012

WOYWW 175 - What again??!!!!

Hello Blog Hopping Friends

Gosh!  I nearly forgot to join in today with the What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday Blog Hop (aka Nosey) with Julia!!  I knew it was Wednesday but forgot to post my photo.   I have been out tonight to my dancing class, though not much dancing with my baddie ankle.  It is now very sore but I couldn't let the class down so I just walked the dances!  Maybe a Baileys will help now - purely for medicinal purposes!

Here is my desk...

Still a mess from my lickle project which I posted earlier today HERE!  You may notice that Monkey has crept forward to ensure that I don't forget him or my badge for Julia's Crop of the Year.  Soo looking forward to meeting fellow WOYWWers.  I hope Julia is ready for us all.  No doubt there will be a little desk hopping being done on Saturday!!

Well, I will pop up tomorrow to tidy up when I will probably pack for Saturday's Crop!  I have a few projects lined up to take in the car but I am sure there will be a fair bit of nattering going on.  I will report back next week!!

TTFN and don't forget to pop HERE to join in the WOYWW fun!



  1. See you on Saturday then. Am looking forward to it. I want to see Monkey too. Don't forget your camera. LOL


  2. Lots going on there Sam, looks great.

    Baileys sounds like a great medicine for the ankle, what you going to do, put the ice on the ankle and drink the Baileys lol?

    Also got an ankle patient here, Cal fell off a curb last night whilst out with a friend. I feel his pain every time he opens his mouth to complain, you know what these men patients are like? The smell of deep heat is driving me mad!

    Big hugs xxx

  3. Desk looks pretty good to me Sam! I was checking out all those blender tools and stamps! Love me some stamps. Have a great time at the get together this week. Vickie #41

  4. Hey Hettie (aka Sam),

    Your desk looks mighty creative to me. Oh, and I so wish I could be with you all on Saturday. Too bad I hadn't thought of skyping in..... but I don't know how to do that kind of thing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #126

  5. Your desk isn't that bad!! You can still see a square inch of table top *grin*
    I like the little picture frame you posted earlier, that's co sweet - would make a nice card too.
    I have tidied up the long room which doubles as my sewing room/guest room, so you don't have to sleep amidst my detritus!
    Hugs, LLJ #50 xx

  6. Oh, sorry to hear you have injured your ankle :( Sounds like you are a trooper though and will carry on anyway! Have fun at the WOYWW crop, that will be a good time! I hope someone will be taking lots of pictures!!
    xoxo Karen

  7. Ooh, sock monkey (want one) watching over what is happening. Just below him there is a container with what look like AI's in - it reminds me of something. And you have one of those lovely lights for your desk. Envy.
    Envy too at you going to the crop - hope everyone has a safe journey there and back - enjoy.
    Hugs, Neet 29 xx (new follower)

  8. Bring everything you can - I still can't decide! Two more sleeps :) Hugs, Di xx

  9. I like your style, Sam, a medicinal Baileys, definitely a good idea. I hope your poorly ankle starts to improve very soon.
    I'm very envious that your are off to the WOYWW crop. I want to hear all about it next week. Have lots of fun.
    Hugs Lisax

  10. I am feeling so sad that I can't join in on Saturday...I would so love to meet you all....but I shall be partying it with little Steve at his first birthday party. I shall be with you all in spirit and will enjoy seeing all the pics when you get back.
    A x #68

  11. Hi Hettie hope the Baileys helped, hick!
    Really green about the crop, I'd love to meet up with everyone but living so far north and working Saturdays it wasn't to be.
    Your desk looks super busy, have fun.
    Hugs Erika. 96

  12. Good grief Charlie Brown . . . what a mess . . . I think I'll pop round on Saturday while you're out enjoying yourself and tidy everything up. My inner neat freak is in turmoil looking at this picture!


  13. Have lots of fun at the crop and take lots of photos for us - we need to see you all! x Jo

  14. Lots going on with your desk Hettie and glad you were late - made me feel less guilty about being the same.
    Enjoy the crop, wish I could be there.
    As for the Baileys, I can't make my mind up if I prefer it room temperature or over ice, have to have another glass or three to make my mind up.

    Ann B

  15. Take care of your ankle, don't try to do too much too soon. Your inky project is beautiful, such lovely colours. Thank you for your visit this week - there is no need to worry, I am sure the untidy part of me will creep back. Have a great time at the crop this weekend. xx Maggie #88

  16. Delicious workspace - crowded with crafty stash and creativity! Hope you have a great time at the crop... belated happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  17. I wish I could join your crop on Saturday...Have fun everyone! Your desk looks just fine to me. I love the caddy for your AI's...but hmmm, I'm not sure you have room for a big white really does take up a bit of space! (its the spinning area ratio that is never accounted for! LOL!)

  18. have a great time on Saturday - do tell us about it next week ! Ali #47

  19. See you on Saturday... I'll be the one with the bulging rucksack...

  20. Oh, yes, a Bailey's is definitely in order and I find it makes cleanup so much more enjoyable!!

    Have a blast on Saturday! And take it easy on that ankle! I'm so jealous!! Well, not of your bad ankle, of course - you know what I mean! Darnell #26

  21. You certainly don't travel light do you, not surprised Monkey was concerned he was going to get forgotten! Yep, ate the cake, thinking about making lemon/blueberry next! And no, none for you either, I think you've had enough! Took me ages to colour that sock, I was so out of practice!

    Brenda 1

  22. OK...this is the FIRST desk I've seen that remotely resembles mine own. And I still got more mess cluttered atop mine, than you do here! But you're getting close....Thks for sharing, and now I don't feel quite so 'messy'.


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx