
Tuesday 20 March 2012

We Wanna Be Together - Scrapbook Layout - Layout Tuesday

Hello Lovely Crafters

I was having a think the other day - yes, it did hurt.  And I thought of putting regular "feature" spots on my blog.  A lot of people I know have them so it was high time I had them too and it would help me remember what I am up to on my blog!!  So my plan is Tuesday Layout, WOYWW on Wednesday of course, and Snippets on Fridays.  Hope you are with me and I hope you approve of my lickle plan.

So.  Can anyone remember the advert?  "I wanna be a tree". "We wanna be together".  Those were two of the lines and I think it may have been insurance.  Now that is going to bug me!!

So on to the layout........

I completed this layout last month at the Pennally Scrapbooking class.  

The subject as you regulars to my blog will know is my dear Hubby and our lickle dog Dobby.  
When I was going to the class I took several photographs which I thought would be suitable only to find that this one was the best suited for colours and title.  
Simon was poorly one night, which is very unusual for him, and so he crept downstairs to sleep in the spare room so as not to keep me awake nor infect me.  Nurse Dobby went with him.  I crept down in the morning and could not resist taking a photograph of the two of them in bed Together!

Unfortunately I do not know what papers they were, only the punch is a Martha Stewart punch all over the page and we used several punches for the flowers, a great favourite of Penny's!!  I still have the second layout of the day to complete (I had to skip home on account of going on holiday the next day, and I hadn't packed!).  The strips may be in the bag so if they are I will add them to this posting!

TTFN - off to take some piccies of my desk ready for tomorrow's Blog Hop!



  1. What a FAB layout and papers hon. Terrific.

  2. I love that you are going to do weekly features. Looking forward to all you have to share. Your layout is lovely. I love the circle and flowers.

  3. Lol I so remember that advert. Great page xxx

  4. OMG I laughed so hard at this photo, great LO and I love the colours too.



Thank you so much for leaving me a message and making me smile today. Happy Crafting Hugs to you. Hettie xxx