
Saturday 8 September 2012

Who's That Girl...Layout & Kinda Funny Tale..

Hello Friends

I know, I know, I have been such a ba-a-a-d blogger this last week!  Apologies for that and I will try better this week.  OK?!  To be honest I haven't had much opportunity to do much crafting this last week.  I went to Lesley's to do some crafting on Tuesday, however, I left the cutting mat on my Cricut behind so couldn't finish it off, nor could I let Lesley have a play with my Cricut.  Wednesday I was up extra early to go to London, and Fergus came too, there will be pictures just as soon as I find Hubby's camera, Thursday I was sooo tired as we didn't get back from London until 11.45pm, so I had to play catch up with housie things, and Friday night I spent working on my quilt.  More about that on Wednesday.

I did finish off my layout on Thursday night and I thought I would share it with you......

Have you guessed who it is yet......?!  Not the normal kind of "photo" but this silhouette has been in a frame, in a box for some years now, not really having anywhere to hang it.  So I decided why not give it a new lease of life and put it somewhere where it will be seen.  It does have memories attached to it.  The papers were from a kit, and though I have used some of the elements, it has been substantially altered.  It was the papers I really liked, hence why I chose to use them. 
I was on holiday with my parents in France (my last holiday with my parents too) and Dad had taken ill when we got to Vannes. So instead of watching Dad be unwell all day, Mum and I took a taxi ride into Vannes, Brittany for a wander round. It was a lovely typical French town, with lots of narrow cobbled streets and a beautiful Church.  There was a man cutting out silhouettes of buildings, doggies and people,  and Mum and I were fascinated with how he worked with just a piece of paper and a small pair of scissors.  Mum asked him to do my silhouette.  
Now here is the "kinda funny tale".

After we had had some lunch, walked around the pretty church we eventually wandered back to the place where the taxi had dropped us off only to find there were no taxis waiting.  Me being my usual "magpie" self had taken a business card from the taxi and on it was the telephone number of the taxi firm.  As luck would have it there was a telephone box nearby.  So I proceeded to make a telephone call.  Now let me explain something. I had taken French at school and had a CSE exam coming up in French.  However, although I could quite competently write an essay in French.....I couldn't actually speak it very well.  The language booths at school were never in good working order and our French teacher didn't take the time to ensure that we could speak the language, only write it as that was all the CSE exams required.  So here Mum and I were in a phone booth, in the middle of France talking to a taxi man who could not speak English.  Not only that we had no idea what the name of the road was that we were on, nor did we know what that big building was that was in the middle of the square.  To say I was sweating profusely was an understatement.  However, struggle I did and I guessed that the building was a Town Hall and from my description of the building and the fact that it was on a square piece of ground, sure enough, a few minutes later a taxi turned up for "Mademoiselle Whyman"!!  Hurrah!  Thank goodness for Blackberry mobile phones these days ey!!

A few days later, Mum decided to test my French again by making me ask for three strawberry ice creams - I had absolutely no problem with that request!!  Funny that!!

Thanks for popping by.  I promise I will be a better blogger this week!  Pinky promise!

Please leave me a message so I know you have been by.




  1. I love your story!! Such a beautiful layout! Love your choice of papers and the stitching. Very retro!

  2. You are an intrepid explorer aren't you!

    Great layout and fun tale.

    Happy Sunday.

    Sarn xxx

  3. We were in the Monet Market and had our sillohettess done too. That was years ago mind. Fascinating to watch them with those sissors they go so fast and turn the papers this way and that . They're amazing likenesses . Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Brilliant layout Sam with such a sweet silhouette and such a super tale, the girl done good with the taxi!

    But, how come you've been swanning around this week - I thought there was construction work to be done?!

    Hugs, Di xx

  5. Great story to go with this layout and you will remember everytime you look at it now that the silhouette is out and not hidden away! Lovely!
    xoxo Karen

  6. Hi Sam, What a wonderful LO and story, I love reading about your holidays, very brave using the phone and talking to the French Taxi driver, fearless that's what you are :0)
    Gorgeous papers and what memories everytime you see this lovely page :0) Gay x


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx