
Monday 10 September 2012

Twinchie Card - Tempus Fugit

Hello Friends

I wanted to send a card to my Aunt and Uncle, not seen them for a while and I want to pop by and see them next month, so I thought I would make a lickle Twinchie card.  I thought the "Tempus Fugit" stamp (free from Craft Stamper magazine) was quite appropriate in the circumstances! 
Some Snippets including Basic Grey, some "lace" I made for a project and Bazzill cardstock all out of my Snippets boxes (yes I have more than one box of Snippets) so I can take this into the Playground whilst Teacher is still on her "Teacher Training"!!   The dandelion stamp and flower are from Hero Arts and the Hello is an SU stamp.  There are also some Perfect Pearls but not that you can see in this photo.  My favourite technique of spritz and flick in evidence here too! (Sorry it is not the best photo but I took it under electric light!  The card is white honest!)

Thanks for visiting and please sign in so I know you have been here.




  1. Wow! Gorgeous card! Love the purple and that pretty stamp. the background looks great with the water droplet technique. So elegant!

  2. oh Sam this is really, really, REALLY (got it??) gorgeous love it - of course am totally biased as love mauve..yet to do a twinchie though but must try it one day.. God bless, Shaz in oz.x

  3. Fabulous Sam - mauve is now my second favourite colour after pink :) Not tried a Twinchie yet though. Am feeling ready to have a play in the craft room - itchy fingers here :) Hugs, Di xx

  4. Great use of snippets for your lovely feminine card!!


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx