
Friday 13 April 2012

Friday Snippets - Mandy's card

Hello Peeps!  Happy Friday to One and All and here's hoping you all have a GREAT weekend lined up!!

It is Friday night so that means I get to go down to the Snippets Playground.  Sorry Miss Di, I am afraid I only have one Snippet card to show you tonight as I have been rather tied up (not literally Di!) with a project for my Lovely Hubby who's birthday it is on Monday.  Due to him having to work on Monday we are celebrating his birthday tomorrow (bit like the Queen with two birthdays!), so I have been shut in my room and he has been under strict instructions NOT to come in!

On Tuesday it was my dear Buddy Mandy's birthday so I made a card for her.  Some elements of her card was Snippets (chipboard Flutterbies, the flower and purple card behind the sentiment) so I am entering it into Di's Snippets Challenge.  I hope you like and approve......

The sentiment inside was one which was sent to me by another Dear Buddy.  You know who you are my Dear!  Poor Mandy had a very purple themed birthday as it was her I had made the Purple box for HERE which I had filled in with some lovely ribbons.  I also bought her a plant to which I had tied a garland of butterflies (can you see a trend to the colour scheme?) which is now in her daughter's bedroom.  Just as well Mandy likes purple ey!!

Right.  I can just about smell my sausages sizzling downstairs so had better go down and eat them before the birthday boy bangs on the ceiling downstairs with a broom handle!  The kitchen is directly under my Craft Room!!

Have a great weekend and don't forget you have until Saturday night to join in at the Snippets Playground.  See you on the roundabout.  I will be wearing the chicken wellies as it is a little damp here!!




  1. Snort, sure you weren't tied up? I thought you'd been a bit quiet! Stunning card 'ere young lady - love the purples and of course the flutterbys. Am off to bed now, bit shattered after the past few days but will be hopping around doing the roll call tomorrow morning no doubt, ready for Sunday!

    Hope Hubby enjoys all his birthdays!


  2. Those butterflies are fab! M x

  3. Those butterflies are rather fab. Gorgeous colours. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Lovely! Oh, I love butterflies and your background! Sausages sound wonderful right now! Yum!

  5. What a gorgeous card. I love butterflies and love your choice of colours too.
    In reply to your comment on my blog.....that was exactly why I commented about pants....I see and hear all sorts while I'm doing fittings for wedding dresses here and lots of them say they wont be wearing them!! All I can say is.....chilly!! :-)
    A x

  6. Super inky and delightful card with a fab front sentiment. Rather partial to the inside one too!!!!!

    Have a Happy Birthday weekend xxx

  7. Gorgeous card Sam! I love butterflies and love your lovely color combo.
    Great Sentiments inside and out!

  8. You might only have managed one card but it is a good 'un. Really pretty and fresh. Thank you for your visit to my snippets and your kind comments. xx Maggie

  9. Yes folks this card sure is beautiful! I am lucky to have a very talented buddy that makes me such beautiful cards each year. The purple does actually look slightly more pinky than bluey. Suits me fine as I love pink! Thank you again hun for such a stunning card xxx


Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx